
White Privilege: Fact or Myth?

Everything written by this member is a fact.
If there is a such thing as white privilege why did Rachel Dolezal and Elizabeth Warren benefit from their claims to not be white? Hell, why would they claim to not be white in the first place?


  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I love being who I am. I feel very privileged to be of this human race. If I were black, I would love who I am and feel privileged to be of this human race. My world is my world. Those who choose to be negative in my world for anything whatsoever are simply shut out of my world. I like it that way. Keeps me smiling.
  • daddyfatsack
    5 years ago
    Might as well add the sound of a toilet flushing for all the shit that's going to be posted on this one
  • daddyfatsack
    5 years ago
    Might as well add the sound of a toilet flushing for all the shit that's going to be posted on this one
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    When you're as ugly as this, it doesn't matter what race you claim to be :

  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    How bout black privilege - and if you're gay *and* black, forget about it (you're untouchable)
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    Having lived through the 60's, 70's, & 80's, it would be foolish to deny white privilege. That said, over the last 20 years there seems to be at a minimum a certain cultural cache to being black or multiracial. African Americans represent 14% of our population, but contribute a much higher percentage in sports, music, fashion, and language.
  • BGSD3100
    5 years ago
    I'm a middle aged white man. When I get pulled over, the cops call me sir. White privilege is fact.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    The phrase "white privilege" is racist hate speech.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    There are built in historic advantages to being white. Maybe someday this will dissipate, but for now it is still reality.

  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Let's look at this another way. From the US Census Bureau:
    White alone, percent 76.6%
    Black or African American alone, percent(a) 13.4%
    American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent(a) 1.3%
    Asian alone, percent(a) 5.8%
    Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent(a) 0.2%
    Two or More Races, percent 2.7%
    Hispanic or Latino, percent(b) 18.1%
    White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent 60.7%

    So, many may "cater" to the vast majority of the population. That's just common sense. Now if they discriminate against the majority, that's a different thing. And remember, Not everyone knows the habits, feelings, reasons, etc, of other groups, so they may come off badly because they are just being their "normal".
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Whites have had historic advantages. Eventually this advantage should dissipate, but today it is still real for most whites.

  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    The first in anywhere has an inherent advantage, so big fucking deal.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ That does not mean that that advantage should be sustained. We should try to create more opportunities, but most of all, we should try to get away from this idea of society as a competition. No good comes from that.

    Good book:


    Remember Lani Guinier?

    Maybe this:


  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ that’s what those who can’t compete usually say.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    I'm sure it is real or at least the perception of it is real..... everyone feels discriminated against for some reason.

    My kids play basketball at a fairly high level, They both play on the adidas gauntlet series. When we go into a gym many times we stick out as the only white people in the gym. I've had people laugh at us in the stands before the game, call us white maggots, and white devils. Usually after the game they are even more pissed, we don't lose often and usually we win by more than 30 points. Last weekend we beat a team by 35 points at the end of the game the refs had called 22 fouls on us and 4 on the other team. The refs were two young black men. This happens often. We just know that we have to beat the other team bad enough that the refs cannot influence the game, because they will. We also have to watch our backs going back to the car, we have been jumped once.

    So I am sure people feel discriminated against.... and if they way they are discriminated against is anywhere near how they treat us in a stupid basketball game then there is a problem. I believe there is a discrepancy in how people are treated and how people feel they are treated.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    In terms of schooling and employment opportunities whites have still had advantages. Eventually things should equal out, but as it is today, whites do still enjoy the benefits of a historical advantage.

  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    You have said the same thing 3 times SJG, say something different or STFU
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    There is still white privilege. You see it most in education and employment, and in home ownership rates. Eventually this should change. Not as bad now as it was when I was first in a school racially integrated by busing.

    I'll watch this myself soon.

    And no 25, competition does not mean that people are doing what is best, or that those most capable are in positions of power or wealth.

  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    The vast amount of information shared on this board and the internet as a whole explaining what exactly is white privilege and you still complain you don't understand? I guess you really can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  • orionsmith
    5 years ago

    I see other groups as having a black advantage or female advantage. The only white advantage I can think of is if you have a ton of money and want to move to a racist neighborhood.

