

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 2:22 PM
... is up about 40% since I made the last thread on February 24th. In comparison, the S&P 500 is up about 3% since then. If this trend continues, where do you think I will get a greater return--in Bitcoin, the money of the future, or in the currently-overvalued stock market? I wondeeerrrrr............

P.S. Don't buy Bitcoin, it's too risky. LMAO.\
P.P.S. Seriously, the 1-day RSI is over 90; don't buy Bitcoin right now.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Maybe when you think it is about as high as it can get, then you want to buy in.

    Hard to imagine anything more bullshit than the stock market, but you seem to have found it.

    Can I interest you in SJG Coin?


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  • mark94
    5 years ago
    The Economist magazine had an article years ago showing that you could prove any investment theory if you were allowed to pick the time frame. Investing in Prune Juice is better than investing in stocks ? There’s a time frame where this is true.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ The ultimate gov't entitlement program, the stock market.

    All it takes is just cutting taxes forever.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Good job! I’ve wanted to pull the trigger for quite some time, but it’s hard to think about catching a falling knife.

    I hate creating another account to purchase the currency. My bias kicked in, status quo.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Some people don’t believe in TVM, especially when it comes to equities.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    @mark94: +1. For example, if you bought bitcoin 1 year ago you've lost over 30%, compared to a positive approx. 8% gain for the S&P over the same time. You can play that game forever.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ In Las Vegas the casinos are always open.

  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    Yeah, but it does not cost anything to live in your mothers basement, does it SJG? Growing up and taking on adult responsibilities is such a chumps game
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    And Daddilac, it does not cost anything to be a grouchy idiot on this board either, does it.

  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    I'm not a grouch.... I just don't like leaches on society.... basically you
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ You're the one who sounds like a leech, living by bashing poor people it sounds like.

    About all you can be then is a keyboard coward, because no one would tolerate you f2f.

  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    LOL..... I'm gonna make a special trip out to San Jose.... what club should I go to
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Our clubs aren't the kind you would like, no touching, only two nude clubs in the country, the rest bikini. This is why my mongering started in AMPs.

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