OT: Songs with Spanish Need translations -Help a gringo out

Fuck Joe Biden
Hey if anyone who speaks spanish and can translate it it for me on some songs it would be appreciated. Some of this shit google translate won't even translate because I assume it is slang. Cypress Hill fans help a brother out. I have listened to some of the songs for years and now every word but don't even know what some of it is. I know some of you fools go to TJ so some of you must really understand it.
Shoot me a PM and I will send a link to the song and the lyrics.
last commentWhat songs?
Have you considered google translate?
I have tried it but it doesn't always work for stuff it gives weird translations that don't always make sense.
like this
'Amonos, dámelo, caete con ese paquetón Yo no quiero usar el cuete no Es muy baqueton El bote no me asusta a mi Es como vacación Pero yo te asusto a ti Miados en el pantalón 5, 4, 3 y 2 y 1 Yo quiero la hierba y el nudo Es lo que le queda a este cuetazo de budo Pierde puro verde o pierdes el culo Tu di Ahí esta la otra que te decía loco Estos vatos tienen más feria Aquí vamos a chingar, listo? Vámonos pues
'Let's go, give it to me, fall down with that packet I do not want to use the cuete It is very baqueton The boat does not scare me It's like a vacation But I scare you Mied in the pants 5, 4, 3 and 2 and 1 I want the grass and the knot That's what this budo buzz looks like Lose pure green or lose your ass You say There is the other one that told you crazy These vatos have more fair Here we are going to fuck, ready? Let's go then
Well, a cuete is a gun, a bote is a box, and baqueton here means lazy. Hierba can be any herb, like mint, I've never heard it used to mean grass. But that's in the south of Mexico, could be different in the north.
'Amonos, dámelo, caete con ese paquetón LETS GO, GIVE IT TO ME, GET ON YOUR KNEES FOR THIS BIG PACKAGE Yo no quiero usar el cuete no I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO USE MY GUN Es muy baqueton GOT A BIG BULLET El bote no me asusta a mi THE SHOT DOESN'T SCARE ME Es como vacación ITS LIKE A VACATION TO ME Pero yo te asusto a ti BUT YOU'RE AFRAID OF ME Miados en el pantalón PULSATIONS IN YOUR PANTS 5, 4, 3 y 2 y 1 Yo quiero la hierba y el nudo I WANT SOME WEED AND YOU NUDE Es lo que le queda a este cuetazo de budo LETS YOU GET AT THIS DANGEROUS BIG GUN Pierde puro verde o pierdes el culo LOSE THE GREEN OR LOSE YOUR ASS Tu di YOU GAVE IT UP Ahí esta la otra que te decía loco HERE'S THE OTHER ONE WHO CALLED YOU CRAZY Estos vatos tienen más feria THOSE NIGGAS HAVE MORE CASH Aquí vamos a chingar, listo? YOU GONNA FUCK THEM TOO YOU READY? Vámonos pues LETS GO
It's difficult to translate - some words are slang or phrases that have a particular meaning in the particular language/culture and it's hsrd to find the English equivalent - a literal word filor word translation will often not make sense so you often have to find other English words in order to come closer to conveying the desired meaning
Yeah that is my main issue, is not fluent enough to know what they are really saying.
This one is pretty easy though
Sometimes in Youtube I've seen Spanish songs with English subtitles.
Have you tried searching in YouTube " English lyrics"
Shit - I used angle brackets in my last post and TUSCL cuts it off.
Meant to say search in YouTube:
"(Song name) English lyrics"
Spanglish has few rules and many variations and the guys from cypress hills are of Cuban descent in a Mexican environment and totally baked with the loser leaf so you have to try to get the message they are trying to send, that sometimes they don even know themselves because of the loser leaf effects.
Anyhow this is what the Spanish portion of the song is talking about:
Spanish portion:
The song has two conversations/dialogues/stories going on about the heists of cannabis dispensaries the one that Sick Jacken is telling is in the one in Spanish and starts with Jack talking to his accomplice to get ready for the first heist:
Orale loco Orale loco, Ponte las pilas wey e? Aquí se va a hacer el jale ahorita de volada Estos vatos tienen un chingo de feria Listo? ponte la máscara, vámonos...
Get ready man Get ready man, (put batteries on) be ready/alert Ok? This job takes place now and fast These guys have a lot of cash Ready? Put the sky mask on, let’s go
Then is the conversation between Jack and the victim; the dispensary employee:
Amonos, dámelo, caete con ese paquetón Yo no quiero usar el cuete no Es muy baqueton El bote no me asusta a mi Es como vacación Pero yo te asusto a ti Miados en el pantalón 5, 4, 3 y 2 y 1 Yo quiero la hierba y el nudo Es lo que le queda a este cuetazo de budo Pierde puro verde o pierdes el culo Tu di
Let’s go, give it to me, give up the package I don’t want to use the gun/firearm, no Is too much for this situation. Going to prison doesn’t scare me Is like a vacation But I scare you You pissed your pants 5, 4, 3 y 2 y 1 I want the grass/cannabis and the money It is all is left, this gun/firearm Lose the money or lose your ass/life You tell me.
Of course the employee is going to give up the merchandise and the money rather than lose his life.
They talk about going to the next dispensary:
Ahí esta la otra que te decía loco Estos vatos tienen más feria Aquí vamos a chingar, ¿listo? Vámonos pues...
This I the other place I told you about These guys have more cash Here we are going to Fuck them, ready? Let’s go now...
The song repeats one verse at the end as a chorus.
Again I don’t know why people glorify criminals but it is what it is.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments or opinions or...
I believe at my University we have the best Chicano Studies professors in the Nation, probably the World.
You pretty much have to be a native speaker to understand.
Bote is slang for jail. Feria is slang for money