AOC Calls for:

avatar for skibum609
Impeachment. That means one of two things: 1) She is so stupid she doesn't realize that she can actually filr articles of impeachment herself; 2) she knows she can, but that would mean working and as a progressive it is more important to call upon others to work while you just mouth stupidities and look ugly.


last comment
She's a troll and quite good at it
I think all this anti-Trump stuff is gonna backfire on the Dems - they're focusing more on Trump than what they need to do themselves
skibum609, normally I don’t comment on political threads because most political threads on TUSCL are:

1. Just attempts to whip everybody into a frenzy
2. Usually not that funny (though occasionally the frenzy provides some laughter)

However, I think you’re almost always sincere so I’ll give a sincere answer. You don’t understand how Congress works. AOC (or any other individual congress critter) can NOT file articles of impeachment in a meaningful way. The speaker controls what gets to the floor for a vote so until Pelosi indicates she’s willing to move forward, AOC (or anybody else) filing articles of impeachment will be just as meaningful as writing “Trump is a poopy-head” on toilet paper and then flushing it.

She is either playing to her constituents (many of whom probably want impeachment) or she’s trying to put pressure on Pelosi. I suspect it is the former. She may very well know that impeaching Trump is a bad idea for D’s as a whole but I suspect she knows her constituents want it. As long as Pelosi is the gatekeeper she can say stuff to whip up her constituents without larger consequences.

I think the only person who would wants impeachment is actually being thoughtful about impeachment has an R after his name (Amash). Congress critters with D’s after their names fall into three camps: 1) they want impeachment but feel it is bad tactic, 2) they want impeachment but know they can’t move on it until Pelosi says go; or 3) they genuinely want to just plain win the election and not impeach.
^^ more or less agree w forgot
Representative Green of Texas filed articles of impeachment so the idea she can't is a non-starter with me. I assumd the Democrats learned a lesson last time about listening too much to their own fake news sources, but I am bneginning to believe they will manage to lose the House this time around. We are on the verge of Kerry v. Bush redux.
AOC is doing a very good job, glad she got elected.

Doing a good job? Besides stel $800,000 from her campaign funds and not pay the taxes she owes what exactly has she done? Good job to a progressive should be more than whining, but maybe all y'all think thats work for her.
She has done a huge amount to change the terms of debate, to progressive issues.

Thgank yopu. Other than talk she has done nothing. Typical progressive - all hat, no cattle.
Totally shifted the terms of debate:

1. Denying Amazon the special tax breaks
2. Medicate for all, Universal basic income
3. Green New Deal ( a Van Jones idea )
4. Focusing on DJT tax returns, and impeachment.
5. Showing that refugee streams coming because of US Sanctions on Venezuela.

One smart Latina can make a big difference.

She's stupid. List millions in tax revenue and jobs, her green deal is a total fraud. Focusing on impeachment lol. Losing the house is the result.
C'mon skibum. I like the way she dances. And she has nice tits. Maybe she should think about another profession.
Cortez is going to be one-termer. She got elected by being the democrat candidate in a district that always and only votes democrat. The DNC is going to primary someone against her in 2020, and Amazon is going to fund it. The best we all can do is ignore her and let her continue to broadcast her ignorance until she loses the next nomination.

Then maybe Warrior will get his wish.
If sucking my cock will keep her from talking I'm up for the task.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Latest news:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trying to get to the bottom of how and why President Trump was elected, House Democrats issued a subpoena to the Almighty God to force Him to testify in Congress Wednesday.
She has a nice body and her mouth looks big enough to possibly give me a blow job; it’s hard for me to find a good woman like that. As long as she does use those incisors, I’m good.
Just in case anyone has not seen the video, here is something that AOC does very well :…

I'd pay $20 to see that top come off.
“As long as she does use those incisors, I’m good.”

