
Vacation with a Bargirl

I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Monday, March 11, 2019 3:34 PM
My CF Bargirl suggested we take a mini (2 days) vacation to one of the resort cities in Baja. I like the idea but since this would be my first time spending extended time with a women in 5 years, I'm a little apprehensive. Also, I understand this is a P4P vacation, it would be a natural progression of our visits and encounters (arriba, meet by appointments, OTC, ATNL). As still a relatively newbie monger, I call upon TUSCLers for advice, wisdom, and experiences.


  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    What are your initial thoughts? Are you thinking Cabo ($$$$) or Ensenada/ Rosarito($$$)? To me this sounds fair: You pay for everything (transportation, lodging and food) and just give her $500 for her company.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    You could start doing regular TLN's with her, outside the zona. But if you see her for multiple days, it is only possible to fuck her so many times. A saturation point is reached. You could try to get extensive online communications going with her, for when you are not in town. I suspect that most girls would not really go for that. But there are exceptions. You could try it and see if it works. Does she have a regular computer, not just a cell phone? You could share links with her. But I would try an outside of zona photo modeling and TLN session first. Then with electronic communications you can share stuff and then see her again soon. Sounds like you never go for that Miami VIP Room. I feel that too much consecutive time with a woman is a negative thing. Neither party can stay in character that long. And then every man does have his limitations. SJG
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    How old and how attractive (relative to the other bargirls) is your CF?
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    My advice is to fuck her right in the pussy
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I don't know, the whole idea of a P4P vacation seems like an overkill. For one, you're paying her to be there plus paying everything for her during that time....I don't get the point of investing so much in a hooker.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    IMPLO if it was her suggestion and she's getting treated to a nice mini-vaca, I would not pay her additional cash to be with you - but OTC is not my thing and don't have as much experience with it
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Papi is right, fuck her in the pussy. But you can only do that so many times per day, and also there is a saturation point if you spend lots of time with her. SJG Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand (Live Knebworth 1979) [view link]
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    Go for it. But do not fall in love. She is either wanting a sugar daddy, husband or boyfriend. You have to ask yourself with as easy as beautiful chicas are to find in the zona is this want you want. If it is be careful and do not let her bleed you dry. Set a limit on how much you are going to pay her before you go and have fun.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ bavarian i agree with him
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ iceyloco you don't see the point in anything but bieng a useless troll
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, every situation is different, so there's no definitive answer for this. However, I'll give you my dos pesos for whatever it's worth. It sounds like you are getting to know her well and she feels comfortable around you. She suggested the vacation, so she wants to go. I would tell her that sounds great and you would love to go. However, the hotel, transportation, food, etc. will make for a very expensive trip. Tell her you can pay for all of it, but you'll only have enough left over to pay her about $100 for her time. Then see how she responds. If she really wants to go on vacation and she's comfortable with you, she'll probably agree or ask for a little more. If she asks for more than $200 though, I would pass. Your choice though. If you do this, spring for a pretty nice hotel or Airbnb and not some dump. You don't have to go to all fancy meals, but take her to at least two nice meals. Let us know how it turns out.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    @ Papi. She brought it up for $$$$ purposes not because she wants to go on vacation:-) @Country. I doubt any attractive chicas want anything serious with us PLs. Wise words about not getting wrapped around their fingers and getting bled dry. A trip to Ensenada or Rosarito sounds fine to me. Bus fare is cheap. Lodging is probably around $100 a night and hopefully you’ll be sharing the room, lol. I did some research and Cabo is out of the question. Too damn far from Tijuana. It’s a 2 hour flight from TJ and around $450 airfare per person. Hotels are going to be super expensive too.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Bavarian If I decide to go I would certainly pay for all the expenses plus something for her time. She is 25 years old and is a B team bargirl, I think most would rate her a strong 6 maybe a 7. I would go like to go to Ensanada, so Oldgringo's review should be helpful.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    IMPLO - add it to the glossary
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @oldgringo I like your suggestion, it sounds reasonable and fair.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Oh I like the Airbnb idea. I doubt she’ll go for $100 honestly. You have to take into consideration how much she’s losing by not working those days. Her trip expenses are really not that much. $10 bus ticket each way. Probably less than $100 for all her meals. Lodging is not a factor because you would have to pay it regardless if she was with you or not. Maybe offer $300. Depending on how bad you want her, I would go as high as $500. It’s still a good deal.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Countryman5434 I enjoy her company but I'm not falling in love, I enjoy mongering too much to give it up. She is my CF bargirl but I have 4 others I like to see and I try to add another one every couple of visits because bargirls come and go. When you visit in April I will give you a run for your money... Lol
