Useful Spanish phrases?

avatar for BudWeedGuy
Hello fellow deviants. Any Spanish phrases that you experienced guys would suggest having learned up before going? Obviously the more you know the better and we are using duolingo to learn the basics. We have actually both learned a lot in the last month or so. I just wanted to know if there is a good set of phrases I should be able to understand and speak. I'm sure other PLs could benefit from this type of info.


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Basics include:

May I buy you a drink?

How much to go upstairs in dollars?

How much time will you stay?

Learn your numbers.

Note: whatever price they quote you is for covered full service but you may want to ask nicely if that includes servicing both of you.
avatar for nemesisk7
6 years ago
Never been to Mexico ?
avatar for nemesisk7
6 years ago
Its not just Spanish You have to learn the Mexican dialect . I dont have that problem
No I've never been. Thanks cristobal that is useful as always.
Donde esta el bano ?
Very good Warrior15 :) :) :)

By the time I get there I'll be able to reasonably carry on a Spanish conversation with the girls. Even if it has to come down the girl's English sometimes, I'll later be able to show her stuff written bilingual, on paper, and at least it will be clear that I am trying to learn. And I live everyday immersed in the Mexican dialect right now.

I still say that the language barrier is one of the reasons the girls are so DFK amenable.


I speak Spanish but not the Mexican dialect and I can carry on conversations.

Also, there are local dialects but do not worry about those.


Just learn a few basic phrases and numbers and you should be fine.

Also, there are BGs who speak passable English, so you could always ask a mesero to bring you an English speaking BG (for a small tip).

I know a lot of Spanish words. But no way can I carry on a conversation in Spanish. I don't even try when I'm in Hong Kong. I don't have any problem communicating with the girls. I'm guessing about half of the girls can speak enough English to have a passable conversation. But even the ones that don't really know any English, they know enough to do the negotiation. All of them understand "Upstairs, Eighty Dollars" very well.

And if you need a translations, grab one of the Mesero's. Or put Google Translate on your phone.

I connected with some hotties during my last trip there by asking them these questions:

¿Podemos participar en una sesión de besos en la sala?

¿Te gustaría unirte a la organización que estoy construyendo?
thank God for Google translate. and for the second question...all I got to say is...

ja! ja! ja!

avatar for Fridiculous
6 years ago
Want to go arriba= "Tengo el Sida"
(tango el see-dah)
You look lovely = "Eres tan naca wey" (Air-Ace tahn nah-cah way.

@Fridi - Dirty dog!
How do you say "Word" in Spanish?
Como se dice "word" en espanol?


Overnight, all night
Toda la noche

Do you have diseases?
Tu tienes enfermedades

I have no diseases.
No tengo enfermedades


I would pretend not to understand "propina (tip)".
If you want more than just sex, you should offer a propina, like if you want to spend another 30 minutes in the jacuzzi with her (or in advance of the sex).
There is a book called D!rty Spanish by Juan Caballero (which appears to be his real name). He is a doctoral candidate in comparative literature. Sex talk. Insults. Slang. All the Spanish a monger needs to know, at least in TJ. He even breaks down the local dialects.

And there is always the option for watching Latin porn.
Tahoe, do you maintain electronic communications with your TJ BG's? Cell Phone Text, What's App?

In Spanish?

Countryman has posted much about such continuing communications, and then of course of the subsequent follow on visits.

SJG Yes. Some in Spanish. Some in English. Only about 20 percent of the girls I communicate with are fluent enough in English to read and write the language. I don't have much fluency in Spanish myself. I have taken a few courses and use apps like DuoLingo to practice and learn new words as time allows. (And it is fun to teach girls English words while I learn Spanish words for their body parts.) Google Translate is my best friend. Basic communication is easy enough, but for complex concepts, Google Translate either in person or over apps. One girl I met was totally fluent in English and was interested in politics, culture, religion, and more. Great fun to be with...unless she had too much to drink, then she went into bitch mode.

WhatsApp is the app of choice. Likely because text messages cost the Mexican girls money. I have family in Europe and there it is the same issue, they are charged per text, and so prefer free applications unless the content is critical. One girl I was seeing was corresponding with me in English. I didn't realize that her English skills were very limited and that she was using GT for my benefit. Sweet thing (and fabulous in bed).

Cut-and-paste from Google Translate. DuoLingo is free and fun to use. I also have Rosetta Stone, because I got it on sale. The benefit of Rosetta Stone is that there is an audio portion to help with pronunciation. The down side is that it is expensive and not mobile. I understand that they have a mobile version, but you have to pay extra for that.
So I take it then that What's App lets your cross border friends communicate for free.

So Google Translate, and DuoLingo, and Rosetta Stone ( not free ).

Yes, I too have much experience, though long ago, with girls looking up words in dictionaries and all. Fun.

I'll be having some things written out in both language is side by side.

I take it that you are doing all of this in TJ via cell phone, not with a lap top computer. I would be concerned about leaving much in the hotel suite.

If she's very hot or beautiful, remember to say this,
"Eres mi hermoso trofeo 😘."
Eres una hermosa diosa quiero besarte todo.
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