Holy shit! I meant DOES NOT USE those incisors! Damn, I’m not really wanting my cock chewed off... I promise!
I look at her mouth and my brain starts screaming Lorena Bobbit is her role model....
I was afraid that she was gay. But now it looks like she does have a BF.


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Joss Stone…
^^^^^ Not sure if we could pull that one off. Usually she will be coming from either a Strip Club or an AMP, or one of our guys will be boning her, or one of her GF's gets her in.

Most of the Green New Deal ideas amount to investment in infrastructure, and that means jobs, good jobs.

Good jobs are jobs that bring in money from the outside, not jobs funded by the taxpayer.
^^^^^^ That logic assumes that the US would not really be a Democracy, but would be an export oriented economy, what has been called, "Capitalist Development State". This makes no sense in the current world economy.

Money collected in taxes gets spent, it recirculates.

The only exception is when the money gets into the hands of rich people, then it does not recirculate, it gets used for something completely worthless, inflating the stock and real estate markets. It's because of this that we need Keynesian levels of progressive income tax, and maybe a wealth tax too.

This is a pretty outrageous incident with this video. This country is turning fascist.…

^^^^ I am certainly not any kind of Republican. AOC is not either.

Skibum define your use of "dumb"....

1- temporarily unable or unwilling to speak.

2- simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something so as to make it accessible to a larger number of people.

3- make dumb or unheard; silence.

Your misuse of the word is stupid of you... lulz
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago

I hardly pay any attention to AOC. She's too young to run for president in 2020 and there are too many other talented young politicians out there.

She's only important because the Fox News crowd is obsessed with her and cover every breath she takes, 24/7. The reason is political: by painting AOC as the face of the Democratic party, it's easy to dismiss anything she stands for as silly and irrational.

For example there's a consensus of 97% of the climate scientists that the Earth is warming due to burning fossil fuels. By attaching AOC to climate science, it must be true that the whole topic silly? Right? Or take her ideas about a 70% tax rate for income over $10M. It's not really her idea -- the same idea has been studied at length by famous young economists like Saez and Pikkety (both will probably get a Nobel in economics some day). But attaching a young Latina woman to the idea makes it look silly and irrational.
AOC, though young, she is a very smart Latina, and she has already made a big difference.

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AOC is a moron who has made not one single bit of difference other than possibly helping idiot Trump win again.
She was the first, except maybe for Bernie Sanders, to articulate a Democratic progressive position. She has called for a return to pre-Reagan income tax, top bracket of 70%.

That would eliminate all these booms and busts, create good jobs, and create business opportunities.

Otherwise that money just gets wasted inflating the stock and real estate markets.

@ Skibum I have a feeling you might be correct, the extreme lefty’s are going to drive middle of the road centrists to the other side.
Many people believe that Bernie Sanders would have beaten Donald Trump.

AOC and the Progressive Wing believe that even more has to be on the table, more like this Green New Deal, to bring out the voters.

The green new deal is without a doubt the single fucking dumbest thing anyone ever thought of. Let one of the assholes called progressives prove that if we do everything stupid AOC wants it will save the earth, even if no other country does anything. All the new green deal is, is a pathetic, blatant attempt to kill capitalism in exchange for socialism, which is unamerican, because it worships failures and fuck-ups and derides succesful, self-reliant people. Progressives arte just full of shit liars such as when they say abortion "rights" are a woman's issue. 50% of the women in this country identify as pro-life. Its a left wing issue, not a woman's issue. Do the morons called progressives not understand that it is not just male governors signing these fetal heartbeat bills? They understand, they =just choose to lie. Another lie?
Green New Deal, is like the New Deal, but taken further, and made as Green as we know how to.

Not clear that it will save the Earth, but at least it will minimize further harm.

It would be a move in the direction of Socialism, though I would say that it still stops a good ways short of actual Socialism.

People use social advantages to gain power over people. Nothing especially American about that.

succesful, self-reliant, you mean making money off of people. Nothing especially admirable about that.

Going to UBI would let more people have paying jobs, and let more people run profitable businesses. To me that is highly American.

