Women who describe themselves as being career driven as weird as fuck to me.like

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Like...would a domestic wife describe herself as being "home driven?" Lmao..no..

Its like women talk about equality; but at the same time, they put labels on themselves such as being "career driven", as If such a title makes them different .

Having a degree doesn't make you uniquely career driven ,bc the only difference between you( degree earning woman) and the housewife is that her "career" is taking care of the kids bc that's what makes her happy, whereas your career is about research, running a business/law office bc that's what makes u happy . y'all are both "career minded" lmao .


last comment
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Any woman who takes her time To care for children is my absolute dream woman. They is a difficult jod. Don’t care what anyone says .... VERY DIFFICULT JOB! And, the absolute BEST career out there!
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Why are you so judgmental Nicole?
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
this is a real career driven woman most guys on here can appreciate...

avatar for 4got2wipe
6 years ago
As Nicole1994’s father might say the FOGHORNS learning am brilliant! ;)
avatar for JimGassagain
6 years ago
Wtf is rong with you?
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@iceyn ... now, that chick could be fun. I don’t smoke crack, but I would definitely participate in her other activities!
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
You have emotional issues Nicole. Why are you so judgmental? What the fuck in your background makes you speacial?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
- I don't think I'm Special or above anyone
-sorry if this post was anal!!! U guys r rude
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ wow Nicole I don’t think I was rude , that was uncalled for
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I agree with the main premise of this thread. There's nothing inferior about being a housewife.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Not u @25 lol sry..I was referring 2 @skibum
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Than say that not you guys;)
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think women who end up just being housewives don't live up to their full potential and a family needs both parents working these days. Where are these women if they end up widowed or divorced?
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Well, I think historically women have been marriage driven, instead of career driven. So those who today opt to be career driven, they are going to face social obstacles, and they are going to have to act in their own defense.

One of the things I quickly noticed when I graduated from college was the lack of women with comparable college educations in the work place. Some said that they were in the Helping Professions, so that I was not seeing them. But what I suspect is that they tended to be housewives, and so that most of what they said when they were in college, was bullshit.

Also, following on Icey, I hate to say this, but I am very critical of the popular idolization of mothers. When you find cases of Muchausen's Syndrome By Proxy ( now simply Medical Child Abuse ), usually you will find a woman forced to give up a fast lane career and to accept domesticity, and so she is trying to justify her role.


And then like Simone de Beauvoir always said, for most women, "maternity is an inauthentic choice."

Domesticity sucks, and often it is many who are forced to pay the costs of it.


Elementary Theosophy (Teachings of Madame Helena Blavatsky)

Theosophy for Everyone

Progressive Jews Finally Getting Some Voice:


avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Oh c'mon.

Mothers are awesome.

Well mine is anyway.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Most telling reading:

Perhaps the most vitriolic attack ever launched on the American way of living - from politicians to professors to businessmen to Mom to sexual mores to religion - Generation of Vipers - ranks with the works of De Tocqueville and Emerson in defining the American character and malaise.


Stephanie Coontz, always really good.

CC, you should read this:



TJ Street

Elementary Theosophy (Teachings of Madame Helena Blavatsky)

Theosophy for Everyone

Progressive Jews Finally Getting Some Voice:


avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I'd also be wary of a women who doesn't want to work and just expects to be taken care of without contributing anything.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
She's making a very important contribution, the contribution of raising and taking care of your children.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Most women today do not want to be solely defined by that role. I would say that a woman who claims that she wants that should be looked upon with suspicion.

In the Middle-Class Family, it is the children who are the exploited workers, being used to give the adults a public identity.

Just watch:

Also this book is very good:

avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Why, what is suspicious about it?
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Yes, but most women don't believe that they should be locked into this role alone, and I would say that a woman who says that she only wants to do that should be looked upon with suspicion.

Just watch
Most women today do not want to be solely defined by that role. I would say that a woman who claims that she wants that should be looked upon with suspicion.

In the Middle-Class Family, it is the children who are the exploited workers, being used to give the adults a public identity.

Just watch:

Also this book is very good:

avatar for CC99
6 years ago
You still haven't explained why a woman who wants to be a housewife should be viewed as suspicious.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
She is claiming she wants a role which the vast majority of women today do not want.

Like they had said, "You are only one man away from destitution."

Read "The Women's Room" book.

Women used to be trapped in horrid marriages just because of economics. The divorce rate is still very close to 50%.

So you suggest a woman who sees things differently, probably her perceptions are based on some very unreal things and some very concerning assumptions.

Hey sorry to say, but some women make a life out of driving their child to the doctor.


You need some outside education and some outside social experience CC99.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
It is suspicious because she seems to seek a state which most women see as oppressive. So probably her assumptions are highly problematic.

avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Its funny how the left claims they are the fighters for women's rights and freedom and shit like that, when its really that they still want women to behave the way they want them to be. How is it oppressive for a man to take on the burden of working a job and dealing with the stress that comes with that so that his wife can relax at home and be with her kids? Working is not a privilege, its a necessity. The left still oppresses women but the way they do it is by demanding that they work full time and be "independent, career driven women," give up having a stable marriage with children and instead push them all to be thots who objectify themselves for high status men in bars and nightclubs.

