The view from the other side of the room
Planning a club visit in near future. Made me wonder, which gives you more pleasure, the anticipation of a visit, or reliving in memory
your most recent visit?
I realize this is most relevant to those who club less frequently than those who go all the time, or often go on a whim without preplanning.
Me, I like the anticipation beforehand, though the memories can be marvelous after.
your most recent visit?
I realize this is most relevant to those who club less frequently than those who go all the time, or often go on a whim without preplanning.
Me, I like the anticipation beforehand, though the memories can be marvelous after.
Second to the visit itself.
I don't really enjoy the anticipation of going mongering but reliving the adventures is what I look forward so much.
But I like to think of the last experience while I anticipate the next visit. I always have a great time when I go.
But for me, nothing beats the anticipation of being in that cab or HK shuttle just a couple of minutes away from Club Hong Kong, just knowing you're that close to a plethora of pussy -- hot pussy, suckable titties and shapely asses.
Remembering and reliving a good experience can dictate our actions when we think of the future as an anticipated memory “This will be a fun strip Club/ITC/OTC experience”)
I try to enjoy both equally and try to keep my expectations reasonable.
“And now, to bask in the joys of anticipation; sweeter, some say, than the actual cash.”
-Al Bundy