Remember that the Green New Deal was just a resolution. And it did get voted down in the Senate.

So if anything is to happen, it will be in new, more specific legislation. As I know, it is mostly to be about building infrastructure, and doing it as greenly as possible. I say go ahead.

What I would like to see most, besides fixing anything which is broken or in danger of failing, is public transit and a strong public housing offering.

The public housing offering should be high density, focused on car free living, and built on rail public transit. Should also have all standard services on the lower floors. These services can be used by anyone.

Need this high density and car free to lower ecological impact. No way for private sector to broker this.

As I see it, the other associated ideas would be Universal Medicare, Universal Free College, and the biggest one, Universal Basic Income.

If we have this, we have material utopia.

About $1.4T of other services could be canceled. Andy Wang says UBI costs $3T. I say probably more like $8T.

Most of the money is just from re-circulation. But building the public housing towers will cost money, if we want it done rapidly.

But the rich will also be getting UBI. And in most things the rich have it set up that money recirculates until it gets into their hands. Then it goes into inflating the stock and real estate markets. So to get the money back, we have to have tax hikes.

Probably the pre-Reagan 70% top bracket. And maybe a Wealth Tax too. They are talking about 2% per year on asset profiles over $50 Meg.

Even the lesser rich will benefit from this, because it all expands our economy, and it does this as greenly as we know how.

Finally the poor will no longer be used as our scapegoats.

^^^ SJG, your proposals you listed above only works in urban areas.

What do you suggest for the farmers, suburbanites, and rural folks to take care of their needs?
Well there could be smaller scale public housing and public transit for lower population density areas. But in my view most of the new construction would be for big cities.

Remember that everyone gets UBI. And they can live anywhere they want, or anywhere they can afford.

Rather than having rent control, which is hard to make work, we'll have this public housing offering, fixed at 1/2 of UBI. The idea is that we will have enough of it to compete landlords down to 1/2 UBI for basic living.

So there is probably less need to do this outside of inflated big cities.

But everyone gets UBI, including farmers, suburbanites, and rural folks. There must may not be that much public housing in those places, not until there is a clear need for it.

^^^ Randumbmember spewing more of his righteous bullshit.
Going to UBI does nothing except create lazy people who contribute zero and worse, will create a huge uptick in crime and violence. People with too much time on their hands commit crimes, commit violent acts, drink and do drugs. UBI is just more left wing vote buyingwith my tax dollars. We'd need a moat, wall, minefiled and poison gas to keep the vermin from flodding our borders if we gace eevryone money. We'd look like the filkthy, city filled with homeless called Los Angeles. The easier life is made for people the less they contribute. Time for everyone to work and if you collect welfare you're going to be picking up trash and painting benches in a city park in exchange for it. Wealth tax isn't Constitutional so stop bleating inanities.
Truth! ^^^

Problem is you only understand what skibum states if you’ve worked long enough to know there’s about a 1/3rd of the population that has given up and is only concerned about what they can get from others instead of what they can contribute. It’s the human dynamic that will never go away, which is why liberalism and socialism always will fail us, suckingvthe system dry.
UBI is how we take care of people in an advanced industrial nation, where we don't need or want as large of a labor force.

Skibum, it is people like you who take but contribute very very little.

Taxes are collected, but that does not mean that it is your money. You know what the tax code is when you negotiate wages or fees, you know that you will never have all that money. Grow up.

Poor people are not less moral than rich people. Usually it is the opposite.

And Mexicans are not worse than Americans. It is here that we breed psychopaths and creeps like yourself Skibum.

We don't need the big labor force anymore. You don't pull that social welfare wagon Skibum, you are just like everyone else.

That wagon is pulled by the 8 Clydesdale Team Industrial Technology.…

Meat72, that 1/3 of the population has been made into our underclass, the scapegoats of the middle-class family. We don't need the labor, and we don't need money making scams or financial literacy gambits. What we need is political consciousness raising.

