Florida girl

avatar for gammanu95

She's actually pretty hot. The article mentioned she had priors. I wonder if any of them included solicitation, or if it's jus boring shit like DUI and driving without insurance, Also, what kind of a pussy is her BF if he was unable to pry her hands off her neck or off his balls? Surely, he could have done that without striking her and allowing her to turn the charges back on him. Strange shit.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Well it is Floriduh!
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
If she went for the balls first, that could incapacitate a guy pretty quickly.

Kind of looks like naughtyhoney ;)
avatar for King_Gambrinus
6 years ago
Don’t stick your dick in crazy
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I hope the next girl takes a baseball bat to his balls so that he doesn't breed more little sissies like him. It's bad enough that he got beat up by a girl, but calling the police when he knew she was on probation was a pussy move.

The good news is that he'll never live this down with anyone who knows him. No man will respect him for calling other men to help him hold off a girl. Most girls who know him will assume that he did something to provoke it and will also feel contempt for him for the same reason that men will make fun of him.
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
That girl has got the crazy. You can see it in the mugshot. She's also 5' 3" and 105 lbs so I can kind of get why a dude would give her a pass, but hitting in the face is a no-no even for cray cray time.


Quote from this article says it all, "Katie Lee Pitchford is also a preferred hawt bixch…."


Drawing blood then going for the balls should get you leveled, I don't care how hawt you are...
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I lived with a crazy one once who used to do the same shit. She'd hit, scratch and try to kick me in the balls. She'd have a manic look in her eyes, like some crazy switch had flicked on in her head. Sometimes the only way I could stop her is by punching her in the gut. Her sanity quickly returned when she was doubled over and struggling to breath.

But I never called the cops on her, even when she came after me with a frying pan. Some things grown men just have to handle like men. Now I certainly got fed up and eventually left the girl, but I never involved the police in it or had her put in prison. What kind of man does that?
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
LOL, @Dugan wins the internet today for yet another lecture about what it means to be masculine!

I probably wouldn't choose to live with with someone who's obviously bipolar and I'd get rid of her long before the frying pan. But I guess punching her in the gut is the right thing to do.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
OK. I acknowledge that could hurt. But how many of you are going to admit that your 21 year old girlfriend is beating you up ? Sounds to me like those balls have been deflated before.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@Randumb, if anyone could use that lecture, it's you. As far as the rest, nobody ever expects to get to that point. Sometimes it just evolves into it. It's not so easy to leave a woman you care for just because she has a handful of meltdowns that go too far.
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
Rickdugan, you should stop talking about punching women before you end up in the waste bin with a pedophile. I wasn't there, maybe you tried everything else to no avail. Even if you had to do it, you should not be bragging about how you restored her senses by doubling her over.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
She's a psycho and he is a big pussy who probably would vote for AOC.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
^ I'm not a woman beater gam - these were extreme situations. It is impossible for a single person to restrain another who is going nuts and determined inflict damage with nails, feet and teeth. And I wasn't bragging, just pointing out that he had other options besides calling the cops. Which do you think she would have preferred, him using enough force to put a stop to her attack or being hauled off to jail?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I can see why the dude would call the cops:

1) to get back at her; get her in trouble

2) to put her on record so if in the future he has to use force against her there is a record of her previous violent behavior so he wouldn't get the blame as a guy

I would have not called the police either, but unless there are kids involved, I would have been outta there - I grew up in a household where there was zero hitting - I only recall getting spanked once by my dad b/c as a spoiled-brat I talked back to my mom in front of him and he spanked me in the behind 3-times which didn't really hurt - my mom also grew up in household w/ zero-hitting and told my dad to let that be the last time he ever laid on hand on me and that is the way it was - so I'm not used to anyone putting their hands on me and vice-versa - I can tolerate certain short-comings like a bit of a bad-temper and try to work w/ the person, but I would not tolerate any hitting.

avatar for JackAstor
6 years ago
There is reason why barkeeps used to refuse serving whiskey to injuns
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
The same loons laughing "LOL he let a girl beat him up" if you don't fight back will screech "OMG HE HIT A WOMAN! LOCK HIM UP FOR LIFE" if you do. They can fuck right off.
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
Sounds like edgewise has had many girls kick the crap out of him.
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