“In recent decades, Native Americans and other groups have protested the celebra
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
“This colonization experience continue to have effect today as ethnic rivalry, the uneven distribution of resources, human-rights violations, and lack of good governance...”
Title couldn’t say it all.
Title couldn’t say it all.
- Robert Lee Frost (Poet)
- Born: March 26, 1874
- San Francisco, California, US
- Died: January 29, 1963 (aged 88)
- Boston, Massachusetts, US
A good CJ ape thread should make Skifredo so upset that he can’t even spell. Given that Skifredo is a barely literate moron that isn’t very hard. Come on CJ ape, sometimes ricks just wanna laugh. Up your game. ROAR!!!
Giving one's enemies diseases on purpose is detestable (it would be called germ warfare now) but mostly it just happened.
An interested reader could read "Guns, germs, and steel ", a book of why Europeans conquered much of the world instead of some other people.
Besides guns and steel, they had better germs.
This country, this continent, are not for Whites only.
Maybe he’ll learn that less is more, shut the fuck up, and just listen to his betters (i.e., the ricks). ROAR!!!
Kind of sounds like might makes right to me. A might makes right kind of world would be an awful place to live in.
On the other hand, it does make this member of the esteemed council of ricks chuckle. Heh...heh...heh...roar!!!
Let's assume that everything you said was 100% true and that white men were essentially a cancer on the Americas.
Is the host of this cancer not... Pretty much dead at this point? If white men were to evacuate the Americas and go back to Europe, the population of the United States would be 7 million and very unevenly distributed.
So what's the point of continuing to be pissed off about something that nobody can do anything about now? So our ancestors were dickheads, what do you want us to do about it? Continuously self-flagellate and feel sorry for things we didn't do?
Watch out for that brkdge next sniper...it may be our last SJG post
Trick question: if you hired skifredo as a lawyer you’d go to jail. I know that skifredo claims to be a divorce lawyer, so you might as why you’d go to jail in a divorce case. Simple: you’d be jailed on a charge of contempt. Why? What else would you expect if you hired a half-boiled crab as your lawyer. ROAR!!!
I know, I know. You’ll sputter and claim you’re insulting me. But it is clear you’re obsessed with me.
Well, you may want me, but I won’t oblige. First, I don’t swing towards the gents. I’d advise you to pursue mauricethelion, but he’s out of you’re league. I’d offer to go wildebeest on you and end your suffering, but you aren’t worth the energy.
Not to mention the fact that reading your moronic posts makes me chuckle. Why would I want that to end. ROAR!!!
You obviously think people make fun of you because they’re progressives. You’re wrong. We make fun of you because you’re a barely literate moron and that makes you a constant source of humor. Your sophomoric political beliefs, such as they are, are completely orthogonal to your stupidity.
You’re not really a conservative because you don’t understand the underlying philosophy. You’re just a sad little fredo that jacks off to pictures of Dick Cheney because you think that’s what cool kids do!
I can’t muster a threatening roar because you’re the kind of worthless coward that would piss himself when I burp. So....burp!