With UBI more people will be able to have paying jobs and be able to run profitable businesses, because the economy will have been expanded. And some of this will be for the public housing and public transit construction which AOC wants in the Green New Deal.

But beyond that, UBI takes care of everyone.

Meat72 and Skibum609, you guys live by denigrating the poor. Well someday the poor may rise up and give the two of you the lesson which you deserve.

avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
"AOC, though young, she is a very smart Latina, and she has already made a big difference" bed.
You're a gfraud SJG. A total nothing fraud. I grew up poor stupid. I know them. I represent them now. They are poor becuase of people like you, who use them, to seek power you neither deserve, nor earn. Liberals cheat the poor. They use them and abuse them. California might be th wealthiest state, but it has the greatest income disparity and the greatest percentage of homeless. All are cheated, used and abused by left wing losers who contribute nothing. Front room makeout session with the trafficked human being, then you cheat her on OTC, call Trump a name and proclaim yourself a good person. UBI is never happening. It is just welfare, and welfare contracts the economy. It does not expand it.
^^ Congrats skibum. Being criticized by SJG is actually a compliment for hard working people who contribute to society.
So with all the divorced guys in here, who likes divorce attorneys?
The funniest thing to me is that the people SJG pretends to support, are the people I actually represent.
Skibum, yet you claim to hate those people and have so much rancor towards them. So that's how you feel about your clients????? LMAO
Skibum, you whole world, not necessarily your law practice, but your politics, and you too Meat72, your politics is based on denigrating those who have already been marginalized.

If I have anything to say about it, people will rise up and silence the both of you.

Marginalized = meaningless phrase. People will do jack shit. Thgey are nothing because they do nothing, There is no "people" as socialists prove time and time again. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day (progressives). Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime (conservatives). Progressives teach people to be losers and then use and abuse them. Socialism works long as there are conservatives to pay for it....I bet AOC can't even suck cock properly, but would love a front room makeout session.
Lol @ the fact that the guy who won't stfu about how most of his immediate family went to ivy leagues saying he grew up poor........I mean if you major in liberal arts at these schools you aren't rich but def not poor either LOL.
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
"I bet AOC can't even suck cock properly"

Whoa, slow down there, buddy.
You are actually stupid Nicole. I notice Jimmy Carter was President, but Billy? Not close. I went to a public college I paid for myself and Ivy league educations didn't keep my Father from drinking himself to death, nor my Mother from teaching parochial school at a salary never exceeding $35,000.00. So fuck you. I don't leeech off people like you do.
^^ yeah but sjg and IceyLoco do!
I don't leeech off people like you do.

I don't leech off people. Lol....

sorry 4 making assumptions about your family..
I don't make assumptions about people ,tbeir culture, or background unlike basically all of your little friends here as well as urself (not gonna lie lol) but I did that just once bc I thought it was necessary to get the truth but it obviously wasn't sooo ya sorry 4 being assumptuous.

@wallanon nothing wrong with not being able 2 suck
Skibum, you don't teach people to fish. You sue their spouses so they can leach off of them even after the relationships end. Do you hate your clients?

And..... when it comes to bitches sucking cock, enthusiasm and willingness to please makes up for lack of experience.
Btw @ skibum I admit my mistakes regardless of who the other person is lol but if youre gonna criticize someone for making assumptions then maybe you should practice what u preach and do the same:)
skibum609, You are wrong about so many things. We have a smaller labor force because we need a smaller labor force.

Circumstances work out different ways for different people, but this does not mean that any of them are bad people, or less deserving of a decent life.

Trying to get more people into the labor force does nothing to benefit our society.

And we need people who will do more than just try to get a cut of cash flow, like you do. We want people who will do things which express themselves, and we want to support this.