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Okay. She’s 25 and a “6” Yeah go with OG’s advice. No more than $200.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Bavarian Yeah, I prefer Rosario or Ensanada over Cabo. She is very reasonable with OTC and ATNL, so I'm not worried about how much or being bled dry, though thanks for looking out for me.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Going any more than about a photo session TLN, and the system maxes out. Can only pump out so many loads, then have to drop back down to a sustainable level. If she really wants to get close to you, she can do it via electronic communications to hasten your follow up visit. That Mexico Lindo Bar recommends which hotels to use for escorts, out of the zona. [view link] SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... She brought it up for $$$$ purposes not because she wants to go on vacation ..." @Bavarian I think you are thinking w/ your US hat on and how a US stripper may react. The way I read it, she already gets him to spend $$$ on her by having him take her arriba; so it's not an obvious money-play IMO - the way I read it, is that she would like to have a nice time and maybe take a day off or two and enjoy a nice resort w/ a PL she may feel comfortable w/ that has treated her well in the past - it's likely she *does* want the trip and likely does not want to pay for it herself and prefers for him to pay for it, and also she would have some company instead of possibly being there by herself which is kinda odd for a Latina raised woman. The way I read it is that she is sincerely interested in the trip and would likely be happy w/ him picking up all the bills and being treated to nice restaurants and perhaps nice-bars/nightclubs w/o her spending a nickel of her $$$ and IMO may be happy w/ all that or maybe just a small stipend - again it was her idea so why would he have to also pay her if he's treating her to an entire vacation which was *her* idea.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, It all depends on how well you get along with the girl. And that means when you are not fucking. Do you like to talk to her ? Would you mind if you hear her fart ? Does she eat the same food as you ? Do you go to sleep at the same time ? Do you enjoy doing the same things ? Listen to the same music ? If you are spending 2-3 days with the same person, you need to think if you want to spend that much time with her. Unless you plan on fucking for 3 days straight, then it doesn't matter. Go for it.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    I LOL at your post, Warrior but what you say is true. That’s another factor to consider. It’s just funny to think about Cristobal and his CF, fucking for two days straight and only leaving the room to eat meals.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    @Papi. That would be true if she is not a local girl. A local girl has been to the nearby resorts and would rather go with a boyfriend or girlfriends.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ their boyfriend or girlfriends would likely not pay for her expenses and I would assume a resort like that is costly for most Mexicans - I still think it's about the trip and not a way to make $$$
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, you’re pretty fluent in Spanish, right? That’s all you need to have a good time with your CF for two days. If I could not communicate, fucking is probably the only activity to do, lol.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @warrior That's exactly what I was thinking, 3 days with one person is a lot of time. Those are some good questions to consider. Lol...I'm not ready to hear any girl fart.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Bavarian My Spanish is pretty good, so I think we can have a good time aside from fucking for three days straight.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    It would not bother me to hear a CF or ATF fart but I would not walk in the restroom right after she took a dump.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I have not been to TJ - but IMO most non-US Latinas tend to be cordial and big into having a good-time w/ friends and family, it's kinda the Latin way of living - i.e. IMO I don't think there's as high a risk w/ a Mexican girl being w/ her for 3-days vs a US stripper - but that's just an assumption on my part given the differences I notice in behavior of Latinos living in Latin America vs Latinos living in the US.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    She is not a local girl from TJ (only works there in two week intervals), so she's mentioned about getting away from TJ for a day or two. I would give her money anyways, probably in line with our OTC arrangements.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    @Cristobal You must do this and TOFTT - then write an article - it will further advance the PL-cause
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    I hear oysters are an aphrodisiac. You’re going to need to eat lots of those, Cristobal. I wish I liked them but I don’t. They are proven to boost your libido.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I agree with Papi, I don't think it's a $$$ play because so far the money hasn't been an issue, that's why she's my CF bargirl, a great experience for a great value. In fact there have been times when she could have tried to get more money but didn't, maybe she is thinking long term (but do dancers, strippers, bargirls really think long term?) but I tend to think she is a genuine person just trying to get by.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    How long have you known your CF?
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo I'm always ready and willing to TOFTT (read my review of Bliss Showgirls in COI).
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Take her on the trip and put in on Facebook Live so we can follow along - ace!
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Go on a double date with countryman so you can translate.
