The One Hour Rule

avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
On a recent mongering visit to HKTJ I found a very sexy, nerdy bargirl (BG) who provided a great arriba experience so we exchanged numbers and we set up an appointment a week later.

On our second meet, after a few fichas and a snack we went to my room at Rizos, hung out in the jacuzzi and had other fun for almost an hour and a half.

When we returned to HK, the rob guy started giving the BG grief about staying more than an hour in my room.

Is there really a One Hour Rule?

BGs while on the clock stayed in my room 1, 2, 4, or even 8 hours without ever mentioning to me they were reprimanded.

Well it is just another inconvenience to deal with when mongering at HK.


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avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
Hong kong is inconsistent in rules and whatever’s.
avatar for OldGringo
5 years ago
The one hour rule is real. It ties into your unexpected ficha bucket thread. Like Mr. Wonderful said though, it's not always enforced.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

Yes, I think you phrased in another thread:

Inconsistently consistent
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
When I first meet a BG, no matter how much I like her or we get a long, I only stay with her for 30 minutes.

If I like her and set up an appointment usually request more time.

How am I (or other mongerers) supposed to request more than an hour?

I understand that to avoid this I should just set up meeting when they are off the clock but some BGs are not willing to do OTC (though this BG suggested it so that she does not get in trouble).
avatar for OldGringo
5 years ago
If you are taking them arriba during a workshift, first negotiate with the girl and make sure she's willing to stay with you for over an hour.

Then, simply go arriba for over an hour and hope they don't come looking for her or to make you buy a ficha bucket to keep her longer.

It's a roll of the dice. The club may come knock on the door or they may not.

You could also negotiate with the girl for say two hours, but tell her you'll pay her at the end. Then, if they knock at the hour mark and require you to buy a bucket of fichas, you can say no, let the girl leave, and just pay her for an hour.

Days off are best for her, but not always possible.

avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
Rether you see it or not they all get reprimanded if go over an hour unless monger buys a bucket
avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
I get multiple hours easily you have to get a ficha bucket and tip mersero to take it to the room
avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
Hk bg also have a 100 ficha a week quota have been told this many times
avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
To avoid this just buy a bucket helps chica with her quota to
avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
I buy hk bg buckets or bottles and food never have issues do multiple hours all the time
avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
100 for ficha bucket 10 beers or 135 bottle of wine 10 bucks for food. Hk is greedy wants to make there money
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

Good advice, I like the 2nd option better but I doubt I would have enough blood in my head to make a good, rational decision at that moment.

The other thing (which I think management counts on) is I would not want to do a BG wrong.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

Yup, they are greedy.

I just had my first (and only) ficha bucket demand and now an over one hour reprimand.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
It would take me a month to drink 10 beers. Can't we just tip the girl an extra $20 ?
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

The beer sales is for the bar though the BG receives a small comission on ficha sales.

I think I am just going to avoid longer than one hour sessions unless it is an appointment are her day off.

It does not seem worth the trouble.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Cristobal, this is second meeting, so you are seeing the girl by appointment.

The Cascadas is what is on top of the HK bar, so why make her go across the street?

Anyone try Santa Cecilia, at the periphery of the zona?

Seems like you need to get the girl out of the zona, to enjoy longer times with her, that is how it sounds.

These buckets and fichas, going beyond the bar and up to your suite, sounds like a real negative.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

I like staying at Rizos over Cascadas because Rizos is much more quiet, so I can sleep.

When I stay at Cascadas I can feel the music and bass through out the night, making it a very restless sleep.

This was our second meeting, so she wanted to meet at HK, I like to follow her lead.

From my limited experience, it takes a few meets before a BG is willing to do OTC on her day off or miss a day of work for a meet up.

I am not interesting in taking a BG out of the Zona, though there are a few I take out for an evening of dinner, dancing, clubbing, or a movie but this only for BGs who I really enjoy their company not just the arriba experiences.

I like what @oldgringo advised if I want to spend more than one hour with a BG.