And many people grow up in horrendous situations. Tremendous credit to them that they can function at all.…

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People who do thinmgs to exprerss themselves? Sell drugs: Pimp thier kids? Collect welfare? Progressives are vermin, Why are they vermin? Lazy and stupid people succumb to the fact that idle hands are the devil's workshop.
That's the kind of stuff you would come up with Skibum, because that's how you live. And then you try to say that you are more entitled to a dignified life than other people are, and you depend upon having police and courts to protect you.

How about this:


Brian Eno - Thursday Afternoon (61 Minute Version)…

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Why do dancers grab your hands and put them on her boobs or ass?…
The police and the courts protect everyone from the vermin supported by progressives, but to be fair, if the gun laws here were more lax I would be happy to protect myselfagainst my enemies. Ajusticeprojectorg = group of fucking retards.
Skibum, you said you represent the types of people SJG supports. So you're now expressing your real views about your clients?

Free gay sex! That’s what she supports. Same ideology as SJG and IceyLoco.
Skibum, you assume that police and courts can protect you. And you assume that more lax gun laws will help you protect yourself.

But you are wrong, you are a geriatric senile-suicidal, someone who is best just sent to the guillotine.

Before AOC ( had good picture )…


I Talk To The Wind - Crimson King (1969)…
If AOC was my bartender, I would not give her a tip, too dumb and ugly.
But, she is just as smart and honest as any other politician.
Ha Ha Ha,

I actually find her to be extremely smart, 2016 major part of the Bernie Sanders campaign. She has already completely changed the terms of debate in DC.

^^^ I’m curios SJG, what about AOC do you find smart about her, other than her extreme left wing politics and so called progressive platform?

What has she specifically done that makes you think she is so smart? Her green deal would cost us trillions of $$ and unrealistic, she was a bartender before being a politician, and prior to that she was dancing seductively on you tube.

The only thing I can come up with as to why you “think” she is smart is that she plays an extreme left wing platform. That mouthpiece of hers doesn’t require intelligence, it only requires her to be a SELLOUT!
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
@Meathead why worry about whether AOC is intelligent? Buttigieg and Booker are Rhodes scholars and they're actually running for president. Or Liz Warren who's a Harvard professor and a fountain of new ideas backed up by superstar academics.

Why are you so obsessed with AOC?
Hey Randumb, I’m not obsessed with AOC, yet wonder why left wing fruitcakes like yourself are? Way to throw a red herring into this topic. Looks like you’re obsessed with the left wing Cock sucking platform that you’ve mentioned with “Butt”igieg and that transgender promoting Pocohontas Elizabeth Warren.

And speaking of obsessions, why you so hung up on me? I told you I don’t like men, and no homos for me. For the last time I’m only into beautiful women, which you can’t relate to. Sorry your deprived fascist left wing politics have you delusional, like SJG and IceyDodo. Go critique someone’s grammatical writing mistakes on some other board you wanna be college professor.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
This thread has 78 posts. Why the obsession with AOC?

And I can't help it if you write like fourth grader. Lol

Talk about obsession? I'm in your tagline you fucking moron
^^^ Because you warrant it you fucking dingbat, junior college assistant professor! Lmfao rotflmao!!!!
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
@Meathead I think it's amusing that correcting your grammar triggers you. So I'll continue. LOL
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
"Her green deal would cost us trillions of $$ and unrealistic, she was a bartender before being a politician, and prior to that she was dancing seductively on you tube."

Two outta three ain't bad. Plus she's got a rockin set of tits.
Randumb, the only thing it triggers in me is the stupidity of calling someone out on grammar, especially considering the use of typing on a phone for a strip club website. I mean it’s not like we are submitting a business plan or an opinion article in the NY Post, although that has always been your fantasy which you seem to be living out daily on this website.

