
Planning First trip to Hong Kong in Tijuana

Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
Thursday, May 9, 2019 11:13 PM
I know that there’s extensive information, research, etx about this club but any recommendations or special tips? Me and a buddy of mine (also married) are planning to go on a 2-day fuck-fest at HK. And I am planning to make it worthwhile as much as possible. I am wary of staying at Hotel Cascadas is it safe?


  • bang69
    5 years ago
    Don't do any thing that will get you arrested " DON'T BE STUPID " play it cool and you will be fine
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Go to the front page of TUSCL. Look at the bottom of the page for a Search box. Type in Hong Kong. That will give you several articles and Discussion Topics on that very thing. [view link]
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    cascada is fine. i stay there a lot.
  • anione2play
    5 years ago
    Don"t forget your passport! :)
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Don’t forget to have a good time
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    No love for Orlando it’s a mongers dream town.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    Dont go. Tijuana is dangerous. Food will make you sick. Chicas are fat ugly and rude. Policia will beat you down
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    If you need to sleep I suggest staying at Hotel Rizos a cross the street from Cascadas. The prices and room quality are about the same but Rizos is much more quiet.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    I am going first weak in july i hope tj has gotten better
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Countryman5434 Despite the many warnings by other TUSCL members, it looks like LDJunkie is willing to risk it.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    One tip is probably to get the VIP card before getting a room at Cascadas as the benefits it gives you is worth the $50 cost.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Plenty of guys stay and have stayed at Cascadas over the years - one thing would be to try and get a room in the upper most floors so the club music does not bother your sleep as much - also basic precautions like not leaving your valuables laying around since you will not be in your room, and you will have chicas in and out (but this applies to anywhere you stay)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    This is a good article written a little while back: [view link]
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Here's a useful tip. Get a divorce first before traveling to Tijuana to have a 2 day fuckfest with prostitutes.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Recently I stayed at Hotel Cascadas 7th floor and when there wasn't noise from construction, you could still feel the bass from the music in the club but I'm a heavy sleeper so I was able to get some rest.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    A lot of American guys go to TJ and never come back. Those Latina's, gotta be careful. Fuck too many of them and they might just turn you into a Show Donkey. SJG
  • LDJunkie
    5 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo thanks for the advice regarding the sound downstairs hadn’t thought about that. Although I am a good sleeper. @san_jose_guy I’m not worried about going into Tijuana or any part of Mexico at all since I have lived plenty of years at the El Paso/Juarez border. Never have experienced any violence whatsoever. I am very excited though, about the “espuma” shows I’ve seen the videos and it looks like something right out of a fucking Roman orgy. Do real customers really get on stage and have sex (or some version of it) in front of everyone?
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ cristobal lol
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    LD. it’s rare but can possibly happen.
  • TJ Lee
    5 years ago
    Tips? Don't get drunk. Unless you're MisterWonderful. But even he gets kicked out. You can request a stage sex anytime if you can perform.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    lol. that week was a blur wednesday and thursday. i won’t do THAT again. thank goodness for friends.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    @LDJunkie I don’t think and hope we are enabling your addiction,... The following is what I have recommended to others; What are you waiting for get both already passport and passport card, you will be going back for sure. Have a valid current passport and Visitor Permit (FMM) in your possession at all times when in Mexico to show you are a legal visitor. In any case your passport or passport card will be scanned and there will be electronic records of when you came back to the United States for sure. When going into Mexico they might or might not scan them too, but at the least the Mexican border officials will ask you for the Visitor Permit (FMM) and the permit will be stamped and the number of days that is valid noted on it (up to 180) and you keep half of the Visitor Permit, keep it with your passport card or passport because you are supposed show it to government officials if they ask for it and ultimately you will have to give it back to a Mexican immigration official when you leave Mexico. This is the Mexican website with the official information: [view link] Again my general recommendation: Behave like a gentleman and you will be treated as a gentleman. Behave like a ugly rude American and you will be treated like a ugly rude American. From my comment on the “Appearance leading to better service discussions” “People greet you according to the way you dress and say goodbay according to the way you behave" I don’t drink, and recommend others do not drink, you need to be stone cold sober so you can behave according to any situation that may occur. Also some people experiences memory lapses while drunk an you are going to want to enjoy the memories of your first visit to what even Krusty the Clown in the Simpsons calls “THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH” If you don’t speak Spanish just ask for someone that speak English to help you, most people are willing to help when asked politely. You will have a unique experience, your own, nothing will be exactly like you imagined or expected. More than anything, relax, be open to the possibilities. The great food, the nice places to visit, museums, beaches etc etc etc. Just don’t go to places that could be dangerous at night and stay close to your hotel, but during the day you can visit places safely. Inside the club an in general be polite and make sure you are treated with respect as a good customer. Be friendly, but be clear about who you want and go for her. Girls like men that know what they want and get it. Again just behave like a man that knows what he wants. Be 100% safe (all sex covered) and you will be fine. Please let us know about your experience will all the details. Have a good safe enjoyable trip. And write an article about your experience so we all can get updates. Hope you have a great time!
  • anione2play
    5 years ago
    Good advice from Superman. CJK, why are all of your reviews from Spearmint Rhino locations and why isn't there one from SR, Las Vegas?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Is front room FS that common in the TJ HK Bar? SJG
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    it occasionally happens. ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ I think front room FS would be really cool. All the more so, cause for me, after the first night, I'd just be seeing the girl outside of the zona. SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @CJKent How many times have you been to Zona Norte? Which clubs did you visit? The reason I ask is when I was a newbie @CJKent was giving similar type of advice about TJ but never visited, WTF?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Question to our TJ and HK Bar - Cascadas Regulars, Do you encounter girls who seem to spend their entire stint, like 2 or 3 weeks, in the Cascadas and always with customers? It would seem to make sense. Whey do they need an outside place, and why does there need to be an inside place for them. It all runs around the clock. They can eat, shower, and sleep with customers. They can just keep doing quickies and medium arribas, until someone wants them for TLN. Since they have to sleep eventually anyway, maybe their prices can be reasonable. No matter what they do, there will always be more customers to make money off of, as the operation runs around the clock. They get visitors coming into the airport from other continents. These guys have no interest in the local culture, or even in adapting to local time. So then they will have seceded from paying attention to the time of day, and from the solar calendar in general. They just have to follow the lunar calendar, as that tells them when their stint is up. AAMP girls here, they pretty much live like that lunar calendar, though they don't normally sleep with customers and there are daily shop open hours. SJG Gabriela Gunčíková & MERYLAND - Love Hurts [view link]
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