    The old white guy is one of the first to get let go as a cost savings in a big company. They make sure to fire entire departments or the second oldest, not the oldest to make sure statistics are on their side before there is only one old white guy left and he has to successfully train his replacement too. They constantly manage quotas to make sure there are enough minority groups and females. If there are almost equally qualified people and one is a white male versus female or minority, they are going to likely forget the white guy. He gets shafted. Happens all the time.
  • BGSD3100
    5 years ago
    Imagine being at a birthday party for a spoiled brat. Despite getting thousands of dollars spent on the party and getting super expensive gifts like the newest video game console, he still throws a fit when another kid wins one of the party games and is given some lousy toy bought at the Dollar Store.

    That's what it sounds like when white men complain about minority "advantages".
  • orionsmith
    5 years ago
    I don't see it as an advantage when 3 out of 4 candidates are say white males and the fourth iis female or a minority and if all equally qualified, I believe the female and minority have better odds of getting hired. That's what I call a female and minority advantage. It's not fair. Hiring in my opinion should be based on qualifications and have nothing to do with sex or race. However that would violate our laws.
  • orionsmith
    5 years ago
    I was getting unemployment assistance not that long ago. Certainly not rich. Go ahead and claim everyone is a spoiled white complainer though.c it's racist in my opinion.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    Black people have no fucking clue how little racism there is in America today, no fucking clue..... Everything they see is racist this and racist that.

    White people have no fucking clue how much racism there is in America today, no fucking clue..... They never see racism, just people bitching about it

    Both of them are wrong.

    But as long as BD whatever the fuck his name is calls white people spoiled brats then there will be problems.... and as long as white people don't recognize some of the instances of racism then there will be problems
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    There is racism present in America today. There is not white privilege inherent in the American society, not anymore. However, those who only see whites being racist, straights being homophobic, conservatives being xenophobic, and Christians being islamophobic are, simply put, pure idiots. Too stupid to be allowed to vote or breed, but they do. There is plenty of us v them being directed at everyone by everyone else. This is perpetuated by those who benefit from this class warfare and unrest. The media (not just mainstream, but Breitbart, Fox, and all the rest of them), the bullshit 501(c)s like NAACP, SPLC, rainbow PUSH, GLAAD, CAIR, [to much lesser extent] NRA, and the worst offenders of all: our "public servants."
    Unfortunately, Americans are too stupid, too weak, and too frightened to make the needed changes to end this. It's like internet trolls - stop feeding them! I would love to see every politician that did not vote to repeal ACA (if that's what they campaigned on) get defeated in the next primary. I would love to see every politician that failed to introduce articles of impeachment against Donald Trump (if that's what they campaigned on) get defeated in their next primary. We need term limits on everything to prevent the next Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnel, Traitor John McCain, et al. Make everyone who campaigns for public office promise to institute term limits, and throw them out in the next primary if they don't. Then quit watching Hannity, Maddow, and Matthews. Cancel your subscriptions to the NYT, WashPo, and National Review. Quit sniping each other on Facebook, Twitter, and TUSCL.

    It's a pipe dream, our countrymen are not willing to take the needed action. I see things continuing to worsen until we reach a crisis that the USA as we know it will never recover from.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    The only privilege worth having in my estimation is the privilege to be left alone seems many have forgotten about that.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    What @GammaNut meant to say is that the country would be far better off without all the lazy porch monkeys and spear-chuckers
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    @Gammanut gets the TUSCL award for the most rambling and incoherent post of 2019
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Everyone had equal opportunity to have the privilege of getting a load dumped in their basement. All ass holes are treated equal
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Where is that guy that called everyone a sphincter?
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I will give him a fruit cup. After it has been cycled through...
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    Very true!
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    In the age of anal bleaching, why do we still have black holes?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    There is still a legacy of white privilege, and there is still racism against blacks and other minorities.