Also, if I want to spend more than one hour I will arrange OTC rather than deal with the consistently inconsistent rules of HK.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Maybe that Santa Ceceila, on the periphery, might be good. Just an idea. And close to El Fracaso.

Sounds like you bring quite a bag of stuff in with you. :) :) :)

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
If they are really going to enforce a one hour rule, that makes the Cascadas useless.

Maybe DV TJ, for a first session, then outside the zona for a second session?

avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
They will not knock if you biy a bucket 1 tips to front desk also go a long way. I keep chicas 3 or 4 hours all the time
avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
I tip front desk and security they go out of thier way to accomadate me and my chicas
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

The review of Deja Vu Tijuana are not favorable, I have not been there and I do not plan on visiting anytime soon.

I respectfully disagree that Hotel Cascadas is useless because of the one hour rule.

The vast majority of mongering in TJ is short term.

Even though I enjoy appointments and extended sessions with BGs, there are plenty of times where I only want to take a BG arriba, only 30-60 minutes needed.

There are too many beautiful women in the Zona Norte to limit myself to just one BG.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

You definitely spoil the chicas.

I only spoil the ones I really like.

I could not imagine buying a bucket and asking them to stay 3 or 4 hours to a BG I just met.

But it is different, because when healthy I can visit TJ 4-6 times a month.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
It was the HK Robe Guy who reprimanded the BG for staying over an hour in my room.

Ironically enough, earlier the same day I brought up another BG and she stayed about 2 hours (she feel asleep) but did not get reprimanded.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I would have no objection to passing out money. But I would rather not really buy any buckets.

That Cascadas is made for extended times. like with the Jacuzzi. And the girls need to sleep somewhere. So many people have posted about TLN's, and about bringing in SG.

Sounds like problems are being uncovered.

Still not sure what people don't like about DV TJ.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

The BGs sleep at their hotel rooms throughout the zona, the ones from TJ probably go home, and a few rent small apartaments outside the Zona Norte.

TLNs are certainly possible, I've done them even when the BG was on the clock for HK without buying a ficha bucket, that is until last time we stayed at Cascadas.

I have no first hand experience with SGs.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

I have not visited DVTJ because it is not in the Zona Norte.

Also, the review are mostly negative, as the number and quality of BGs are not up to par with the other clubs but the prices are the same.

Many TUSCL reviewers I trust make it clear it is not worth the time or effort.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^ Yes, I have heard the same.

Maybe there will be more use of DV TJ in times ahead, and guys can do a basic session, then later a TLN. Maybe DV TJ needs to be smoke free, would help.

I hope things get straightened out with the Cascadas, so that people can do TLN's without having to worry about problems.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
Maybe but I doubt it, DVTJ will most likely always be an afterthought to any visit.

Honestly, my observation only, the only way DVTJ competes with the Zona Norte clubs is too hire many more girls and lowers their prices drastically.

The smoking (or smoke free) is a nonissue as HK allows smoking.
avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
Mexican chicas are godesses should be treated as such. I donot buy all my chicas buckets. I spoil only ones i really like 8 am 98 percent gfe witj hk chicas. @ cristobal the chica you seen me with i met in april we had texted everyday that was a setup appointment. Now she wants to meet me outside of zona. I make impressions with the chicas i like. One beautiful spinner left a monger in the middle of a ficha and jumped in my lap because she noticed me.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

I like your style, spoil the ones you like.

Nice, outside the Zona is fun too.

There are plenty of things to do.

Which chica, I saw you with one downstairs when I was leaving, and I saw you with another one upstairs when I was hanging out with a second appointment?

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
So it would be better for DVTJ if they went smoke free.

If you don't mind my asking, what kinds of Cascadas Rooms have you rented when you ran into this 1 hour rule?

The Cascadas has palatial rooms. Can't believe that they hit the occupants of such with a 1 hour rule. Pointless.

And so we get on in age, doing a good job MSOGing one girl is an accomplishment. Can't expect to be wearing out multiple girls.