  • jester214
    5 years ago
    2 days is probably the way to start. That's not enough time for things to get fucked up badly.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Bavarian I don't like, nor need any oysters...lol. I've know her for about two months. In January I changed my MO from going Arriba with as many bargirls as possible to spending my time and money with just one bargirl per visit, so I would buy her more fichas, snacks or dinner, respect her touching boundaries, and don't negotiate arriba, all this so if I wanted to I could see her again by appointment. My CF is the second bargirl I used this method on. This new MO has worked out well for me, I'm comfortable with certain bargirls, I know which ones offer me a GFE or PSE and I can see them by appointment. I still enjoy walking into HK, scouting out the talent and going Arriba with whatever latin flavor I desire.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Bavarian Countryman can hold his own without a translator. That monger has game. I followed his advice on renting the jacuzzi suite and my CF loved it and showed me almost too much gratitude. I plan on meeting up with him in April to get more tips.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Do you want to go on the trip with the girl, or are you just considering it in order to placate her? If the whole idea was originating with you, what sort of meeting(s) would you set up, nature, duration, location, activity, frequency? Women are often into less focused and more consumeristic activities, like what I call Car Keys and Wallet Dating. For myself, I know what I will be doing with the women down there. SJG
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    I am 100% sure that SJG is a person and not a chatbot because the chatbot would actually read and analyze the conversation in order to post a relevant message.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    @Cristobal; You both should be crystal clear about what is going to happen. Since you are paying you have the right to expect somethings (sex when you want, privacy when you need it, sleep well, eat well, etc). Having the right to expect these things doesn’t mean you are going to get them. It does mean that it’s okay for you to ask for them, and that it's okay for it to matter to you if they’re not available from your girl, (she gets sick, is tired, moody etc etc etc) Of course, your girl is going to have her own expectations too (food, shelter, shopping, gifts, money etc etc etc) Since she brought up the idea, you should ask her; “what is your plan?; what are your expectations?; how is it going to work? What do I get? You might want to sit down together and talk about all the detail and make a list of the most important things you both expect. Just remember that sometimes this experiences make a relationship better and sometimes make it worst or cause to end. Please let us know what happens with all the details. Thank you and good luck.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @san_jose_guy She brought up the idea of going away for a few days and I'm considering it. As she has returned home for a few weeks, I have plenty of time to plan it once we decide.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @CJKent I prefer to let things happen as they may, which is how things have worked out well with this bargirl. We've done arriba, meet by appointment, OTC, and ATNL without having to discuss all the details but rather let nature take its course.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    If you decide to do it, buy Mexican auto insurance for 3 days and drive to Ensenada. I have stayed at the Rosarita Beach Hotel. It's a throw back to the 1930's. Quaint. We had a water bed. But there isn't anything else to do in Rosarita Beach. Ensenada is a port call for cruise ships. There is lots of night life including a few so so strip clubs. Hussongs Cantina is a must see. It is where the Margarita was invented in 1941 by a bar tender there. The Bufador (blow hole) south of town is an interested day trip. You can stop along the way at Half Way House and enjoy a lobster lunch on the patio while watching the whales. I certainly would not pay for her time. Just the trip expenses and maybe some light shopping.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ sjg if you want escorts this agency will come to cascada.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ cristobal i am learning spanish but not fluent but google translate helps me with what i dont know. I study 2 or 3 hours everyday. As far as having game i dont know about that i guess i do okay for a chubby truckdriver. But one thing i love latinas! They are goddesses to me and i treat them that way. But you have to use it to your advantage and not let them take advantage of you there is a fine line! But bottom line chicas are there to make money and want to have fun with it. Most of them there are some exceptions lol
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @shadowcat Excellent tips, thanks.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I wouldn't dare drive in Mexico or take my car there
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    $ papi chulo i wouldn't drive in mexico either.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    I’m funny I guess. If I do P4P with a woman, I’m no better than she and she’s no worse than I. I’ve done vacations with a stripper twice. I covered all expenses but paid nothing else for sex or intimacy. The first was to Vegas. I planned lots of activities ( NASCAR, Helicopter over the Hoover Dam, even8ng shows, etc.) we had a great time 4 days and 3 nights and she never mentioned money for the 4 times we had sex. The second one was to my condo in Myrtle Beach. It was a fucking didaster. She had recently gotten out of detox and told me that she might be sick. We flew there, rented a car, went to my place and as I unpacked I found her pack of syringes that she snuck into my suitcase. Then she went to extract 10 packets of heroin she has stuffed up her pussy before leaving and the heat had melted the paper wraps, she was high and couldn’t salvage the dope. The next day she had me drive to a sketchy neighborhood. We were in heavy traffic and I stopped at a light and she leaped out saying I’ll be back. I had to move in traffic so I circled the block looking for her and got pulled over by the local cops. They thought I was trolling for a hooker but I explained that “my girl” and I had a fight and she took off leaving her cellphone in the car. An hour later I got a call from a guy she had met and he had pointed her to a motel room where a dealer was set up. He’d waited for her for an hour & had to leave. I sat in the hotel lot for an hour and she and another gal came out. Her new friend asked if she could blow me for $40? I declined. How about $25.? No thanks. It went downhill from there. What was to be 6 days and 5 nights turned into 3 days and 2 nights. I said never again, but did have a 9 day trip with her sober which was fun. Once again, no mention of money so long as I paid for everything.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    No pussy in this world is worth what you had to put up with, Gawker. For the wellbeing of both of you, I’m glad she’s 1000 miles away.