My tagline will probably stick for as long as you’re a member, and so far nobody has disagreed with it. Guess the court of public opinion is in my favor! Better luck on another forum Randumbmember....
Liz warren who became a Harvard professor by lying about her heritage has one plan: steal fromthose who contribute in order to buy the votes of those who do not contribute. Corwey Booker lol. Pet Buttigieg lol. You make me laugh SJG. If I had alzheiomers and was drooling on myself I would still be smarter and far mnpore coherent than you. Do you work? Do you think your limp dicked impotent threats do anyhting other than make people laugh at you? Do you really think those who riuots in the streets and commit drive bys are tough? Do you think the threat fromther masses is realistic? If you do, you are far stupider than I thought and that was really fucking stupid to begin with. A few more incidents like memphis last night and the vast majority of americans will be begging the police to shoot these tioting, looting, criminals pretending to protest.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago

Many articles like this one in the Boston Globe that detail Warren's rise in law and show that it had nothing to do with her ethnicity. Everyone along the way who interviewed her at Harvard saw her as a white woman. She got there by being hard-working and intelligent:…

A few months ago it looked like she has no chance. But in small steps she's gaining traction and she's now polling in the top three. She's being compared to Patrick Moynihan as a technocrat and someone who suggests policy based on hard data. She's smart and well-informed.

No, she's not trying to steal from rich people to buy votes. There's lots of evidence in the academic community that you can tax wealth above $50M without having a large effect on incentives. This doesn't come from AOC, but from hard-core research by some superstar economists. The wealth tax may be hard or impossible to implement -- or may even be unconstitutional. But it's worth talking about.

Another example is Warren's ideas on child care. Subsidies for child care keep mother's employed and, in the long run, produce children who grow up more productive for society.

She has too many ideas to list. Warren's a good woman and I like her. However I'll vote for whoever can demolish Trump.

Point above is that AOC gets 95% of the news cycle and she's not even old enough to run for president. I personally don't think she's smart enough to rise above where she is. But she's from a working class family, she's Latina, and she's a woman which makes her a triple-threat to the right. The right is obsessed with her because white men fear losing their place in a patriarchal society.
^^^^^^^ She is also a huge improvement over that Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

But the real question is, is she a stripper grade hottie?

Do they have strip clubs in Puerto Rico?

Meat72 asked, "I’m curios SJG, what about AOC do you find smart about her, other than her extreme left wing politics and so called progressive platform?"

Well that right there is enough. She is able to see right through the fallacy of supply side logic, and the fallacy of middle-class parental logic, and is able to argue these down.

Skibum, those who are getting an income, are not necessarily "contributing" anything more to our society than those who do not have such income. The most serious needs in our society are always going to be the needs of those who have no ability to pay. These for example are always going to be those with the greatest need for a lawyer.

Most paying employment does not contribute anything to our society, nothing commensurate with the resources it uses up, staring with the gasoline and tire rubber used by all those people driving in their cars to work.

We already produce enough of all the goods and services people need, but despite that we still have people living in a state of extreme deprivation, simply because they have not been able to secure one of those good paying jobs.

The US experienced its greatest period of sustained economic growth when the top personal income bracket was 90%. And then the greatest purchasing power for the working man was 1969 'till 1972, when the top bracket was 70%, the level AOC suggests we go back to.

And remember, it was Richard M. Nixon who said, "We are all Keynesian's now."

Needs tested welfare is probably going one step beyond Keynesianism. It has great economic expansion benefits, and most of the needed tax revenue comes from just the re-circulation. And it solves the problems which arise when some people don't have money to spend. But then it makes those welfare recipients into the national scapegoats. Our entire politics comes to revolve around them, when they aren't the ones doing anything wrong.

Non-needs tested Universal Basic Income is probably going two steps beyond Keynesianism, but Keynes himself did suggest it, as did Thomas Paine, and as did Milton Freedman and a panel of his colleagues.

If all the money re-circulated until taxes nibbled it up, the we would not have to raise taxes. But usually rich people have gotten themselves installed in key economic choke points, and then half of the money does go to people above the median income in the first place, so that money the rich get goes into inflating the stock and real estate markets, and that is a complete waste. So we will have to increase taxes on the rich, just to get their UBI benefit, and their UBI re-circulation cut, back from them.