One hour rule, unexpected ficha buckets, unexpected closures, these are all HK-Cascadas management fuck ups. They spoil the Heaven on Earth Fantasy.

If it gets worse, at least in DV TJ you just have access to the basic session room, so you are the equal of any other monger. Not expecting on site TLN. And how many girls they have would not matter to me, so long as I am going GFE FS with one I like. And then the costs, not very important in the broader scheme of things, as I will be seeing a girl outside regularly.

And then for that second meeting, it would be at some outside hotel.

Reading the posts here about TJ I become more and more convinced that it is just like in the US clubs, people go there and they find what they want to find.

avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
One hour rule is no big deal if you tip a mersero to bring ficha bucket to room keep them as long as youvwant
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
So get friendly with the girl and set up the session. Then tip mersero? Or can you just buy your ficha bucket right then? Have to wait until they bring it up, a delay and a created distraction in your suite?

Then you are okay to stay with the girl as long as you want?

I would of course be giving my girl money, but ficha's? And rather not introduce any alcohol anyways.

avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
Without fichas you cant talk them very long i have had chicas order water or juice it is up to them. You work it out with the chica. You ask the mersero to bring bucket or food or both to room. If a chica does not want to sit with you or go arriba they are not forced. You buy ficha bucket at table. Its not really a delay because no one bothers you after that
avatar for Countryman5434
5 years ago
But pic your own chica if she warms up then buy a bucket of beers.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
The ficha bucket is OK if you plan/play a BG to stay multiple hours but I usually do not.

An hour is usually the most I want to pay, if I want to see her in the future by appointment I will arrange.

But that is just me.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Ficha bucket, if it is just these ficha coupons, and purchased at table, then I don't mind. The house has a right to make money.

Try to steer her towards non-alcohol stuff, best as I can.

I guess house gets a cut of the ficha money, and then the girl gets the rest. Okay by me.

Sounds like they also want you to do that if you take a girl into one of the communal VIP areas, like as might be used for public sex acts. Fine with me.

I am not at this juncture aware of anything deficient about DVTJ, except maybe a bit too pricey, and not as many girls. Neither of these seem like a big deal to me. Money is not that important as I'll be seeing a girl outside. And then I just need one girl at a time, and so long as I like her, nothing else matters.

Now, it is not set up for TLN, as I understand. So you just do your first round with your girl, and then depart from her, and start seeing her outside as soon as convenient. Less than the optimal fantasy scenario, but still very good.

Cristobal, you have posted about your BG's wanting to decide the time and place of your TLN's and OTC sessions. Well maybe it is not that they don't know you well enough, maybe its just cause they want to minimize transportation time and complexity, and then to be able to get back into circulation as quickly as possible. Generally this will be how they get the most money. And they always will be needing a supply of new guys to be able to be doing more OTC.

Maybe better to arrange TLN, but later on at night, and her meeting you at the designated hotel?

If you don't mind me asking, you know HK BG's and you make appointments with them and then take them to the Hotel Rizo across the street. Where is it then that you meet up with the girl?

This kind of stuff is always going to make issuse when dealing with busy working girls.

You like Hotel Rizo, have you ever tried BT?

People on TJ Amigos were saying that as great as HK Bar is, there is more tongue in BT and LC. And some of their guys go there daily, just for that.

avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
for me an hour with one girl usually is more than enough time to enjoy her in one visit.
(and TLN is on HER time.)
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^ When you get TLN on her time, do you still have to buy a ficha bucket?

And I am assuming that this TLN occurs in the Cascadas?

Do you have to start your TLN fairly late at night to get it this way?


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avatar for OldGringo
5 years ago
Over the years, I feel like we've answered 1,000 questions for SJG regarding TJ and it's never enough.

Every question we answer for him, he asks 5 more.

I feel like at this point SJG should be barred from posting on the TJ forums until he actually visits TJ.

Yeah, I know. I know. He has other more pressing responsibilities and he's unable to visit.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
And I think OldGringo gets off by sucking his own dick.

