
Hotspank Dating Services

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Life in the fast lane is not everything it was cracked up to be. It’s not all fine dining, theater, champagne and cake. There are long hours in the office, rude cab drivers, airports, lost luggage and jet lag to deal with.

Worst of all is the lack of quality companionship.

You’re a sensitive guy who wants to find that special woman to share life‘s joys, sorrows, triumphs and defeats. But all you ever seem to find at the club are airheads, dopers, mutants and psychotics.

Don’t be discouraged! She’s out there, somewhere. The woman of your dreams! A woman with a sense of humor, a kind heart and a and a zest for life - a smart, funny, tolerant, courageous girl with big tits!

Hotspank Dating Service is here to help you find her!

Call the Hotspank Dating Service today at 1 800 BIG TITS!


Hotspank Dating Services is a subsidiary of Sublimation Limited.


  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    It sounds like the place for me.

  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    And I'm sure that all the girls look just like that girl in the photo. Where do I sign up ?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Q) what does it mean when a man remembers the color of a woman’s eyes after their first date?
    A) she has small tits
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    ^ Good one!
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    @Warrior15 -

    “And I'm sure that all the girls look just like that girl in the photo.”

    Many years ago when the internet was still in its fledgling era and when I was between wives for a few months I joined a dating service on a promotional basis (no fee if I canceled in the first 30 days). The photos of all the eligible women looked so beautiful.

    I relinquished my membership before my trial period expired. The women I met via the service only vaguely resembled their air-brushed celebrity portrait studio photos.

    To make things worse, all but one of them had dull, unmemorable personalities.
  • Eric2100
    5 years ago
    There's a lot of phone numbers like this available since the pre-internet phone sex boom died out.
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