
What’s the typical mileage on a dance?

Sunday, May 5, 2019 10:28 AM
Dances only not VIP. U.S. only. TJ is on a different level. Here are my bases: First base: Boob and ass grabbing. Grinding. Second base: Stick shifting and FOV Third base: LFK Fourth base: DFK, FIV In my experience, it has only been first base which is kind of lame. I think anything past first base is getting too “intimate” in the stripper’s mind. Most don’t want to kiss and I’m not really interested either with a random stripper. In regards to FOV, I’ve seen guys get slapped or pushed when they tipped the dancer on stage and copped a feel of her pussy. Judging by their reaction, I’m not inclined to attempt it during a dance. Sometimes I think this could be a matter of not being okay when it’s out in the open and for a few dollars but might be more amenable during a “string” of lap dances. No PL would ever mind a stripper stick shifting or reaching inside their pants but ime very few do it voluntarily.


  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    You need to visit Detroit.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    There is no such thing as typical mileage. Different communities and standards. Different clubs. Days vs nights. Different dancers. Even among dancers, it varies based on their comfort level with you.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    80 percent of the lap dances that I have gotten outside of VIP resulted in they stick shifting over and under pants, allowing me FOV, ass squeeze, boob squeeze, and Nipple gnashing. In VIP, everything on table with exception of two clubs so far.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    @mark94. I should have made it more clear that I was looking for your individual experiences. I’ve heard that some clubs in Florida are nude but only for stage. Lap dance is given with bottoms on. That’s lame. Well at least here in the club I frequent, a lap dance can be nude so there’s that.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    In Phoenix these days, grabbing and grinding for floor dances.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    4th base would be a home run. I'm thinking a whole lot more than a French kiss for a home run.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    In Orlando you get thrown out of the game for arguing balls and strikes while still at bat.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    For a dayshift dance I would consider full first base normal and partial second base higher than average mileage. Night shift tends to be a crapshoot even to get to first, which is why I usually don't buy dances at night.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    I know lots here go for the home run (& grand slam in VIP), but I'm comfortable with a string of easy singles. I love caressing from calf to collar bone minus FOV, with hugs and cheek snuggling. And I have told them that. Never get slapped or discouraged in any way. Works for me. (But I'm a married guy, and that's my agreement with wife, lap dance ok, sex not. Plenty at home)
  • theDirkDiggler
    5 years ago
    According to the OP, i guess i've been getting home runs at the chump stations in the Chicago area. Imagine that... Also what base would DATY be on if you do that in a "regular" dance? Also nipple sucking is probably higher than LFK (or LK, as there's nothing light about FK); if not, bean flicking definitely is... Otherwise, typical mileage (or common mileage really, as the typical mileage often isn't technically allowed at a lot of clubs, but PLs and dancers still get away with it) at most local clubs would be first base (ass and boob grabbing and grinding). Strangely, i saw more kissing at the lower mileage and topless places than at the UHM nude places, but i think it depends more on the PL than the dancer...
  • Stripclubaddict1
    5 years ago
    Depends on what you consider typical. I’ve gotten bbbj on the floor a few times
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    In my personal experience on the floor? I have traveled a little bit and you should just be happy if you get first base on the floor. I did make out with one dancer on the floor here and there that I was dating at the time (wasn’t a fan of the PDA but she was) but that’s just a one outlier with somebody I knew really well.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    I think there is some misunderstanding because of the different strip club setups. I don’t mean on the floor. A lap dance is given in an open area designated for lap dances only. VIP is an enclosed room for yourself.
  • theDirkDiggler
    5 years ago
    When i'm talking about "regular" lap dance areas, i'm including communal lap dance areas where you can see numerous PLs and dancers and watch what they're doing as well as the semi-private booths/cubicles where you can't unless you walk by the opening and stare (which is generally considered a no-no, but doesn't mean that i haven't snuck some looks, lol) and everything in between (opaque or sheer curtained off benches, etc). Obviously, the mileage (especially UHM) would be higher in the second setting. Now, i and dancers i was with in particular, have noticed even to the point of then mentioning it to me that another dancer was making out with a PL. This would happen in the more open dance areas. I could also see it on the main floor/front room. That doesn't mean that kissing didn't happen in the more private areas, but it didn't seem as the dancers that did it thought it was like some extra (fourth base) that they could charge the PLs more for or something, despite the general (or perceived) rarity of it.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    About 10 cm per second. A little faster towards the end.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Lol That be a great 'old pervert' line.
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