And it must be tough OldGringo, ignore disabled on your account.

And someone holding this:…

to your head, forcing you to read my posts, and not being able to come up with much of anything in posts of your own.

avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i won’t buy a bucket for TLN. that time is when she ain’t working. and TLN can take place at cascada or anywhere else we want. even in the park or beach. or a car back seat.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ Makes good sense!

People find what they want in these kinds of venues.

Is their any typical time that your TLN's start, and any suggestions for what time a first time guy should show up in the bar if he wants that?

avatar for OldGringo
5 years ago
Wrong again SJG. I have plenty of beautiful chicas to do that for me.

Go on with your bad self and continue asking us questions and overrunning all the threads.

It's not even like you hear our answers. You just ask your questions and then respond to our answers by telling everyone how we are doing things wrong. You just love telling everyone what is best for them because you always know best.

You love telling people how you think they should spend their money and how they should have fun.

Probably best you stayed north of the border. We don't need you boring the chicas down hear to tears.

Adios Lloyd.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
OldGringo, you don't like my posts, but you still read them. Is ignore broken?

Is it worse than I had thought, not just someone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read my posts, but you being suicidal, you being the one holding gun, and fingering the trigger guard, and fingering the trigger?

avatar for OldGringo
5 years ago
No dude. You're the only mentally unbalanced one. If you look at the TJ threads you'll see you have the last post on 90% of them. I won't bother you anymore. I'll let you be. I know this is a big part of your life and I won't ruin it for you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^ Still reading my posts. Someone must be holding that gun to OldGringo's head. What happens if their hand is not steady? Those old weapons are not double action, so the hammer will already be cocked. Pulling the trigger will take very little force.

And what if it is OldGringo holding the weapon himself? Getting off on the fantasy of discharge?


Humble Pie-30 Days In The Hole…
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

I respectfully disagree with you, @oldgringo is an excellent contributor to the TUSCL brethren.

I have learned much from his posts and advice.

I look forward to meeting him in person to share a few war stories.
avatar for OldGringo
5 years ago
Thanks Cristobal. Appreciate that. Look forward to meeting you in person too. Look forward to hearing about your adventures. Just coming off a TLN that lasted dos noches. Good times in TJ. :)
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago

IF i set up a TLN i have her cum after the end of her shift.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ MisterW, makes perfect sense, and I assume that this is in the Cascadas, and ususally at what time?

I think also that that means it is not a first meeting TLN, but rather second or later meeting, and by appointment?


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avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
if i try to set up a TLN with a girl in zona norte it will be in my overnight room in cascada AFTER she finished her shift. if she doesn’t work at hk, las chaveles or tropical bar i also ask if she can access cascada hotel.

i’ve done this however only a few times because this type of interaction is not my primary goal in my monger life style. again... i don’t pay a girl to sleep with me. i pay only for her real time awake conscious active interaction and sex.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
even first time TLN.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
So these TLN's then happen probably after you have been with another girl that night?

Or it is after an arriba with a new girl, and then she goes off to probably other arriba's, and then comes back for your TLN?

What time do the girls usually show up for TLN?

Obviously there are lots of considerations and lots of ways to play this, but if one wanted first meeting TLN, seems like it would be best to enter the bar around that hour when the TLN's seem to start.

Do you find that many of the BG's seem to just sleep with customers, not then needing to pay for a hotel room or for any place else. Like they could do that for their entire lunar stint.


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avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

As @oldgringo write earlier, for every answer you provide, you receive give more questions.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
*five more questions
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
The original post is about a BG who stayed in my room longer than an hour (I paid for an hour of her time) on an appointment meet up.

She ended up staying about an hour and a half and when we returned to HKTJ the robe guy gave her a reprimand about staying longer than a hour.

Later on she told me, that was the only person to reprimand her.

She is definitely not a top selling ficha girl, most of the times I've seen her she is just standing around, she works the late shift (9pm to 5am), and it was on a Tuesday night.

