

The view from the other side of the room
Monday, May 6, 2019 9:41 AM
Planning a club visit in near future. Made me wonder, which gives you more pleasure, the anticipation of a visit, or reliving in memory your most recent visit? I realize this is most relevant to those who club less frequently than those who go all the time, or often go on a whim without preplanning. Me, I like the anticipation beforehand, though the memories can be marvelous after.


  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    I hate the anticipation waiting for my next trip to paradise.the memories with a young gorgeous mexican chica is priceless to me
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    To be honest, the anticipation is usually better (because the actual experience is often a big letdown). But most of us still keep going back because, once in a while, the experience in the club meets or even exceeds expectations.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    What the good reverend just said.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Anticipation almost always. Second to the visit itself.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    When I watch football, I never watch the pregame show but if my team wins, I watch the post game show, highlights, read about the victory on social media, [view link], and watch YouTube highlights until the next game. I don't really enjoy the anticipation of going mongering but reliving the adventures is what I look forward so much.
  • George123789
    5 years ago
    What the Reverend said too.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    5 years ago
    Reliving the memories and justifying the money spent
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I love the anticipation of more. That means I am on my way. If I'm thinking about memories, then it may be a while until I go back.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    It depends on my mood. But I like to think of the last experience while I anticipate the next visit. I always have a great time when I go.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    For me it used to be the pre-visit excitement and couldn't wait to get to the club (these days when I go it's more out of habit or boredom so not too-much pre-visit excitement as in the past)
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    For me it is too chill out and not have to think. Whatever happens, happens.
  • Piggie
    5 years ago
    I like to smell the used panties, of the last stripper, I visited for half a day before go.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    The better the last visit, the more the excitement for the next. But then it doesn’t live up to they hype so I’m not all that excited, and then it blows me away so next time... you get the idea
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    The anticipation is awesome. I was thinking about this last weekend when I was on my way to a Toronto-area erotic massage place. But for me, nothing beats the anticipation of being in that cab or HK shuttle just a couple of minutes away from Club Hong Kong, just knowing you're that close to a plethora of pussy -- hot pussy, suckable titties and shapely asses.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Survey says: Anticipation wins. But not by a mile. Memories are good too. Couple can't decide.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    Half the fun is the anticipation, the other half is an event that meets or exceeds what was anticipated. Remembering and reliving a good experience can dictate our actions when we think of the future as an anticipated memory “This will be a fun strip Club/ITC/OTC experience”) I try to enjoy both equally and try to keep my expectations reasonable. “And now, to bask in the joys of anticipation; sweeter, some say, than the actual cash.” -Al Bundy
  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    Anticipation, definitely. Memories are great, but they're already in the bank. Adding to that 'memory bank' is more exciting.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    I realize that for me, it is quite cyclical, anticipation is growing considerably as visit approaches, but afterwards I expect to be in happy memory mode.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Anticipation definitely. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. That’s why I want to go so bad. Gotta find out.
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