
New Discussion Format Is Much Improved

Evil Lair
The previous format took too much clicking to check out all of the discussions rooms. Not that there was ever much to see in any of the rooms except the Front Room--it seemed like the VIP and Verified rooms would go days without any activity. It's not real obvious how to post a new discussion, though. It took me a few minutues to realize you had to click on "More Discussion Groups," then enter a room to post a new discussion. There should probably be a link to post a new discussion on the main discussion page, with a drop down to select a room. But it's still much improved. Thanks Founder.


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    From what I can tell one still has to do the same # of clicks to read the other discussion groups
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    If you click on 'all discussions' then you read the most recent threads of all the groups, even the dancers forum. Of course, you being able to access each thread depends on your status as VIP, verified, dancer, etc.

    It seems that the 'all discussions' list is the default list now.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Oh - hadn't noticed "Discussions" lists threads in all the groups
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    A useful mod would be to be able to see Unpublished Reviews in Quick View
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Not sure I see the point honestly
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I agree doctorevil. I didn't like all of the separate rooms.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Oh, they are still there. But you can now look at them all together if you want. I'll take it.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I like this feature. Anyone can see that something was posted, but only those authorized to be in those rooms can click through. Best of both worlds by giving us a consolidated jumping point while letting those who don't have VIP or aren't Verified a hint of what they cannot participate in.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    The consolidated Discussion area also now includes discussions posted on club webpages. Very nice addition.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... Anyone can see that something was posted, but only those authorized to be in those rooms can click through ..."

    The 2nd-part of that statement didn't come ro mind till you mentioned it.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes, one click to look for the newest posts is far easier.

  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    I like the fact there are both options.

    I still go to groups and click the discussion areas I want to frequent.

    I hate the politics discussions so I'm not a fan of having to see them in the larger discussions area.

    I think founder took care of both ends of the spectrum with this change.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    I have to agree. I like this way much better.
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