But apparently the side that wants an economy that will allow men to make enough money that a family can be raised on a single income and the woman can be with her kids; and for women to be able to expect a loyal, loving husband in her future instead of growing up in a culture that expects them to be passed around from guy to guy like a fuck toy are the ones oppressing women?
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Well women have in large part decided. They are the Left here. They feel it necessary and a civil rights issue that they be able to have a career. You are too young to have seen these fights first hand.

And today, the idea that they should be full time with kids is a religious right reaction.

And no, it is not the Right which wants a single income to be enough. The Right may say this, but it is completely untrue.

Sorry CC99, but you live in a world of Right Wing disinformation.

Another good book, Faludi is with the LA Times.


Here, something you can watch right now.

CC99, you are under the influence of a fair amount of Right Wing Total Bullshit. Need to do some critical reading on your own.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^^ Faludi is real good in the above video. And I know all the things she is talking about.

Also this book is related, glad it has been reprinted:

avatar for CC99
6 years ago
They took "freedom to have a career" for "every woman is now expected to have a career." You said yourself you are suspicious of women who want to be housewives. Feminists act like because they wanted careers that they need to shame women who don't want to work.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
They want careers because they want equality. They aren't shaming other women, they are protecting themselves, and their children.

There is a backlash in play.

Remember, Bill Clinton enjoyed a Gender Gap, big boost because women were going for him.

But Al Gore only enjoyed a Marriage Gap. Single women going for him. But married women who like empty platitudes going for Bush.


avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
And no one handed them "freedom to have a career". They fought tooth and nail to get it.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Women aren't passed around like fuck toys just coz they choose to have a sex life isntead of being passed from their father to a husband...

It is oppressive to expect a woman to be dependent on a man and to stay at home with kids. What happens if he dies or they divorce? When the kids get old enough to be home alone? A woman shouldn't have to sacrifice leaving her mark on society so she can have a family.

If you really believe women are your equals then you'd realize that. Its more egalitarian to respect her right to work and go to school, be a mom and everything while letting her be submissive to you than thinking you have to protect her lock her up barefoot and pregnant ....
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
You're telling me that women are not expected to have careers now? They absolutely are. Its no longer just a matter of they have the freedom to have one, they are pretty much expected to have one now. Women who choose to be housewives are considered "bad feminists." Both of you either claimed to be suspicious of housewives or feel like they're not contributing to the household and you want to talk about "the freedom to choose a career?" A huge part of the stripper dilemma is what they want to do when they are ready to stop dancing. A lot of them don't like corporate jobs but people have made them feel like they have to get a job when I think many of them would like it if they could be a housewife and the husband makes enough money for them to live comfortably.

Being a mom and having a full time job is incredibly stressful. I don't want my wife to be stressed out and exhausted because of the dual burdens of motherhood and a career due to the fact that feminists have made her feel like she's "oppressed" if she doesn't. Nobody really wants to work. If a billionaire came to me and said he would pay me $150,000 a year for no reason you think I would get a job? You work because you have to. Its better when a team's roles are split so that you're not both so stressed out and exhausted at the end of the day that you can't enjoy your lives.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Before it comes up btw, Nicole was clearly destined to be a career woman. I think its a lot more important to her than it is to most people. But for me, having kids is really important and I think trying to juggle childcare with both parents working is extremely stressful for both parents. Part time work in something creative that can be done at home is one thing but both of us working a full time corporate job? It would require taking on a level of stress and busyness that I just don't want for us. I'm not really that good with babies, so I think the burden of working that full time job is better suited to me.

Any marriage that begins with the premise of "but what if we divorce" is almost bound to fail. If I marry a woman, I expect to be with her for the rest of my life and I expect her to feel the same way. If her reason for wanting a career is "what if we divorce" then that calls into question her commitment to the marriage and I will have a problem with that. I don't want to marry a woman who's already got possibly divorcing me in the past of her mind.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Dancers I've known have more ambition than that.

Yeah, work is a necessity and women need to work too....

Feminism is simply the movement believing in women's rights and equality.

Try affording a family on one paycheck....see how stressful that is.

No one goes into a marriage expecting divorce but the reality is there.

Expecting a woman to stay at home with kids isn't about having different roles, its about her giving up her life potential.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
CC99, the women who want to stay home with kids and not have careers, they are selling out feminist gains. Most of the time they are listening to religious or medical reactionaries. And more time with the kids, what is good about that? Are the kids going to spend their entire lives with their mothers? And hearing this in an industrialized country which still has no law mandating parental leave?

In France they have Universal Childcare. It is not mandatory, but it is free. Whereas in this country Child Care is to enforce the Work Ethic. In France it is for the benefit of the child, and so most people use it.

A woman who wants to be home full time with her kids, to me she sounds either neurotic or depressed.


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Pablo Sender - The Secret Doctrine: Part 1 - How to Study The Secret Doctrine
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I agree 100% with SJG on this. Also, a lot of golddiggers pretend to want to be stay at home moms.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
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