
Feeding off @GMD an example of an acceptable review

Everything written by this member is a fact.
Baby Dolls - Past and Present
November 3, 2018
I will break-up this review into 4-sections:

I) Intro
II) Club Layout
III) Dancers
IV) Conclusion

1) The "Intro" section for each of my Dallas reviews will be the same thus no-need to re-read it if reading my various Dallas reviews

2) this is a long and kinda rambling review - so skip it if short on time or patience

Needed to be in Dallas for about 10-days in early October and hit the following SCs:

+ Pandora's
+ Baby Dolls Dallas
+ Stiletto's Forth Worth
+ Cabaret East Forth Worth
+ DG's
+ Dallas Cabaret North

For about a year now my SCing has been meh and I've had a "been there done that" feeling w.r.t. SCing; so wasn't planning on doing any clubbing while in Dallas but PL-curiosity finally got the best of me.

I lived in Big-D from 2000 - ~2010 and Big-D is where I initially got the SC bug - thus I was PL-curious to kinda check-out a couple of my old PL-stumping-grounds along w/ some new clubs that had opened-up after I left the area (I still keep up w/ the Dallas area reviews).

Baby Dolls is a stand-alone building that kinda looks like a warehouse from the outside - plenty of free-parking w/ valet-parking upfront (usually security at night patrolling the parking-lot).

The building entrance is a small lobby where one pays the cover-charge - there is an ATM machine at the entrance I assume for those that need $$$ to pay the cover - good move IMO.

Once one pays the cover one makes a quick right into the main-room - the first thing one sees as one enters the main-room is a girl selling beer from a tub - you can grab a beer there if you want and help her out or continue into the main-room and order a drink for a waitress or at the bars - the restrooms are straight ahead past the beer-tub girl along the right-wall as one enters the main-room.

The main-room has a large island-bar in the middle along with a sea of low-tables w/ comfy wrap-around leather/leather-like chairs - there are some high-top tables around the perimeter of the room.

There is one large main-stage sorta against the back-wall as one enters the main-room - plus 6-satellite stages arranged in a square pattern around the main-room - dancers rotate clockwise from the main-stage to each of the satellite stages and a dancer needs to do all 7-stages at once b/f she's free back on the floor - the main-stage is pretty-big and IMO not that conducive to tipping; the satellite-stages are small and better for tipping particularly the 2 satellite stages (stages 4 and 5 in the 7-stage rotation) that are on either side of the stairs that lead to the upstairs balcony; these two stages are low to the ground and give one easy and more-personal access to the dancer.

To the far-left wall as one enters the main-room are a # of pool-tables - behind the main-stage is a lap-dance area consisting of high-backed chairs w/ arms, and there is an additional small bar in this area - the dancers' dressing-room is to the left of the stairs leading to the balcony in b/w the stairs and the entrance to the main-room - their are some VIP booths/cubby-holes tucked inside the wall behind the stairs, and the right-wall as one enters the main-room - I think these cubby-holes/booths go for like $165 or something and not sure if they have a time-limit but could be you get it for the night/visit along w/ a bottle that's included - this price is just to use the booth; you negotiate separately w/ the dancer for her time - these booths are open so def not completely private but they do offer a little bit of privacy as they are kinda out of view unless one looks in that direction (AFAIK don't expect too-much more than the type of dance you get in the communal dance-area except you can also just sit there and chill and drink w/ your dancer if that is what you like).

Upstairs is another good-sized island-bar along w/ more chairs to get dances or just use for seating - on my visit it seems they have changed the chairs upstairs b/c they were not high-backed like in the past or like the ones downstairs behind the stage - I found the upstairs chairs smaller and narrower and more uncomfortable for getting dances. There is a another restroom upstairs in the back right corner as one goes up the stairs - upstairs are also private VIP rooms but they are pricey - I believe they go for $650 but I believe one gets it for the whole night/visit - the $650 is just for the room and I assume a bottle of something, you then negotiate w/ the dancer for her time and it'd be kosher if you and the dancer "get on the same-page" as to what's expected for her time - I would assume a group could rent out the VIP room and if so it can become more fea$ible.