In the early 70's, Control Data Systems, St. Paul Minnesota, did have on site free employee child care.

France has long had Universal Free Child Care. It is not mandatory, but you don't see people complaining about it. Most seem to use it. Its purpose is not to enforce the Work Ethic, its purpose is to benefit the children, and hence their entire society.

As a side note, France does not seem to take ADHD-Asperger's-Autism very seriously, seeing it is more like a stress induced condition, more like battle fatigue.

Needless to say the advocates in the Anglo-American Autism Industry are livid.

In the early 70's, the US Congress did pass Universal Free Child Care, but Nixon vetoed it saying, "It would "Sovietize the American Family".

At the material level UBI pretty much does create utopia. Now of course there are a great many details to work out.

I have not read most of this anywhere, but in my opinion there are 3 other things you must have, and then it pretty much just all works out.

1. Strong public housing offering. Price set at 1/2 UBI. Anyone can live there, but to have enough space, this will cost money to build. Make on public transit rail lines, and all services on the lower floors of the tower clusters. So it is basically assumed that those who live in the public housing will not have automobiles. Not just the poor, anyone who wants to live there, 1/2 UBI. Public housing should be able to make a profit. Have a mix of public and private contractors, competing with each other building it on an on going basis. Expansion in demand for housing at this bottom end might be 2 to 1.

No rent control. Rent control has its own problems. Just use public housing to compete with the private landlords.

2. Universal Medicare, but this time with cost controls. Originally Medicare was to have cost controls, board established fees, but LBJ scraped this to bring the AMA on board.

3. Some kind of Free College. Maybe the Bernie Sanders system, but maybe something more rudimentary. Don't ever want the gov't offering blank checks. This has been the problem with Medicare, and it is the problem with Student Loans. So there have to be cost controls. Maybe at least initially it is simply a program of supervised independent studies, run by the Community Colleges, running online, but with some discussion seminars in community centers in the public housing towers.

Modern life entails too much pressure, and much of this comes down to daily transportation needs. Want people to be pretty much able to do all the things they need, in the public housing clusters. Want to rebuild our cities this way, what they are calling Urban Villages. And the rail transport running underneath is a big part. Try to keep it within an elevator ride and 600' of people's front doors. And many employed people will work locally, or online.

And the services in the lower floors of these towers are available to anyone, not just to the tower residents. And it is all right on the rail public transit lines.

Ayanna Pressley says she, Ocasio-Cortez and group of congresswomen make up the 'Destiny's Child' of birth control…

Ted Cruz and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have an odd-couple plan to drain the swamp, and we love it…

Ted Cruz and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez may be teaming up again — on over-the-counter birth control…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticizes Trump administration on census citizenship question…

Warning: Sarah Huckabee Sanders!…

Be honest for just once in your posting sjg. When the top rate was 90% there was at least 10x more deduction savailable, starting with consumer interest. 90% tax on 100k in taxable income is no different than a 33% tax on 270 in taxable income to the government. Liar, cheater, fraud thy name is progressive. By the way did you notice uber liberal USA today accepting the fact that 71% of today's youth are not fit for employment because they are stupid losers, criminals, uneducated and weak? Time to cull the fucking herd. Ayanna Pressley is a nothing and no idefferent than that tahd known as AOC. We're not France and what happens there doesn't work here, so who cares. I refuse to pay for losers to raise future criminals.No free housing, no free college as neither exists. Someone pays, just not people like you. Modern life is far easier than life was at any other time in the past. The change has been that people are pathetic and weak. Progressives trained them to believethey had to do nothing but show up. Wrong. The strong survive the weak succumb to darwinism. Your idea of utopia is a haven for losers, mine is where everyone contributes.
Hey Randumbmember, where are you in calling out Skibum on his grammatical typing errors?

