hotel construction noise...

avatar for Jascoi
presently there is Construction noise on the sixth floor of Cascada where they are expanding the seventh floor Penthouse area over the older part of the hotel. and there's construction noise over the older part of the rizo that really affects the second floor. in both cases the construction seems to start about 7 AM or even might be 8 AM and they haven't been doing any construction at night. Wednesday night in my room the air conditioning at Rizo did not work but it wasn't too bad... but yeah i was a bit on the warm side when I took a girl arriba there...😅
Monday and Tuesday night I had a room on the third floor of Cascada in the newer area and I still slept like a baby.


last comment
Can confirm they had construction at 7:30AM, ugh.
Heavy construction noise on 5th FL all day 9a-6p since Feb.
Both hotels under construction at the same time.

Maybe need then to try out the Playboy Bar!

:) :) :)

playboy bar is a 99% chance of being disappointed. (imho.)
People say things like that. But sounds like that is where the chicas are most aggressive about DFKing.

sjguy. my offer of being your tour guide in zona norte still stands.
(you can tip me in excess as you see and experience the possibility’s of tj.)
Thanks for the offer, but sorry, I cannot accept at this time.

And also I don't see TJ the way that you do.

There're still some construction noise during the lockdown months. They've built a new reception area on 3rd FL to cater one-arriba guests. Rooms on 7th FL still don't have deadbolt installed nor soap dispensers.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
5 years ago
That's a bit of good news... it was always a pain to check in when there were an appreciable number of guys going to a short time room.
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