So as the title says, I'm definitely a Newbie, so forgive the basic questions.
Went to my local club, my first strip club trip ever. I had about 80 bucks, and just wanted to see what it was like. My questions arise, as I have no previous experience to compare this to.
I paid the entry fee, and bought the 'mandatory' drink, and sat down. Place was packed, and it didn't take long for several dancers to come up and ask if I wanted a dance.
I decided on one hot piece of ass, who was very forward. She stood out quite a bit from the others. Lots of hands running along my arms and whispers and giggles in my ear.
This club has a side area for lap dances, with rows of high-backed chairs. Not private, but not public either.
During the dance, the lap dance mind you, multiple times she would run her hands firmly over my member that was pretty obviously hard as a rock in my pants. She would run her hands over my thighs and crotch, then continue with the dance. It was fucking heavenly, especially as she held eye contact the whole time.
My instinct tells me this was special treatment. Was it? Is that par for the course during simple lap dances? I was a little high off the first-time experience so I stuck with her and didn't get any dances from anyone compare.
My other question would be was this a signal that she wanted to sell extras in the VIP area? I'm not necessarily interested in that, as I'm scared to death of a prostitution charge, but the extra effort was fantastic.
Additionally, how common really are extras in the VIP? I realize it depends on the club. This club online says it has a "private VIP area," and "New VIP curtain rooms." Not sure the difference, and I didn't get a good look while I was there. Definitely going back though.
I realize this comes off as "young kid got excited when hot girl touched his junk," but I don't care, that's basically what happened haha.
last commentFWIW my ATF DS down here in Portland does OTP stick shifting regularly with me and she also dances at Kittens on rare occasions. She would definitely do the same thing up there as she does here. I've had the same treatment at downtown Seattle Deja Vu. For Seattle it's not that uncommon.
A strip club is not the place to go in not knowing your shit especially if one is contemplating VIP, one can really be taken to the cleaner$, those girls are in the club day in day out sometimes for years and many have clueless horny newbs for lunch (analogous to going to buy a car and dealing with a salesman and you don't know anything about the car or car-buying).
You should educate yourself about the clubs you visit by reading some TUSCL reviews of those clubs so you know the deal (what goes on and the going rate) - you need TUSCL VIP to read reviews - you get VIP by paying for a month, or writing a good review that gets accepted and published.
You’ve been a member since July, went out to your first club the other day, and now you want the full club intel? Share your insight by providing a review. Don’t use names, but tell us about the club, drink prices, club layout, etc.
I’m pretty sure you are trolling us - or you are trying to get intel on a dancer or club.
Not trying to troll, I joined in July and lurked to learn, then I had a past a few weeks back about what's a good first time club in my area. Someone said kittens so that's where I went. So more than "the other day" I guess. I'll have to leave a review.
I don't want to get taken to the cleaner$, hence posting here. I'm sure I have 'guy you can take advantage of' written all over me.
So to confirm, OTP stick shift is special (mostly), but not necessarily a hint at more?
I want you to check out this article by . Really good for a new guy. I’m not perfect either but reading shit on here will probably save you a lot money, headache and heartache.…
The first thing to know is that strip-clubs are bizarro-world - you can pretty-much throw-out-the-window anything you know w.r.t. civilian-women (or you may not know) - strip clubs are busine$$, not dating - i.e. too-many guys treat the dancers, or go in the club with the mindset, of treating the girls like they would in the civilian-world and that is often when they get taken advantage of - most custies are oblivious and go in w/ a mindset as if they were in a singles-bar whereas the avg dancer goes in w/ business and only business in mind, and while an inexperienced custy thinks he's just having a nice time w/ a dancer/woman "that seems into him" the dancer all the time is just sizing him up. I mention this b/c inexperienced newbies often ask the "what do you think 'X' means" (X usually being something a dancer thus).
