

God Bless Dancers
I have a friend who wad a few years older than me named Butt and he went to college in a nearby city to be a Diesel mechanic. He had two cousins that wanted to go to cosmetology school in the same city he went to school in. They all three became room mates. The cousins names were Anamie and Baba. This living situation worked for a while but over time they got on each others nerves. Little things started to happen and one thing that really annoyed Butt is one day Baba took a huge shit and clogged the toylet for days. She did this constantly. Anamie was okay looking but Baba was a huge heifer. They both thought they were supermodels though, because they went to Barbazon School. Butt started to tell everyone about Baba's kaka and she hated him for disclosing.

I case you were wondering I think this song was written about Baba...


Baba and Anamie's dad worked at the local sewer plant. Butt soon figured that his uncle worked there to help deal eith Baba's caca. He worked hard there for years and years. He finally worked so hard that he had a heart atack from exhaustion. Sad day indeed.

After all this happened I bought a shit truck to pick up the slack and made a really shit business.

MackTruck cashed in on Baba's caca


  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Moral of the story. If you see an opportunity that may seem shitty, it may turn out well. Go for it...
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. I know one millionaire who became such because he took peoples trash to the fucking dump ! Someone has to do it. Might as well make a million or several doing what nobody else wants to do.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    This is inspirational
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    The only billionaires I personally know are damn grocery store owners. You would NEVER peg them as a billionaire because they live in a 3000 people town and dress like country bumpkins.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    My largest client is a billionaire.... he wears jeans, loafers, and a un tucked button down every day. Smokes kool cigarettes. Drives a ford bronco 2. Weird guy and you would never know he was as wealthy as he is. but he has been a good client for 17 years
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    I have another client that is not a billionaire but her is worth about 5 million. He got started cleaning toilets.... now he has about 50 crews of 4 that clean a lot of toilets. He still goes out and cleans with them a couple times a week. He always says it is amazing what people will pay you to do something they don't want to do.
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    My wife pays me to clean our toilets. I will not say how or what she pays. But it is good. Really good!!!
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Nice! @ musterd
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