
Funny how CC99 took over the 'disturbing fetish dude' thread....guess that we di

Exacerbating my sexual frustration on local dancers
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 3:36 PM
Title say it all... WCG


  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Spoiler alert: A guy with really dumb ideas, who doesn't back down, is definitely going to get a lot of attention.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    We treat other accounts as if they are real until they prove their troll credentials, which I think CC did by the end of that thread. So trolls will get one over in the beginning. There's nothing funny about being an Internet troll - it's even more pathetic than the hypothetical 24 year old townie loser chasing after kiddie ass.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Yes well, ideas which shock the majority are always seen as dumb and crazy. Doesn't mean they're wrong. Let me ask you if I had argued for the dirt being yellow? Would you have given me as much attention and spent as long as you did discussing it with me?
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I'd also argue TUSCL secretly loves my controversy sparking posts. Look how dead things became when I left? Like what I say or not I'm an endless source of entertainment and mental stimulation.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    > Doesn't mean they're wrong. And that doesn’t mean they’re right. You’re ridiculous, and I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees what you are.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Oh, God, not endless.... Whoops, scratch that.. But you do seem, ah, different than before your hiatus Just wondering
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Lmao at the pot calling the kettle black FLF? A troll who just trolls other trolls? Talk about pussy trolling. Doesn't take a lot of guts to go after someone other people are already going after. If you wanna score some real points and add to your resume try saying something that you know 90% of the website won't agree with. Your "trolling" is basically "oh mah god, SJG is like, so annoying right? Am I right?" @gSteph How about abundant then? And yes my perspective has changed a lot since before my hiatus. If I may ask, what is it you are wondering about?
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Whoa, no need to get all defensive about the wrong thing. I guess I should have been more specific with my comment. I should have said I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees that you’re a guy with really dumb ideas, who doesn't back down. Now that you mention it, I guess the fact that you do all this specifically to cause a stir does make you a troll. Thanks for making that clear.
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    CC99- I am here talk about pussy trolling I just do it at the club rather than at the local high school football games WCG
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    Also SJG is pretty annoying, but his organization does show some potential We need to show our support by all trying to get a FRMOS this weekend I want research reviews WCG
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @FLF I'm sorry, no need to get defensive over the wrong thing. I should be more specific. I should have said that you're just a pussy troll account who thinks that agreeing with the majority and affirming other people's opinions is trolling? Grow some balls nigga.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    > you're just a pussy troll account who thinks that agreeing with the majority and affirming other people's opinions is trolling Thanks for demonstrating how to do the thing where you make a statement that 90% of the board will disagree with > Grow some balls nigga. Idk what to say about that. It’s so awkward. A little too much cringe, even for CC
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    You are so right as usual rick my friend. Trolls are the worst! It is a well known fact that a large proportion of internet trolls are female zebras. I think I see stripes when I read CC’s posts. Here’s the thing: I FUCKING HATE ZEBRAS!!!! ROAR!!! ROAR!!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    What a carefree existence it must be to live the life of an Internet troll. --- For starters, they aren't encumbered by things like spouses and children. Heck, they probably never make it past a few dates with anyone, so they aren't bogged down by LTRs either. --- They aren't plugging away under the weight of heavy duty jobs, since of course they have the time to troll an Internet site. --- They aren't bogged down by other social commitments, since someone who finds trolling an Internet site to be funny probably has few people pressing upon them for time. --- They don't even another heavy duty hobby competing for their time, since their personality types generally don't lend well to enjoying the success of others (such as sports teams) or the solitude of their own thought (necessary for many hobbies). Now some might consider this a pretty bleak existence, but idk. On a day like today, with obligations pressing on me from multiple fronts, I can see the allure having nothing to do other than pass the time between Meals on Wheels deliveries. 😉
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    —>”I’d also argue TUSCL secretly loves my controversy sparking posts.“ You’re giving yourself far more credit than merited
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Glad to see you showing some personal growth CC No we really don’t give a fuck
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    @CC > what are you wondering about? " my passion is about is shocking sensitivity fags" "grow some ball, n****" Shit like this Used to be different, is all I'm saying It's a free country/internet so do as you will - but - is this the look you - really - want? Getting laid when I was young and hurting for it used to mellow me out for a while. You seem, ah, hardened. Best wishes
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Oh that? The effects of that are long gone. That was like 2-3 months ago now? @TwentyFive Who said anything about personal growth? I'm basically just fucking around here.
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