Sjg tijuana thoughts

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Sjg has been doing research on tj for years. This is his board for any thoughts, insights or knowledge he would like to pass on to us pathetic losers. Like his knowledge on sex tourism. Are the front room makeout sessions really the key to a good arriba? How bout tj sg you can't do front room make out sessions with them. How can you tell they will be a good arriba. How about a budget for all this. Please sjg give us your wisdom. The floor is yours if you can ever you can get away from your cia operations and research.


last comment
6 years ago
That faggott doesn't need any more threads
6 years ago
As appropriately said, mongering is an art not a science, so I prefer to live the TJ experience and discuss it with others who have been there or a planing to visit.

Even though I've been to the Zona Norte too many times to count, I've have not yet gone arriba with a SG yet, so I don't offer my two cents because I don't know firsthand anything on the subject.
6 years ago
@ cristobal lol
6 years ago
Crickets chirping from SJG. Surprised IceyLoco hasnt responded with his expertise.
6 years ago
According to a reliable source the TUSCL question leaves his job and arrives at the library at 1pm.
6 years ago
I hope all you haters know SJG has you under surveillance
6 years ago
Preliminary makeout sessions are everything. Its a major step in getting your girl off of her service delivery script.

Now with SG, one will have to figure out some creative way. Assume that she will be getting adequate money at every stage. To me it seems like taking her to lunch, then to LC or BT for dancing, then the preliminary makeout session. This is before any party has committed to anything more. Then try for TLN or the best you can get. Assume there will probably be more food via room service.

After that session you see her by appointment outside of the zona, usually TLN's, and she knows when this will be coming, she isn't kept guessing.

6 years ago
^ LMFAO san_jose_creep since when have you ever ACTUALLY been to a strip club in TJ?
6 years ago

He's watched plenty of YouTube videos and has done plenty of research from TUSCL, etc.

He has a great, well-conceived, theoretical plan.

I have yet to take a SG arriba but when I decide to do it, I will follow the plan word for word... Lol
6 years ago
Cristobal, the basic idea is just to get your girl off script and into a civilian mode, starting ASAP. This is not some untested theory, it is what I have used for decades.

6 years ago
^ it's just another script for some strippers.
6 years ago
@ sjg streetgirls will not go anywhere with you with agreement on money. Most are just quick blowjob and lube up pussy and go. Which is a shame because there are some really pretty sg.
6 years ago
You are basically just renting 2 holes. I want to figure out a plan to get them to open up like i can bargirls.
6 years ago
Not done it, but I believe that approached right, and with adequate money, they will do basic things, like eat lunch nearby, and come with you to a place like LC or BT.

Not tried that, not been there. But it is consistent with what other people have posted.

On Escorts of Mexico it talked about doing first time TLN with street girls. Lots of people talking about bringing street girls into Hotel Cascadas, and into BT too.

One guy calls his SG up on the phone, drives up in his car and picks her up right in the Zona.

Money shows good intents, shows that you are not just wasting her time.

These are still perfectly Ordinary Girls, they want to know guys.

6 years ago

You are right there are some very pretty SGs.

One time on my way arrives at Cascadas with a BG, I saw this very pretty SG standing there and I was tempted (for a split second) to forget the bargirl and take a chance on the SG.

I didn't do it though but the bargirl provided me an excellent arriba experience.
6 years ago
^^^^^ In my opinion, if you take the time to get to know and SG and see her regularly, it will pay off. Cleaner girl, less alcohol and tobacco smoke. More independent, her own agent, more likely to reside in TJ.

Probably she opts for the sidewalk instead of the bars, cause she wants to be her own boss.

It would just take more time and some experience to do it. Getting her off script, like food - > dancing -> talking -> then that preliminary makeout session, that's got to be the way. Not been there, not done this, but it looks obvious to me.

6 years ago
Has anyone here ever kissed a girl, and had her really go for it, and had that not lead to her just completely opening up?

Would anyone want to fuck a street hooker who even with adequate compensation for her time, would not want to have lunch with you or dance with you in a club? Has anyone ever even found such a girl?

6 years ago
txtittyfag, best to just slither back under your rock now.

6 years ago
I agree that there are some really beautiful SGs. I myself saw one and to this day I regret not talking to her. Also agree that SJG has figured out a pretty psychologically smart way of getting through the defenses. I don't doubt his strategy. It helps if you can Spanish. Finally I had learned that most of the SGs have pimps. Not sure how true is this? Any ideas? Not that it affects the mongering's just something I am curious about. Also, never been with a SG myself. The charms of HK are haven't ventured into new uncharted territories yet.
6 years ago
Other people have written that in TJ most of the girls do not use pimps. No reason to.

But again, I would suggest orchestrating it so that you have time to talk to them and find out as much as you can for your self. This is how I plan to be doing it. And of course, time costs money. No big deal.

On Escorts of Mexico they said, you just have to use your own eyes and ears. But for me, this means that the day time is best. I would not want to be approaching SG in a place like TJ after dark.

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