Because as a very general rule, guys are more visually & aurally (yes that is spelled correctly) stimulated than mentally. If she LOOKS good and is, at a minimum, not bored/repulsed/terrified at the sight of me, I can make it work. Is she acting when she moans softly? As long as her mouth is full when she does it, I don't care.
because it strokes a guy's ego more to think its something other than his money that she wants.
Personally, I can't enjoy being with a hooker coz I want my ego as well as dick stroked coz she wants to...not coz I'm paying. The difference is too big to ignore.
At strip clubs, if I get dances, I get them from girls who are my type. You can tell the difference between a girl looking at you because there is an attraction vs when there isn't. If I don't sense that, I just have a few drinks and don't talk to any dancers. But usually, I just hang out at clubs where I know people.
I would say common courtesy, just like when I stare at you and gawk a bit, tip, and give you the whole of my attention. It’s courteous and professional given the profession/ambiance
Nicole, this is an area you and I see differently. I don't and would not pay a woman to pretend that she likes me.
If she likes me, that will be obvious.
In some venues, like some kinds of strip clubs, and even more so in AMPs, you can fuck the girl, but she will expect to be paid. That money is what pays her bills. It allows her to be there, instead of working some stupid useless job. The money supports her to be available. But that is all.
I have always advocated treating women in sex work situations in a completely civilian manner. Never talk like money buys her. Never try to use money to persuade her. If she is hesitant, just keep smooth talking her and getting to know her. But never offer her money.
And of course that original coming on to her and the preliminary makeout session. No discussion or negotiation about that, all completely civilian.
We pay for a fantasy. A visual and tactile fantasy that has zero strings attached. I know that when I leave the establishment, she will forget me in a heart beat. Hell, I do the same. I have literally had fantastic sessions with a beautiful dancer and literally forgot her stage name within 15 minutes of leaving the club. It is all fantasy that is fun “in the moment”. The two main fantasies that are fun are 1. Personal Interest, small talk and Emotion 2. Pure sex
Strippers are best on the first fantasy for me. AMPs are best on the second fantasy for me.
The two are mutually exclusive for me since I do not do OTC with strippers. Strippers are for hours of dance club interaction. AMPs are for 1 to 2 hours continuous FS SEX without all the BS of “getting to know” each other before having our fun.
last comment1) sexual release;
2) girlfriend experience;
3) sheer convenience(
4) no strings attached;
5) thrill of illicit sex with a stranger.
#1 and #2 can be had with any woman.
For #s 3, 4 and 5 you need a DSP (desploogination service professional).
Personally, I can't enjoy being with a hooker coz I want my ego as well as dick stroked coz she wants to...not coz I'm paying. The difference is too big to ignore.
At strip clubs, if I get dances, I get them from girls who are my type. You can tell the difference between a girl looking at you because there is an attraction vs when there isn't. If I don't sense that, I just have a few drinks and don't talk to any dancers. But usually, I just hang out at clubs where I know people.
If she likes me, that will be obvious.
In some venues, like some kinds of strip clubs, and even more so in AMPs, you can fuck the girl, but she will expect to be paid. That money is what pays her bills. It allows her to be there, instead of working some stupid useless job. The money supports her to be available. But that is all.
I have always advocated treating women in sex work situations in a completely civilian manner. Never talk like money buys her. Never try to use money to persuade her. If she is hesitant, just keep smooth talking her and getting to know her. But never offer her money.
And of course that original coming on to her and the preliminary makeout session. No discussion or negotiation about that, all completely civilian.
1. Personal Interest, small talk and Emotion
2. Pure sex
Strippers are best on the first fantasy for me.
AMPs are best on the second fantasy for me.
The two are mutually exclusive for me since I do not do OTC with strippers. Strippers are for hours of dance club interaction. AMPs are for 1 to 2 hours continuous FS SEX without all the BS of “getting to know” each other before having our fun.
My opinion may differ than others.