Lets vote. Am I the princess, grinch, or nobody of TUSCL?

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?



last comment
avatar for Hroarke79
5 yrs ago

You are probably underestimating yourself .

avatar for JAprufrock
5 yrs ago

You are without a doubt overestimating yourself. Time for a reality check.

You are without a doubt overestimating yourself. Time for a reality check.

Come over ^

avatar for Piggie
5 yrs ago

You are the queen of tuscl.

avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

you’re a valued member.

avatar for Musterd21
5 yrs ago

You are my princess!

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 yrs ago

You wear all of those roles at one time or another. Keep posting nudes and you’ll rise in the polls. (Or rising poles if I want to make a weak double entendre.)

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

I vote for shameless bipolar attention whore.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

"Am I the princess, grinch, or nobody of TUSCL?"

I've always thought you're boring, vapid, and self-centered -- starting endless threads about yourself. I should use ignore, but I avoid that feature religiously. Apparently there are enough horny guys here to appreciate any female attention whatsoever.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

LOL bipolar Nicokeyes can't help herself from posting like an attention whore whenever she's having a manic episode.

@RandomMember she'll never stop. She can't help it because she's both bipolar and has the maturity of an entitled teenage girl. She's become like the female version of san_jose_creep - the village idiot of TUSCL.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

Just checked her profile. LMAO she has 580 discussions created in a year. Wow that is epic attention whoring.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I voted

avatar for FatherofNicole94
5 yrs ago

Is #1 sweetest Poosche in all of land. Bestest law student who one day murder all senate go Texas Foghorns! Umi and Father send kisses but ask who is this Victoria and what is secret because credit card bills show dollars going to Miss Victoria.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

You draw a lot of attention, so you are a valued member.

Denunciation of LDKing https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php?id=65928


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Nicole, in most countries other than the US, well off men keep mistresses.

Now if it is a mistress and a wife, then yes, that is being two faced, and its a double standard. But if it is just mistresses, then I think it a good deal. Usually a mistress will be getting money, but she is still not a hooker.

So I look at any money paid out in womanizing as Mistress Maintenance. Best to start getting the girl thinking this way, right off. It is very practical, it's how she pays her bills and how she saves up money.

Better to be giving money to her, than to be wastefully spending money on her.

And I've never liked that idea of Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby.

In the organization I am building, our women will be very well taken care of. They don't get handed much cash, and sex is always to be for free and unlimited. But their needs are totally taken care of. They get social benefits beyond what very few Americans get. And if they do decide to leave thye have a very generous golden parachute option, so that they never have to feel that they are trapped or have been taken advantage of.


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

All Souls UU - NYC

5/19 sermon speaks well of Muslims https://soundcloud.com/user-453820615/tascam_0160mp3


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^ above, All Souls UU, recognizing Ramadan.



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