A NEVADA brothel that specialises in extraterrestrial fantasies has added futuri

CJKent (Banned)“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Alien Cathouse is offering bonk bots alongside its “Cosmic Kittens’ for customers with fetishes that courtesans might not be interested in”.
last commentKnowing Nevada, they probably think $500 an hour with a robot is a reasonable price. Best to just buy one for home use.
But can it cook?
And keep you warm - even when the power is out?
^lot of girls these days ain't doing that stuff anyway 😂
If one gets into my organization, dolled up stripper grade hotties will be pussy saturating them 365 days per year. They will be completely bonobo, climbing over each other to get your load.
And then you can be part of the team that gives the newbies their "sex slave" initiation.
But once initiated the idea of a woman sex slave will no longer make any sense, as it will be you who is their sex slave.
I think the idea of sex robots is not a good one. Wrong way to solve a non-existent problem. Women have a much higher sexual capacity than men do. So if it were not for patriarchy, we would all already be living in a bonobo camp.
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"I think the idea of sex robots is not a good one. Wrong way to solve a non-existent problem. Women have a much higher sexual capacity than men do. So if it were not for patriarchy, we would all already be living in a bonobo camp."
We don't live in a patriarchal society anymore though. So why aren't we having orgies in the street?
We do still live in a patriarchal society. Men still control the vast majority of government, finance, and industry.
Women are still looked down upon for their sexual experience, whereas with a man it is the opposite.
Women are still expected to adhere to a standard of monogamy, where as men are not. Still a double standard.
So women get divided into two categories.
Change these things and we can look forward to orgies in the street.
For now, that will have to be relegated to SJG's temples.
During my last conversation with rickthealien he strongly advised against fucking robots. He feels that the sexiest anal probing is best achieved with organic life forms.
At least I think that is what he said. I had just arrived so I was pretty toasted on driving cocktails. I may have been talking to a fire hydrant that the dugan and the vulture dressed up in a suit. Regardless, that alien or fire hydrant or whatever was really into the anal probing. And as a rick I can respect that. As long as it is anal probing of sexy female hairless apes. Amiright or amiright?