Baby Dolls (BDs) was the club that turned me into a PL back in 2000 when I moved from my hometown of Miami to Dallas. Back in early-2000 I was driving around the city one night getting to know Dallas and I ran into Baby Dolls which caught my eye - I was stopped at a light and I see a bright billboard and see the name "Baby Dolls" and although I was not much of a SCer at the time it wasn't hard to figure out what "Baby Dolls" was - this was the old Baby Dolls location in another part of town different from the current location - in the old pre-2007 location there were actually 3-clubs that shared the same-parking lot thus as I was stopped at the light I see a sea-of-cars parked in the lot at night and it kinda piqued my interest - I went on my way that evening continuing my cruising getting to know the city but made a mental-note of Baby Dolls and made a mental-note to check it out to see what it was all about since I was in a new town and really didn't know any one and needed something to do on the weekends and I've never been much of a nightclub or bar type guy - anyway I came back a few nights later to check-out BDs on a weekend night and that is where the legend of Papi Chulo was born :) - I was 30 y/o at the time and prior to this I'd only SCed a handful (could count in one hand) of times in my 20s and I was not really that impressed w/ SCs and found them too-expensive b/c I was not making too good a $$$ in my 20s - but I was kinda blown-away w/ BDs on my first-visit at the sight of ~75 almost full-nude hot-women willing-and-able to entertain you - BDs was a well ran/professionally-managed club and most-dancers behaved properly and I was not used to experiencing this type caliber club in the handful of prior South-FL SC-visits - thus my introduction to BDs soon after moving to Big-D is what turned me into a PL - BTW - the other two clubs at the old BDs location one was a small Deja-Vu that shared the same-building w/ BDs but had a separate entrance - that Deja-Vu was about 1/8 the size of BDs but over time I ended up liking it better than BDs since I prefer dives and that little Deja-Vu had a good # of AA dancers, my pref (whereas BDs barely had any) and that Deja-Vu also had some sexy Latinas (mostly Mexican or Central American girls) - the 3rd-club at the old BDs location I think was called The Fare (can't quite remember) - it was mostly a white-club and I only visited it 2 or 3 times and it didn't really grow on me (but the small Deja-Vu did become one of my go-to spots and it had good-mileage (no extras) unlike many a Deja-Vu).

So much for the history lesson - this current visit to BDs at its post-2006 location was on Saturday eve 10/6/18 ~11:30 pm - I had left South-FL on a 6:15 am flight on this same Saturday and had actually gotten to the airport around 1:00 am for my 6:15 am flight as I was flying out of Ft Lauderdale which is further from my crib - my older bro by 3-years (and only sibling) was gonna take me to the airport and I figured it'd be best to not have him have to wake-up around 4am to take me so I asked him to take me late Fr eve and I'd hang at the airport catching up on TUSCL - thus I had not slept since Th night by the time I made it to BDs on Sat eve - was not really planning to SC that night (or even for the duration of my trip) and I didn't even have a car w/ me, but I was feeling cooked-up in the hotel and cranky from lack of sleep and when I'm cranky I have a hard-time falling asleep so at some point in the eve I made a PL-executive-decision and called and Uber to go to BDs and at least distract myself for a bit - I was staying in Irving and the Uber to BDs was only like 11-bucks (well actually I first stopped by Pandora's which is a dive that used to be one of my go-to spots as I prefer dives - but Pandora's was not the same type of club currently as back in the day so I bailed from there to BDs).