The reason why you don’t call him out in it is because it’s fucking stupid to do so, proving that the only reason you do it to me is because you’ve caught homo feeling for me and are obsessed. So go back to your alias (dot)Txtittyfag and spew your continued obsession from another profile of yours.

Homo, Randumb.
Skibum, if the laws are changed, they we won't be asking you to pay for anything. It will just be a matter of separating you from whatever money you are sitting on. That will be the easiest thing in the world to do.

And the sooner you are expatriated to a pit in the ground at a nuclear waste site the better.

AOC to be sued after court rules Trump can't block people on Twitter…

‘We didn’t feel safe’: Disney heiress describes violence in childhood…

You're a pussy SJG. Little girl making on-line death wishes. I am going to be alive a long time motherfucker. You and yours are going to be hiding in caves pretty soon. MAGA.
Feeding tube, plus oil change funnel, plus hose clamps, and then pour:

64 fluid ounces…

Skibum seems to need this every day, on the toilet. Keeps the nursing home staff busy.

Which of the F.D.R. Wannabes Actually Understands New Deal Liberalism?…

Jonathan Alter, the author of “The Defining Moment: FDR’s Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope,” is writing a biography of Jimmy Carter.

AOC shows the positive vision.

I pile up the corpses of the people too stupid to understand.

Ocasio-Cortez: Ukraine allegation one of the most serious we have seen…

So let me get this right. The Biden's are crooks, but stupid and bad at it. Trump will be impeached because he wanted to find out. Ok lol.
Go ahead, investigate the Biden's and give them what they deserve. They are not in office, and they wuld never be my choice.

But Trump is the one who seems to have abused the Presidency.


Rosicrucian Music…

The American Electoral Republic has failed…

Ocasio-Cortez: Ukraine allegation one of the most serious we have seen…
AOC reads Green New Deal into House Record, 14 pages.…

I don't think the Green New Deal includes UBI, but it should set the stage for it. I also think there should be more talk about Transit Villages, that is Public Housing Towers, on the main rail public transit, with all services on the lower floors. Intended to promote car free living, and to prevent rent inflation. Anyone can live there or use the lower floor services. Say cost is fixed at 1/2 of UBI. But build at least some of these before starting UBI. Good jobs in building and operating, long term jobs. Keep building them at a reasonable rate into perpetuity.

Green New Deal full text, 14 pages……


Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You…

Slow Blues/ Blues Ballads 1 - A two hour long compilation…

TJ Street……
^^^ what time does the library lose today so I can come back without you spamming up the board? 5:00 or 5:30 PM LoydSchoene?
^^^ How much longer are you going to keep your striper in a bondage harness. She might need to go to the bathroom.

^^^ for your it’s how long do you keep your goat ties up so she can graze after your sons fucking her, LoydSchoene??
AOC and Raskin scoff at Kevin McCarthy during lengthy floor speech…

AOC And Jamie Raskin Mock Kevin McCarthy In The Middle Of His 8 Hour Speech…

AOC Questions Witnesses On What It Means To Be Poor…

Bernie Sanders Exposes The Swamp's Big Lie…

FINALLY! $1000 For Social Security & Retirement [Bernie Update]…


Rep Alexandria Ocasio Cortez ( AOC ) : What is so hard about saying that this is wrong…


Love Mr. LDK82's Asian Girl…
Following the release of the Columbia data, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., blasted Manchin in a series of tweets citing the uptick in child poverty.
(in the story continues portion)…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she wasn't sure if an intercultural, interracial relationship would be the right fit for her.…


Chicago School of Rock - Houses of the Holy…
She is one stupid cunt.
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she wasn't sure if an intercultural, interracial relationship would be the right fit for her."

@SJG, yes, because wokes create their own problems--a product of an overfed, idle life without _real_ problems.

They can't see people as individuals, because a world without racial strife is a world in which they cannot make a living.

"It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it."
- Upton Sinclair
avatar for PhatBoyHell
2 years ago
Me Pisano Icee taught me AOC is too far left. Vote for Trump
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