Why would the robe guy give her grief over 30 minutes on a Tuesday night at about 12am?

I think just like some of the power tripping meseros the robe guy was on a power trip.
avatar for PutaTester
5 years ago
He is probably being a hard ass. Had a girl over stay her time (3 hrs). Tipped the guy checking her in $5 and told him not to give her any grief. Guess it was okay, because I didn’t hear anything more about it.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

Like always, great advice:

Just tip the robe guy a few $ and everything should be OK.

avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I never ever thought about tipping to check her in.

I will promptly forget that idea immediately... (because it adds to the expense).
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
and cristobal... lol!!!... sjguy’s thinking is way beyond me...
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

It is an added expense but I like the idea of she stayed too long in my room and I don't want her to get in trouble (makes seeing her again a little easier).
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I am happy to report on my last extended stay (8 hours) my CFBG did not get reprimanded nor was I requested to buy a ficha bucket.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ Maybe the rules are inconsistent, or maybe beyond a certain hour there is no restriction on long arribas, and no requirement of buying ficha buckets?

avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
8 hours with a BG in your room? Wow.

How do you fill so many hours?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^ Cristobal brings massage oil.

:) :) :)

avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
@SanJoseGuy, is it even possible to calculate how many front room makeout sessions one can cram into an eight-hour time frame. Can you research this for us?
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

As MrWonderful wrote the rules are "consistently inconsistent"
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

I find it is not difficult to spend 8 hours with someone you enjoy thier company.

In fact on Sunday, we spent 11 hours together but we spent most of it outside the Zona Norte.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Cristobal, that's like carless car keys and wallet dating. If you are willing to spend that much non-bedroom time with them, then you could have as many US civvie GF's as you want.

:) :) :)

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

What US Civvie GF goes away for two weeks to a month?

My US FWBs usually want more committment than I am willing to impart.

Too many, too little time.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I see your point, but then you are spending lots of non-bedroom time with your TJ girls.

Anyway, my organization will resolve all of these problems, US and Mexico just for starters.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

A BG stayed in my room (at Rizos) for most of her shift and when she returned she told me they gave her grief and threatened to fine her if she stayed out that long again.

Consistently inconsistent.

She is B Team, not a top ficha seller (most times I've seen her she stands around the stairs).

One positive from this is she suggested we meet when she is not on shift at HK.

Lemonade from lemons.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
That is what makes sense to me, meet your girl when it is most convenient for her, the least other obligations. And tending to be out of the zona, what ever it is convenient for both parties to get to.

With working girls this kind of stuff will always be at issue.

So no two shifts at HK, each with an ending time?

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
HKTJ is not the only bar which occasionally enforces the one hour rule, Adelita's Bar (AB) also enforces a one hour rule.

I experienced it twice this weekend as two AB BGs stayed in my room longer than an hour.

One of the BGs was in a hurry to leave once she realized it was over an hour, saying she might be fine.

For the other ocassion a mesero knocked at my room and asked if the BG wanted another ficha, WTF.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
People need to get to the bottom of all this. Such rules neutralize the benefits of the fancy hotels.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
One TUSCLer informed me of Chicago Club's (CC) assinie one hour rule:

If you have an overnight room at CC, and a CC Bargirl (BG) stays more than 30 minutes you are charged at least $17 for the extra time, WTF.

avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
@SJG My organization will endeavor to make time stand still.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Maybe more Americans are finding out about TJ, and so it is getting more busy, and so the providers can do this now? It kind of spoils the fantasy of immediate first timer TLN and the utility of the fancy hotels.

Seems like the remedy is to move to seeing girls OTC. And then DV TJ is no longer at such a disadvantage.

Just now this is sounding to me.

My organization has nothing to do with P4P. But we will give the 365 day per year drained dry guarantee.

Members can always stay overnight on mats at the temples. But as for TLN we will have to ration that because it ties up one of our priestesses for the entire night. And women do have a much larger capacity than men do.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

I hope your organization achieves its goals.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ Tantric Sex, Yab Yum position, in effect it makes time stand still.…


avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

While I enjoy extended stays, I am OK with not spending the night with a total stranger.