Anyway - arrived at BDs ~11:30 pm and things got off to a bit rocky start - since my original destination was Pandora's, I was wearing my black lounge pants that although have pockets and kinda look like slacks, they don't have a zipper and some "upscale clubs" have issue w/ this type attire (and it didn't help I was also practicing the ancient-art of commando - no underwear) - anyway there was a bit of a line to pay the cover - once I make to the desk to pay one of the girls tells me in a snaughty-way almost in a loud-voice "you can't wear sweatpants to the club" - I told her "they are not sweatpants, they have pockets (trying to get away on a technicality LOL)" - she said "well you can talk to the manager if you want" - I said "ok let me talk to him" - 2 or 3 minutes later a guy from the staff came out to the lobby (I think he was coming out for something else) - the snaughty little punk girl asks him if I could go in w/ the pants I was wearing - I came to my defense and said "these are not sweatpants they have pockets (pleading my PL-case LOL - it was kinda pathetic but hey that's why we're PLs)" - he gives me a brief-look from a few feet-away and says in a friendly voice "yeah he's ok" - I think he was being cool about-it and trying to help me out instead of being a dick b/c in reality I probably was not up to Baby Dolls code - anyway snaughty punk-girl yells at me "OK - GET BACK IN LINE" - I was already pissed the way that little-punk was talking to me and being w/ no sleep and I told her forget-it and started to walk-out - I had already made the line and now she wanted to make it again instead of just taking my cover and letting me in - as I was gonna walk out I said fuck-it and just got back in line; paid my cover (think it was $7); and as a true frustrated PL didn't leave a tip LOL (that little punk-bitch got on my fucking-nerves - I'm almost 50 fucking years-old and she looked 21 at most and talking to me like she owned the damn place). Anyway - finally made it inside - bought a Coors Lite (6 or 7 bucks; can't remember) from the beer-tub girl at the entrance to the main-room; and went to scope out the scene.

The club was pretty-packed and barely a place to find a seat - not uncommon for a Sat eve @ BDs but it also happened to be the night of the McGregor UFC fight (I don't follow UFC that much and knew McGregor had a fight coming up but didn't know it was that night).

Anyway - BDs has not changed much since my days of hitting it back in the 2000s - the layout is pretty-much exactly the same and even the same hype-man that introduces the dancers is still there from back in the day (as well as a burly older dark-haired Latino guy that is always going back-and-forth from the bar to the store-room for supplies) - I even saw a RIL that used to be there every time I hit BDs back in the day and he would follow dancers from stage-to-stage - the only major difference I saw w/ the current BDs is the high # of Cuban dancers - up to late 2009 which is when I relocated back home to Miami I don't think I had ran into a Cuban-dancer in the DFW clubs - I keep up w/ reviews of certain clubs across the country and it wasn't till maybe 3 or 4 years ago when I started reading reviews of Cuban dancers at other clubs across the south as far west as Phoenix.

It was very busy due to the McGregor fight - after the fight ended some time past midnight the club thinned out a bit but did not empty out - I mostly just hung-out exploring the scene - BDs is a good club but not my M.O. as I am primarily and almost exclusively into ebony-dancers and I think I made have seen one or two but they were small-build ebonies whereas I prefer the thick ebony stallions with the huge-asses and big-titties - so I was just killing some PL-time b/f I headed back to the hotel - eventually a fairly-sexy Cuban girl approached me and I was like what the heck and got 2-dances ($20/LD) from her upstairs and they were ok but nothing to write home about per se - a little while later saw another Cuban w/ long straight jet-black hair down to her waist and a meaty-bod (my pref - had thick(ish) thighs and a meaty-ass) w/ a flat-stomach and a nice-looking face; I'd rate her at an 8.5 - she approached me as I was standing in a corner and asked if I wanted some dances and since I had nothing better to-do got 3-dances from her upstairs which were pretty-good mileage but the upstairs chairs I just don't find too-comfortable for getting dances (one is kinda stuck in one-position unable to spread one's legs) - thinking back I would've preferred to get the dances on the far-side of the upstairs bar (which is not as crowded) on a barstool so I could at least open my legs to get a good grind vs being constricted by the sides of the usptairs chairs which are a bit narrow and have arms/sides - anyway got 3 pretty-good dances from this thickish Cuban and she seemed to put effort into it.

After my 2nd-set of dances made my way downstairs to check out the scene now that the club had thinned-out a bit post the UFC-fight - saw a nice-looking American blond on one of the stages next to the stairs - she was slender but a had a very nice ass - went up to tip her and wanted to feel her butt - as I started feeling her butt she takes my hands and moves it away - really? - in a club where two-way touching is the norm and this chick thinks it's too-much for me to feel her butt while tipping her (it's not as I was trying to finger-bang her) - anyway tipped her 2-bucks and I just kept it moving.