    Going to watch this now:

  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    I'm watching the NBA playoffs and I don't see any white privilege.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    White, middle class standards are normative in the US. Anyone else is placed on a scale of deviation from said norms. White supremacy/American exceptionalism, are ingrained in the American mindset.

    As far as Skibum's ignorant comment about those who arrive first having a right to privileges ..... Native Americans were here first, the ancestors of most African Americans and Mexican Americans were here before the majority of White Americans' ancestors..... Its not about who came first, its about who did what to whom in order to ascertain their race based supremacy.
  • londonguy
    5 years ago
    Didn't Jordan Peterson say there is no such thing?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Nothing wrong with American exceptionalism, it’s not white supremacy, it is why folks from all over the world want to be here. What Donald Trump is espousing is far from American exceptionalism. 
    This country has created and distributed more wealth to a more diverse group of people than any other country ever in the face of the earth. 
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    A cop pulls you over. You've had a couple drinks, but can probably pass a breathalyzer. Would you rather be Black or White? That's white privilege.

    I will say a lot of statistics about race in the US mix up race and class. Because of the legacy of slavery and segregation and racist home ownership policies of the 40s, the percentage of poor blacks is higher than whites.

    In most situations all other things being equal it's better to white than black. It's also arguably better to be black and rich vs white and poor.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    Imagine being at a birthday party for a kid who's great great great grandparents were slaves.

    Despite getting thousands of taxpayer dollars spent on the house the party takes place in, the food for the party, and education for all of his relatives, despite lower requirements for going to college or getting a job, his family continues to teach the kid that he is a victim. That police would rather shoot him than protect him and his neighborhood, and under no circumstance should you ever show any respect to a police officer, their demands are unlawful, and the best way to deescalate the situation is to not comply, and possibly run, possibly fight back, but never treat them like they are doing what is best. Also the kid was taught that the only reason the white kid in his class has better shit than he does is because the white family has personally oppressed the black family for generations.

    That's what it sounds like when I hear about "white privileged".

    Work hard, earn every penny, and every job you get. If shit doesn't go your way, try again, try harder. Be respectful, if you get stopped by the police, ask your self, did I do anything wrong that would justify getting pulled over. If you don't think you did, comply with the officer anyway. If you were breaking the law, and you just got caught, man the fuck up and take your punishment. That goes for not wearing a seat belt, to running a red light to having a shit ton of drugs in your car. Realize that drugs fucking smell like drugs, so when you roll the window down after smoking whatever the fuck you were smoking, probably your car, and your clothes still smell like that. But man up and take the fucking punishment. You run, things will be worse, you resist, things will be worse, you fight, or spit or kick or fucking sneeze in a cops face, things will be fucking worse, keep your hands where the cops can see them, keep your answers to yes sir and no sir and see if you get your ass kicked then, bet you $100 that no ass kicking occurs when you say yes sir and no sir and keep your hands visible.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Black and Latino kids are taught to work their fucking asses off because if they don't, some white kid whose dad knows the CEO will get the job instead.

    And police mistreatment gainst black men (in some regions) is just plain fact. Black women teach their black boys to be extra careful with police. Meanwhile I knew tons of white teenagers my age who lipped off and got let off with warnings on the regular.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    In your CEO example, working their ass off would have no impact if the dad's CEO friend gets involved. he's not going to say, well, I would give little Johnny the job but Jose and Terrell have been working their ass off. The CE fucking O can give a job to whoever the fuck they want. If Terrell's dad was friends with the CEO, wouldn't he get the same treatment, or are we automatically assuming the CEO is raciest? But you totally make my point for me, they are taught that when a white guy gets ahead it's because of privileged and not hard work, so why would they work hard if they'll never get that promotion? Teach them that little Johnny got that promotion because he worked his ass off.

    Also, watch any video where something bad happens to a black kid by the police, and tell me if the kid had a different attitude towards authority, and fucking complied, it wouldn't have had different results. Lipping off you get told to shut the fuck up in any color. Resisting gets your face smashed into the pavement in any color.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    The assumption that minorities are less qualified than a white person or are somehow assumed to be deserving of police harassment is a perfect example of white privilege and racism.

