
In Mexico we don't Celebrate so called Thanksgiving

I Doubt real Native Americans celebrate it either .


  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Why are you so angry
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    SJG can fill us in on the History
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ We all know the history but you are judging things by today’s standard, if you apply tomorrow’s standards to the world we live in today, you’ll always find things wrong.
    Why not eat drink and take a little pleasure out of what is available.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    There’s “history” then there’s History.

    At the time of the Pilgrim’s arrival, much of New England was depopulated because of the brutal tactics of the Iroquois.

    “a typical Iroquois celebration that would cap off a war raid on their fellow Indigenous Peoples:

    "The village was alive with sudden commotion, and snatching sticks and stones, knives and hatchets, men, women and children, yelling like fiends let loose, swarmed out of the narrow portal, to visit upon the captives a foretaste of the deadlier torments in store for them .... [W]ith brandished torch and firebrand, the frenzied multitude closed around their victim. The pen shrinks to write, the heart sickens to conceive, the fierceness of [the captive's] agony ... The work was done, the blackened trunk was flung to the dogs, and, with clamorous shouts and hootings, the murderers sought to drive away the spirit of their victim."

    The Iroquois, he writes, "reckoned these barbarities among their most exquisite enjoyments."
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I cooked your dinner op...


    Hope you are hungry
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Agree with Twentyfive. Nemesisk7 what the fuck happened to you? Two years ago all you cared about was TJ and spreading the word that TJ and Mexico was excellent, and US clubs sucked in comparison. Now you just seem pissy about everything.

    Thanksgiving the holiday may have originated from something shitty, but I think the theme is something anyone can get behind. Simply giving thanks for all that you have, along with your family, friends. A break from work, a carefree day with family that you sometimes hardly get a chance to see. Enjoying drinks and football and anything else. It's actually my favorite holiday.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    ^^^ rite
  • ime
    5 years ago
    Its Thanksgiving so Christmas movies will start running 24/7 soon. This homo nemesisk movie is "It's A Miserable Life".
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    In American we don’t celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day, so what’s your point?

    Now get back in your she shed, Nemesisk
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    Did you know that in America, we don't celebrate Algerian Independence Day?
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    ^ You mean different countries have different holidays? Oh no.
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    I will celebrate any holiday. I drink to that!
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
  • nemesisk7
    5 years ago
    Celebrate Cinco de mayo .
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