I'd been mostly standing-and-waking throughout the visit so was getting kinda tired and sat for a bit at one of the high-tops near the restrooms - was fixing to leave but saw a sexy brunette in a small 2-piece that turned-out to be another Cuban - she gave me the "whan dunce?" line and I said ok - we went to the dance-area behind the stage which had the old highback chairs that also have arms/sides but are wider and a bit more con=mfortable for getting dances - this one was one of the pushy Cubans that give other Cuban-dancers a bad-rep - she started pushing for VIP - she at least was giving me some good-dances - I was tired by now and wasn't sure if we'd done 2 or 3 songs but she said something like 5 which I knew it was a lie - I told her 3 (likely it was only 2 but def not more than 3) and just paid her $60 - she then starts demanding, not asking, but demanding a tip ("teep teep") - I shake my head no and she keeps pushing for a tip holding out her hand and demanding one - I start to gather myself to get up and leave and she sees she's not getting anything more and walks off w/ a fowl-look in her face (and why I often don't like dealing w/ Cuban-dancers which are the majority in South-FL where I live - too-many of them are fucking cutthroat cunts - and I'm Cuban myself, I just call it like I see-it - I'm not one of these progressive pussies that thinks one can't talk bad about a race, even, or especially, if it's their own race - you gotta call out shit that's out of line) - anyway, after dealing w/ this Cuban-cunt it was fairly-late (1:30-ish) and decided it was time to go back to the hotel and finally get some z's.

BDs is not a perfect club but it's a good club - it has a fun-vibe and staff is professional and not intrusive and willing to help you out if you have any issues - the clientele is mostly-white tiling a bit older and looks mostly white-collar - BDs is not a dive nor does it have any dive ambiance or dive-type clientele; and pretty-much zero thug-factor.

IMO BDs offers pretty-good value in terms of cost per mile :) (dance-cost to dance-mileage; $20/lap-dance with songs that are of decent-length to where you don't feel you're getting gypped) - BDs does feel a bit corporate but IMO not enough to where the avg SCer can't have a good time unless a SCer has specific niches (e.g. an extras-or-nothing hound; etc) - I feel BDs does everything well from facilities (fairly-well appointed; large building) to good staff to good dancer-talent (a lot of dancers and IMO most in the 7 to 8 range - I'd "guesstimate" maybe 60+ dancers on my Sat eve visit) - if you're ever in Dallas I would recommend at least a visit to see if BDs is your speed - it may not be an exact match for your style of SCing but I don't think too-many SCers would be completely turned-off - BDs also has a pretty-solid dayshift if you want a slower-pace (good dayshifts in DFW seem more the exception than the rule - other than BDs, Bucks Fort Worth seems to have a pretty-good dayshift, and perhaps also the all-nude BYOB PT's in Dallas). As for me, BDs is more of a place for me to just chill and kill some time maybe getting a couple of dances here and there since I kinda have a bit of a specific niche as I like big-booty/thick/voluptuous ebony-women which are usually only found in all-black clubs or more divey type mixed-clubs; but I still enjoy my time at BDs for what it is.

Saturday Evening
Dollar Value7


  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Those rating seem a bit high to me. I thought bbd was a clip joint.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    Papi writes the best reviews.

    Only SJG could write more if he actually visited a strip club and wrote a review.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    "Papi writes the best reviews.

    Only SJG could write more if he actually visited a strip club and wrote a review."

    Pizza begs to differ......
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Just barely acceptable : )
  • gSteph
    6 years ago
    Trifle long. But acceptable.
  • AZFourTwenty
    6 years ago
    I don't even waste my time reading lengthy reviews.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Holy shit - that was a little too much - I couldn't read all that - should have left most of that for an article but I guess the article section was still offline at the time - Baby Dolls initiated me into the PL-lifestyle close to 20 years ago and I went overboard going back in time
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    On the bright side, you can read this review when you take off on a flight and be almost done reading it when you land
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Nicespice is right. The club ratings are too high. Someone should beat up this reviewer.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I rejected this review. It was too short.
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