  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    ^ The assumption that a minority employee is not the most qualified person to have applied for the job is perpetuated when policies are put in place to give minorities preferential treatment.
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    "Resisting gets your face smashed into the pavement in any color."

    Resisting only occurs if someone is being detained. If someone is stopped by the police and is not committing a crime, they cannot be charged with resisting arrest if they were not being arrested/detained in the first place. If an officer stops me and I'm doing nothing wrong, I don't have to bend over and take it up the tailpipe just because he's a police officer. The first amendment protects my right to free speech and expression.

    "Lipping off" to a cop does not warrant getting your face smashed in, and if you think it does, you are clearly a fan of the fascism that is turning this country into a police state.

    There are hundreds of YouTube videos that show young black and Latino folks being mistreated by police for no apparent reason other than their appearance and the police officers being sadistic. I cannot believe you think otherwise.

    There are also, contrary to your sheltered views on this issue, many police departments that actually have QUOTAS to distinguish a minimum number of people of color that must be arrested or ticketed. The NYPD is one of them. A suburb here in metro Detroit is another, they even have a "driving while black" policy, which became apparent over a decade ago when they were sued by several dozen individual parties and chose to pay up instead of disclosing what their "driving while black" policy entailed. The lawyer I work for represented 22 of the individuals... there were many more. And funny thing, when I found out it was constitutional to flip cops off, I spent a good half hour driving around that very city flipping off every cop I drove past.

    I cannot believe there are people so willfully oblivious to this ugly side of America.
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    Nina read your damn PMs :) 
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    Also, I will add to my response to General's very ignorant post, that you may not want to bring up whether Johnny gets the job because his dad knows the CEO of the company when there is the fun fact that blacks make up LESS THAN ONE PERCENT of CEOs of Fortune 500. Again, just a fun fact.

    I will also add this quote of Martin Luther King Jr, an eloquent response to a very ignorant question he was asked by a reporter.

    "The color, became a stigma. American society made the Negroe's color a stigma. America freed the slaves in 1863, through the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln, but gave the slaves no land, and nothing in reality. And as a matter of fact, to get started on.

    At the same time, America was giving away millions of acres of land in the west and the Midwest. Which meant that there was a willingness to give the white peasants from Europe an economic base, and yet it refused to give its black peasants from Africa, who came here involuntarily in chains and had worked free for two hundred and forty-four years, any kind of economic base.

    And so emancipation for the Negro was really freedom to hunger. It was freedom to the winds and rains of Heaven. It was freedom without food to eat or land to cultivate and therefore was freedom and famine at the same time.

    And when white Americans tell the Negro to 'lift himself by his own bootstraps', they don’t, they don’t look over the legacy of slavery and segregation. I believe we ought to do all we can and seek to lift ourselves by our own boot straps, but it’s a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.

    And many Negroes by the thousands and millions have been left bootless as a result of all of these years of oppression and as a result of a society that deliberately made his color a stigma and something worthless and degrading."


    I believe that quote should be appreciated.
  • GeneraI
    5 years ago
    Resisting only occurs if someone is being detained. If someone is stopped by the police and is not committing a crime, they cannot be charged with resisting arrest if they were not being arrested/detained in the first place. If an officer stops me and I'm doing nothing wrong, I don't have to bend over and take it up the tailpipe just because he's a police officer. The first amendment protects my right to free speech and expression.

    If a cop tells me to step back, or sit down, or back up, or whatever, I fucking do it, and I don't eat pavement. if you don't and a cop beats the fuck out of you on youtube, I laugh at the fucking retard that got their ass kicked. I laugh at the retards that block traffic and get hit by cars, I feel zero symphony when a person of any color is holding a knife and the cops tell them to drop the knife, they don't drop the knife, and then the police shoot and kill that person. how fucking hard is it to drop a knife, or sit the fuck down, or back the fuck up, or shut the fuck up. If you can't do that, I'm not on your side, probably in life, I'm not on your side. Having said that, you might get a million dollar settlement when a cop beats your ass and stomps on your first amendment right. You might also get shot, and your family gets that million dollar settlement. I'm going to step back and sit down and shut the fuck up, and probably nothing bad happens to me, and I'll just make money the old fashion way.

    oh, and the last story i read about MLK is how he watched a friend rape a woman and so you might want to ease up on quoting him, unless you also continue to quote Bill Cosby.

