
Ran into a real hustler yesterday

Vegas Baby
Wednesday, July 3, 2019 10:40 AM
I caught this one at her own game. Started dancing in Vegas the other day. We get to chatting and she tells me she’s here for a couple of days. Said she USED to work at The Highlighter but was retired and working at a hospital. Being familiar with the hospitals there her best response was “the one downtown” but somehow can’t remember the name of her employer. Strike 1 Tells me the name of the new BMW she got but has RR tattooed on her wrist. I asked her if she had a Rolls and she said yes. I asked her what kind and she said the “big one”. I asked if it was the “Golden Spirit” (non existent) and she says, “that’s it”! Strike 2 Tells me about her kids and two baby daddy’s one in prison and the other owns a bar in Vegas. Asked the name and she didn’t know. Strike 3 Took her for some dances since she was hot AF. Horrible dances from a supposedly old Highlighter girl, then asks for a tip and a few cigarettes. Then tells me to come back and see her later. Good looking girl in her 30’s but not worth the effort. I love catching liars at their own game!


  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    obviously there was something about her that you liked...
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I'm not sure any of three things are "líes" Not remembering is not the same as lying, and mixing up the name of a car is very typical of a women.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    From Rita Rudner, the funniest woman alive: When asked about what kind of car she drives - "A white one..." ...and in honor of Independence Day, Talking about her husband's affinity for grilling - "Men are happy to cook when there's an element of danger."
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Nothing about your post makes her a hustler, maybe a liar or a tip mooch but what’s the hustle?
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"I caught this one at her own game. Started dancing in Vegas the other day. We get to chatting and she tells me she’s here for a couple of days. Said she USED to work at The Highlighter but was retired and working at a hospital. Being familiar with the hospitals there her best response was “the one downtown” but somehow can’t remember the name of her employer. Strike 1" I don't want to be the miserable iceyloco of this conversation, but I think the stripper would be fucking crazy to tell a rando customer the place where she works for her vanilla job. Obviously, the whole thing might have been a lie, which is dumb dumb dumb, but if she WERE actually working at a hospital, she'd be retarded to tell you which one -->"Tells me about her kids and two baby daddy’s one in prison and the other owns a bar in Vegas. Asked the name and she didn’t know. Strike 3" Exact same comment -- she may have been lying, but if it were really the truth, she'd be retarded to tell you which bar her baby daddy owns. Whether she were lying OR telling the truth, maybe she should have a backup lie -- some obscure vegas bar and random phoenix hospital to tell you the name of. Anyway, not saying she wasn't a hustler, but I don't know from the story. The one thing I do know is that she protects her boundaries from customers asking questions they shouldn't.
  • lotsoffun201
    5 years ago
    Comments are all well taken, maybe hustler wasn’t quite accurate but mooch sure is.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    I ALWAYS turn them down when they ask for tips, after a mediocre dance. For many years it was just a neutral thing, I'd just tell them no with no feeling either way, but I'm finding I almost enjoy it now. Which is probably a bad sign.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    No real victory in catching a stripper in a lie - strip clubs are not EHarmony - one is not looking for their future spouse
  • Lovelyeast
    5 years ago
    So we’re striking out stripper lies now. Fuck it is throw the whole club away
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Again, based on the story, it's not clear those are stripper lies, versus a stripper smartly refusing to answer questions that would potentially jeopardize her safety, her vanilla job, and her baby daddy's confidentiality. Best not to answer them. Her only mistake is not having a lie ready for each question (whether she was actually lying or telling the truth in the first place)
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    This is why I dislike older strippers, they come across like hardened whores who have done way too many hard drugs. Sounds like a meth head
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    i love especially the young strippers but definitely some of the ‘old’ ones can be a lot of fun.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    I don't mind dancers tell me tall tales - some can be fun. Real life can be boring! No? @ATACdawg - funny shit !
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    It is entertaining. If she was a highliter girl she is adept in tall tales, aka churning and burning through high volume. Also, Witt the LE crackdown in Phoenix she was trying hustle hard to make up for lost income.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    The customers who tell themselves these may not be lies are the reason dancers continue to fabricate. If familiarity or a common ground is found in the course of a conversation, most dancers would jump on it to develop a rapport with the customer in hopes that leads to a better chance of selling dances.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I bet she didn’t give you her real name either.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    I'm not so sure she was even totally turned on by him
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Or, maybe she was just telling him what she thought he wanted to hear.... which is often a part of what stripper hoes are paid to do. Its the fantasy, she's just bad at it due to her meth problem lulz
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... I bet she didn’t give you her real name either ..." Maybe she was not even a real-girl - hmm?
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"Maybe she was not even a real-girl - hmm?" 3/4 of tuscl just got boners
  • lotsoffun201
    5 years ago
    Desertscrub. She had RR tattooed on her right wrist if that helps.
  • lotsoffun201
    5 years ago
    @deserscrub 😂 Touché my friend.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Kick her in the nuts
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    DesertScrub, the fucking world doesn't revolve around your paranoid ass recollections and delusions.
  • pfunkstyles
    5 years ago
    My question is, why does it matter? She could be a queen of all lies, some drunk dizzy broad, or trying to pay her way through seminary school. Why does it matter? Get some dances, take in the atmosphere, go home...not sure what else there is to do. She was probably like "some rando dude kept badgering me for personal info, he is probably some serial killer or deranged cop."
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    No, they know guys will ask questions. Sounds to be like she was just a fucked up mess and was doing her best trying to connect with him.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    What does it matter if she is full of shit? If she performs in VIP (which she did not in this case) that's the only strike that matters. It's not like you are evaluating if she is gf material like some life winners on this board.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    So now that we have established what a real hustler is, what is a fake hustler?
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "I love catching liars at their own game!" Why? What was the point of this, to feel superior to a nervous half naked girl decades younger than you?
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ You would be surprised. The OP is far from the only one. Earlier in this thread I commented “I bet you she didn’t even give you her real name” Yes, I was being snarky. But there’s been plenty of occasions where I have gotten back the smug all-knowing smile of “but that’s not your reeeeeeaaaaal name” before. Some men want the fantasy of being a ladies man. Some men want the GFE fantasy. And some want the fantasy of being freakin Joe Navarro.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ Not so surprised unfortunately nice. I see this shit in the clubs too and even from other guys on this board. I really worded the question the way I did to highlight how much of a d-bag he was being. I'll never understand supposed men who take some perverse pleasure in giving grief to much younger and poorer girls who are taking their clothes off to make ends meet.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    ^^^ I agree 100% with this
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