To me, one of the great appeals of TJ is the ability of finding a beautiful BG and enjoying her company AND sending her on her way, while I find ANOTHER beautiful BG.

Of colarse, if I enjoyed her company I could always arrange to see her again but it is not neccessarily the goal.

But to each their own, as long as we all have fun, that is most important.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Well I don't see any reason to make women into a disposable.

I feel that guys opt for that because the other way they see problems. Okay, but going with that, it seems like things are being surrendered which should not be surrendered.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I met two more BGs who talked about the one hour rule:

After an arriba with a newbie (she claims this was her first month at HK) BG while making conversation I asked her what time she was off her shift, she answered she was done, so I joked that I hope she did not get in trouble for keeping her past her shift.

She responded she only gets in trouble if she stays longer than one hour in a room.

The second BG was also a newbie (5 days at HK), when quoting the hour price she mentioned they are very strict about overstaying.

NOTE: I Passed on the this BG not because of the one hour rule but because she incorectly thought she could not go to Hotel Rizos.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Yeah, got to get to the bottom of this, or maybe it will blow over. Spoils that nice hotel, if you can't do first timer TLN with a girl.

Should consider the other clubs too, and also best ways to set up second visit TLN at other hotels, and then how things go at DV TJ.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I was at HK and took a BG arriba and she stayed for almost two hours and she did not receive any grief or reprimand.

Constantly inconsistent.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
This was I guess at your preferred Rizo del Oro?

Suppose you invited the girl for TLN and she accepted?

And then how to get TLN's set up outside the zona.

How do the girls get around, do they actually spend 24 hours a day in the zona? Do they have cars, or use buses or taxis?

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

I forgot that important detail: I stayed at Hotel Cascadas.

It was our first time meeting, she is definitely worth seeing again.

She wanted to meet up after her shift but I had to leave for US after our arriba.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Oh well, sounds like that later meeting would have been great.

avatar for Summit21
5 years ago

The girl stays at hotels close by usually and provided housing also if they want to pay more.

There are also little go-kart that used to drive the girls back home.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
You are talking about Bar Girls, staying at nearby hotels. And this is in the zona, or close to it?

Little go-kart? Operated by the clubs, or some other concession?

avatar for Summit21
5 years ago
Little golf carts are owned by clubs. From what the HK girl told me they pretty much help the girls find hotels and houses(shared with other girls) and provide them transportation within a few blocks.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
What I take from that is that most of them do not really reside in TJ.

Do you know how it goes for the Street Girls, or the girls in the other bars?

avatar for Dontstop
5 years ago
I'm a soon to be first timer. I have 2 nights at Cas. Reading these posts are great. I like the idea of actually getting sleep, whenever that happens. Sounds like Rizo is quieter? Is the VIP card at HK good at Rizo, as it is at Cas? Thxs
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

Yes, Hotel Rizos is owned by Hong Kong & Cascadas, so they honor the VIP discounts and you can bring HK BGs to Rizos.
avatar for Phandy
5 years ago
@Dontstop VIP is good at both. When are you going? Looks as though I will be there next Tue.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
While at HKTJ this weekend, I brought an ABG up to my overnight room at Hotel Cascadas on Sunday night (morning) who stayed for more than three hours in my room.

I did not get the knock to buy a ficha bucket and when she returned I tipped the robe guy a few dollars so she would not get reprimanded for staying more than an hour.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Glad things went so well. Sounds good!

I guess if you slept there that the music was loud.

ABG = ?

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

ABG is an appointment Bargirl.

My room was on the 5th floor but I could still slightly hear the music but at least I could not feel the bass.

I was able to sleep well because I was pretty worn out after two intense sessions with ABG.