    BUT, your MLK quote just goes on to prove my first point, instead of telling minorities in this country that they can do ANYTHING and that they shouldn't give a shit about what anyone calls them because they are just FUCKING WORDS, he was telling people that if they never amount to anything, it's because of years of oppression and because other people don't think they can do it because of the color of their skin. Fucking try your hardest all the time and see what fruit can blossom from that, especially 60 years fucking later.

    I believe that should be fucking appreciated.
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    Wow. Can you keep going? You display your hatred and ignorance the more you post on this subject. While you represent a very pitiful group of people in this country, your posts are entertainment, albeit an embarrassment on your behalf.

    Please continue, General. Tell me more.
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    And to add a little tidbit to that last post of mine, I've never quoted Bill Cosby in my life. Why would you assume I have?
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    At one time, the Irish, Italians, Jews, Catholics. and other first generation Americans were considered minorities. As the second and third generations adapted to the culture, they became White and part of the majority.

    The concept of who is privileged will keep expanding. Society is far more accepting, and less racist than 100 years ago. I’d argue that the daughters of Barack and Michelle Obama are among the privileged, for example.

    There are plenty of people of European heritage, say among the uneducated rural poor, who are not privileged.
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    Ok, admittedly this country is less racist than it was before, but there still is a stigma to being black.

    I seen first hand the effects of white privilege at work, when a recent white college grad with no prior work experience is given the same position it took me eight hard working years to attain. Watch said kid fuck up routinely but not get fired (I left that California company, and have to say living in the South of all places have had a way better career experience)

    There is white privilege. Generations of opportunities that minorities didn't get, just a reality. That said, I feel there is way more classism than actual racism but because so many minorities are poor, it gets mixed up.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I agree with the fact that racism is much less than in the past, but, for the most part a dark skinned person cannot simply avoid the issue by keeping their mouth shut like other ethnic minorities, it can be difficult to avoid an issue that is obvious.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Racism definitely exists, but not everything can be attributed to it.

    While it is not as overt in the US as it is in many other parts of the world it is not good enough to say we aren't as bad as them so we are doing well.

    I do think it's important to learn why racism exists (what prompted it in the first place), but just as important is why does it still exist. Certainly part of it is ignorance and what is passed down through parents. But there has to be more to it than that.
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    I've handled racism is like strip clubbing where they try to have No Touch policies but you see it doesn't apply to managers and DJ's.

    I've always been the mind set if anybody else can have it then I can have it too.

    I've had to swallow my ego time and time again. Play nice, creatively circumvent policy, when I get caught politely plead ignorance, hustle hustle hustle to win the popularity contest, and then I too become an exception to rules.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ case in point
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    Also I'd like to point out in todays society we are seeing young white men fail in astonishing numbers. They are from poorer parts of the country where historically being white got you a middle class job in a factory or mine or whatever.

    These white kids now have the same challenges minorities have had for centuries. No education, lack of job opportunities so they have turned to drugs (which in 50's thru 70's was seen as mostly a black community problem)

    Unlike what happened for blacks, our government now is calling for a nation wide effort to quell the "opiod epidemic".

    When it was mainly a minority issue it was the users fault for being on drugs, now we are saying that.

    #White Privilege.
    #MAGA -- America is great now, so who are we making it great again for?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @ GACA that’s a good example of beating covert (stealth) types of racism, but I doesn’t address the in your face jerks that have gotten so fuckn loud, that’s why I don’t think many here don’t understand.
    I’ll give you an example I have been around people that I thought liked me that were unaware that I’m Jewish judging from comments and slurs that they thought were unnoticeable didn’t realize that I was taking offense and if I didn’t speak up or choose that hill to die on instead hit back in an ambush, in the case of black folks they don’t have that same option and are often forced into a battle that is unwinnable.
  • GACA
    5 years ago

    I love the Jewish culture and have modeled my life around it.