With rare exceptions, anything a dancer, or club does, is for one thing and one thing only, to get you to spend all your $$$ with the dancer/club - it's 99.9% salesmanship with rare exceptions - it's the dancer's job to lead you own and inflate your ego and make you feel like you are George Clooney and that she's really into you, but she's just doing her job and most newbie custies are not used to women coming unto to them "in the real world" and either don't know how to react or often times read it wrong - in strip-club bizarro-world up-is-down and down-is-up; i.e. in strip-club bizarro-world the women come onto the men and the men/custies do the choosing (but they come onto you to sale dances or VIP) - just remember it's all business/salesmanship, as we say around here strip clubs are not a girlfriend supermarket nor the place to go find a date.
No - you are not special so it wasn't special treatment - i.e. if she does it w/ you 99.9% chance she does that w/ every custy; it's her sales M.O. - just like not all custies act the same-way, nor do all dancers - some do more, some do less - as w/ most sales-jobs, some salespeople are real-go-getters and go the extra-mile to close a sale, and some half-ass-it and are not as good.
So you loved the experience - that's the fucking point - to get you to like it so you buy/spend more and just as importantly come back to see her (which you may already be thinking about) - thus it had the desired busine$$ effect.
In most clubs the girls will go as far as the club or local-ordinances allow - a girl doing X to/for you, or allowing you to do X to her, it's part of the *business* of strip-clubbing, not that "she's into you" or "likes you better" and only does that with you - again w/ rare exceptions it's all business - no matter what they say, most of them already have a BF/S.O. and don't go to the club to hook up w/ a guy, they go in to make $$$ they want and need and 99.9% of the time that is their only motivation and the only thing on their mind and many will do what they have to to make that $$$.
In a strip-club you don't have to "wonder" - it's not a fucking date where you "have to wonder what signals she's sending you" - again it's not dating, it's business - 99.9% of what she does is to try to empty your wallet - it's her job, it's the game - all she does, is to get you to buy dances or VIP; her rubbing your junk is not b/c "you turned her on so much" - if you want extras, just ask - letting her lead the interaction will often be to your detriment and why one should learn about strip-clubs prior to spending big-bucks in them so one does not get ripped-off - you are not gonna "offend her" by asking for what you want - it's a sexual-environment and they get asked for sex all the time.
w.r.t. her rubbing your junk and what it means - who knows - again some dancers go farther than others - for some dancers they do that to get you to buy more dances, for some is to get you riled-up for extras/VIP - not every dancer does things the same and "wondering what her actions mean" is a fool's errand and counter-productive - if you want VIP/extras, ask her if she does them - that's the only way you'll know for sure although some dancers are more-forward and will proposition custies - again it's business - you are spending $$$ for a service - and as in most business transactions both parties need to be clear on the terms - that is what strip-clubs and extras are about, coming to an understanding and not "wondering" - "wondering" doesn't get you much and often gets you an empty-wallet w/ not much to show for it - trust me, she's not "wondering" what's going-on, she does what she does w/ a purpo$e and for a de$ired effect.
You should bring more, but that's up to you.
"My instinct tells me this was special treatment. Was it?"
Nope. She's a higher mileage dancer, which is great, but not special to you.
"My other question would be was this a signal that she wanted to sell extras in the VIP area?"
Maybe. You'd have to ask her. And be specific about it.
"Additionally, how common really are extras in the VIP?"
Depends on the city.
Depends on the club.
Depends on the dancer.
That's why you have to ask her. And be specific about it.
I think you misunderstood me. By "Special" I meant that my gut tells me not to expect that from every dance I get from every girl. I may be new, but I'm not stupid enough to think she likes me. I'm just wondering how repeatable this is. That's all. But great answers nonetheless.
I think you’re overthinking things just play in the sandbox you like and stay within your means you should be fine.
As for having sex with strippers you really need to get a lot more experience before you try to do that. Otherwise you will get ripped off. But if the little head refuses to be patient, insist upon an exact description of what she will do in the VIP and never settle for vague promises of a “good time.” Every stripper that has ever promised me a “good time” has never provided the kind of good time that all guys want.