In fact, she is only the second BG I fell asleep (maybe 30 minutes) with, as I usually walk them back to the club and return to my room to sleep alone.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
in cascada i suggest do NOT stay on the older portion of the. 6th floor because of construction overhead.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Appointment Bar Girl, meaning I assume one you have sessioned with before, and now are seeing by appointment.

But it would sound to me that each of the two parties would have lots of people trying to jump them before they even get to their appointment. I think this is why Mexico Lindo Bar refuses to send girls into the Zona.

Cristobal, I take it then that you are not a huge fan of TLN's.

Do you think the lack of hassling over the 2 hours was because you were in the Cascadas instead of the Rizo de Oro?

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ correction, 3 hours.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

As of yet, I have not had many problems with ABGs keeping the appointment, only one no show and one cancellation.

One of the great things about HKTJ is there are so many BGs, if an ABG no shows or cancels there are plenty more to keep me company.

Interesting you bring up lots of people trying in front of you, which from my experience is usually not true, but as I was waiting for a TUSCL buddy I told my ABG I would be about 30 minutes late, when we went to the club walking toward her a PL approached her but she waved him off and I am glad because I had a great night with her.

I am a fan of spending the whole night with the right person but it is not my mongering style to spend so much time with every BG.

I have no idea why there was a lack of hassling on this occassion, BGs have been reprimanded from when we stayed at Cascadas and Rizos.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
"if an ABG no shows or cancels there are plenty more to keep me company"

I gather that!

"you bring up lots of people trying in front of you"

??? Not sure what you mean. You mean other BG's trying to get an arriba? Other accounts make it sound like at least some of those bars are not places to go if you are not open to BG's and arriba.

That they cause a problem with this 1hr limit does screw up the great opportunity of their hotel. The idea, someone could come from another continent, land at the airport, ride over in the limo, and soon be with one of their women, suitably compensated, for TLN. Not everyone will want that or be ready to pay those kinds of costs, but that is the potential which seems to be being offered. I hope they get this 1hr rule neutralized. Thanks Cristobal for letting us know about this issue.


avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
"The idea, someone could come from another continent, land at the airport, ride over in the limo, and soon be with one of their women, suitably compensated, for TLN. Not everyone will want that or be ready to pay those kinds of costs, but that is the potential which seems to be being offered. "

I respectfully disagree that is NOT which seems to be offered, though it is available for those willing to look and pay for it.

I have yet to be offered TNL on a first meet with any BG, they all offer a 30 minute session and customers can negotiate from there.

But if your premise was true the BGs would start with TNL and work down from there.

Everyone mongers differently so just have fun: I have fun by doing, it seems you have fun by learning through others' experiences.

Do not worry I will continue doing and posting, win, win.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
In my view, based on the extensive reporting from the HK Bar / Cascadas, they are trying to make it be all things to all people. The main variable is how much time you want to spend with one or more girls.

And of course people partake of this in all different ways.

But the distinctive offering of the HK Bar / Cascadas, based on how their hotel is designed, and on how it is presented in their ads, is TLN.

This is what makes it different from the lesser bars and their hotels. And even at Adelitas they say you can stay the night.

They present it as being the premier spot in North America, they show their limos and talk about the airport. So they are inviting people to come from other continents, and sometimes people who are not even interested in adapting to local time.

As explained on Escorts of Mexico, the most basic kind of Mexican P4P is the "Hooker Bar". It does not have session rooms. So the girl takes you to an outside hotel.

The other type is the "House of Dates", and it does have session rooms. And there are probably for shorter time intervals.

The HK Bar / Cascadas is a Hooker Bar, as the hotel is technically separate from the bar.

And then look at the kinds of rooms they have. Those are not intended just por un ratito. They are intended for longer sessions, and with the restaurant and room service food that is often going to be Toda La Noche.

I suspect that the bosses tell the girls to give the guys in the pricier rooms whatever they want.

Now no, this does not mean that they will be offering TLN, and then negotiating down from there. They know that most guys really don't want that, don't want to pay higher costs, and likely are not worth it.