    1) Come in conform and keep your mouth shut.
    2) Get educated, get influence and still keep your mouth shut
    3) Gain power change things and yell at the top of your lungs

  • GACA
    5 years ago
    I grew up around the secular California Jews, though I wasn't invited to too many

    Barmitzvahs and felt excluded on many occasions, they taught me everything I needed to know to become self empowered. I will give them that they love teaching empowerment.

    Completely a blessing
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ that’s how it works in the case of stealth non overt racism, but when you have the ANP marching in Skokie, we mobilize and meet force with greater force.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    The younger generation is taught that the world is divided into good and evil. Nothing in between. They are also taught that you can identify good and evil by their group identity. At the extreme end of the evil spectrum are white, conservative, heterosexual males. They are considered evil, racist, sexist, homophobic Neanderthals simply because of their group identity. No need to evaluate people by the content of their individual character.

    Assuming someone is evil because of their group affiliation is how a lot of histories darkest times began.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    So in the case of the American Nazi Party we shouldn't judge them by they're group affiliation, makes perfect sense to me . NOT
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    Abuse of power. When Anita Hill happened, I was part of a younger male generation of aplogist .

    The chilling effect made it way to awkward and nuanced for me to have a casually sexual conversation with women needed to flirt effectively, even at bars.

    Thank God for strip clubs.

    With the Anita Hill Because I never wanted to be accused of sexual harrassment left me at many times in the friend zone ( well that was in CA, here in the South way more laxed)
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    Point to the previous post is, sometimes we are effected by something we had nothing to do with and yet we are on the hook for. Not just white heterosexual conservatives.
  • GACA
    5 years ago
    Also, my southern "daddy in law" is a staunch Trump supporter, but don't have a lick of racism about him. Mostly religious beliefs and a lot of ignorance
  • Lovelyeast
    5 years ago
    Slavery- Civil Rights - White Privilege - We are getting closer to the goal. Unless we do find life on Mars, then this shit got to start all over again. Lol
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    "I have been around people that I thought liked me that were unaware that I’m Jewish judging from comments and slurs that they thought were unnoticeable didn’t realize that I was taking offense and if I didn’t speak up or choose that hill to die on instead hit back in an ambush, in the case of black folks they don’t have that same option and are often forced into a battle that is unwinnable."

    Twentyfive, I can definitely relate to that and our experiences exemplify the racism that is still present here. I am mixed, and I get mistaken for all sorts of ethnicities (Italian, Middle Eastern, and Dominican seem to be the popular guesses... some people actually think I'm just an overly tan white woman). I can't count how many times I've been around people who refer to black people as "niggers" or crack offensive racist jokes right in front of me, without realizing that I am part black. Then they want to be all apologetic. Too late now, you said what you said. Same for Jew jokes and derogatory remarks. No one would randomly assume that I have a Jewish grandpa, but I do, so I've had to check people on that as well.
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    "The younger generation is taught that the world is divided into good and evil. Nothing in between. They are also taught that you can identify good and evil by their group identity. At the extreme end of the evil spectrum are white, conservative, heterosexual males. They are considered evil, racist, sexist, homophobic Neanderthals simply because of their group identity. No need to evaluate people by the content of their individual character."

    And what generations are teaching these younger generations? Yours.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    And that Nina is why I feel that things are improving because even those unabashed racist ant semetic, homophic feel some shame when exposed to sunlight, in the past the cockroaches were bolder now they scatter and shut up when their anonymity is stripped away from them, but let’s be clear on this as well everyone who is stupid ignorant and makes stupid statements is insensitive, and ignorant, but few aare hard core most are pussies trying to fit in because they lack a strong identification of their own, one thing I have gotten from my work with at risk young men, in general young guys reflect the attitudes that surround them.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The Event: How Racist Are You? with Jane Elliott (Channel 4) (FULL)


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