If you want to make it happen with a woman then you have to lead. You tell her what you want, and you tell her what you are going to do for her. She can tell by the way you are talking to her and by what you are talking about, if you are being straight or not, and she can decide if she wants to follow your lead.

Like I have always said, first thing you want to do is get your girl off script. She will still be getting money, but it means something different now. You want to civilianize it, get it so that she is following your lead, instead of making money off of you or providing you with services.

Now yes, this does start to run into the limits of sex tourism, of partaking with women whom you cannot practically see regularly. I am not a fan of sex tourism. When I am in TJ it will be part of a much larger set of business objectives. And the girls I know will be fully aware of this, and hopefully will become part of this.

So no, girls are not going to offer TLN, but you can still try to steer it that way. If done well they will likely be ecstatic.

On Escorts of Mexico it explained that you can get first time TLN with street girls. And I have known people who have done this with SG and BG.

Maybe just about double the un ratito rate, plus the hotel.

Only problem is that you have to get to them far too late at night, when they need to sleep.

For me, any approaching street girls will be in good daylight.

People find what they want to find, and with women what can happen is mostly what you want to make happen.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
You read and see it one way, I experience and view it another way.

No worries, it does not change anything.

I will be visiting a favorite at least twice in the next few days, no front room make out session, just an evening with dinner, dancing and arriba.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
As I see it, with those fancy rooms, they are advertising TLN. I suspect that if a guy is in a fancier room, they tell the girls to give the guy TLN if he wants it.

And we have accounts of girls giving TLN, and sometimes for free.

And then now Adelitas has taken to advertising overnight stays.

And yes, Front Room Makeout Sessions are just for when you are first meeting a girl. We have video of a wonderful stage side makeout session. But the guy shows good will by putting money into her hand as soon as they are in reaching distance. To me that seems obviously a good way.

So then of course, after that first meeting you quickly move to seeing them outside. Sounds like you are talking this favorite outside of the Zona. Great!

Enjoy your TJ sweetie's. Maybe one of them will evoke some serious feelings in you. With Latina's, that would seem to be unavoidable.


avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
To me those fancy rooms say be comfortable as possible while staying in TJ and enjoy as many BGs as your wallet allow.

The club does not tell the BGs what to offer or how much.

A fellow PL related that they were staying in one of the new suites that one of the BGs they brought up there to dance was not willing to CFS without almost doubling her fee.

Plenty of TNL happens and some BGs might do it for "free", good for the PLs who want and find it.

The One Hour Rule, even inconsistently enforced, shows management prefers BGs to entertain clients for a limited time.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
"Enjoy your TJ sweetie's. Maybe one of them will evoke some serious feelings in you."

I will as ABGs outside the Zona are my favorite, a nice evening of dinner, drinks, clubbing, and arriba.

And I do not have worry about the One Hour Rule.

Also, I hope not to catch serious feelings, this is all about fun, nothing more.
avatar for PutaTester
5 years ago
"Also, I hope not to catch serious feelings, this is all about fun, nothing more." Amen

An ATF that I have been seeing for three years messaged me that she was taken seriously ill. Have not heard from her since. Frequently took her out to dinner and clubbing. A fun person to hang with and the sex was outstanding. Hope she recovers, but her being a Mexican national and my being ghost White, I do not have much chance of finding out her status. I have asked around the club, but got a fairly cold response. Likely because the people I asked feel like they are protecting her. Have to admit to being a little broken hearted.

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago

Sorry to hear it.

Hopefully, at the very least lets you know how she is doing.

Maybe she does not want you to see her sick but rather to remember her as the beautiful, vibrant women you enjoyed spending time with.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
One of the ideas behind my organization will be for people to be able to remain in contact long term. Cannot force this or insist on this, but the organization will facilitate it.

As far as serious feelings, if you open yourself up to the women, and if you are picking the ones you want, such feelings are inevitable.

I would say that not seeing that means that one is taking their P4P on the job personas at face value. And that is a very naive thing to do. If "fun" means escapism, which is what people usually use it to mean, I don't think that is a good thing.

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