  • lotsoffun201
    5 years ago
    Wait!....... are we talking bargirl, like from TJ who wants to take a mini vacation in Mexico? I’ll be the voice I’d reason and say forget it. You’re on her home turf in another country not known for safety. Don’t, just don’t
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @gawker Wow, that second experience really went south. If I do this, it would be two days at most.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @lotsoffun201 I go to TJ 4 or 5 times a month, I understand the safety risks but I feel less safe in DTLA or Long Beach.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    I do not feel unsafe in tj at all. I have delivered to places in chicago nyc and even in parts of louisville that i don't feel anywhere near as safe as tj
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    I've taken them on vacation in various places in Mexico and lived to tell about it. I've also visited a girl in her hometown, deep in Mexico, in a small village with dirt roads, where I was the only gringo within 50 miles. Probably the only gringo ever to have visited this neighborhood. I was stared at with curiosity everywhere I went. One time I was playing soccer with her young son and the state police rolled up in a pickup truck, filled with masked policemen in camouflage, carrying semi-automatic rifles. They stopped the truck and started watching me. There was nothing else going on in the street, so they had no reason to be stopped like that. They stood and watched me for 30 minutes. That's probably the most nervous I've felt in Mexico. I was waiting for them to question me, check my passport, and possibly shake me down for a bribe. Fortunately, after 30 minutes they drove off and I breathed a sigh of relief.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Thanks for relating the experience, Oldgringo. Aside from TJ, I've been to Cabo San Lucas and Jalisco and I've felt about as safe as I do in Los Angeles. Ensenada is a resort town, we should be relatively safe. From the discussion and experiences I don't see too much downside.
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Yeah, Ensenada is fine. You'll be fine if you choose to go.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    no doubt the biggest potential problem in Mexico is with the polica.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    And as an added benefit, after her friends rob and murder you, it will be easy to find a place to bury you in the desert!..... Just sayin' ;-) Seriously, it sounds relatively low risk to me.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Yeah he has done TLN with her already. It’s fine. What’s ATLN, though?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Been all over Mexico as I said, just be polite and avoid the attention of la policia more likely to have a problem with the corruption than the cartels or even street crime, most Mexicans are very welcoming and gracious in my own experience.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Bavarian ATNL: almost Toda la noche (leaves after 5 or 6 hours).
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Okay so this will be the first time you actually spend the night with her? I guess you’ll be fine. Just be ready to hear some farts. Both of you brush your teeth in the morning before engaging in morning sex, lol.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @atacdawg I guess if that happens, TUSCL loses a member. As Papi suggested I will post in Facebook Live so everyone can make sure I'm safe.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Bavarian Hearing her fart might be my deal breaker... Lol I haven't heard a women fart in almost 5 years (some pussy farts though).
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Shadowcat's tips above for an Ensenada trip will probably be better than mine, but I'll provide some info from my trip, along with my opinions and some suggestions, in case it helps anyone. I'll also post some photos to my profile throughout the trip, if anyone wants to check them out. I've taken ABC buses before in Mexico and they are pretty nice. Kind of like deluxe motorcoaches and they usually show a movie. The Hk limo or towncar will take you to their Chaparral parking garage, which is really close to where the ABC buses depart. It's just a 2 minute walk from there. As Bavarian mentioned above, tickets are only 200 pesos or about $10 each way.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    OG, are you going this weekend? I’m curious about the tostadas, lol.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @oldgringo Any info, suggestions, and reviews would be greatly appreciated. I will owe you a few beers (but not fichas).
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Bavarian, I'm here now. Those tostadas are next on my list. Will report back and maybe post a photo. Cristobal, very kind of you sir, but not necessary. I'll meet you sometime and use my free drink coupon, so my dos pesos advice is totally gratis para ti. Posted a few more photos. Details in a second...
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    So, woke up way too effing early in Cascadas this morning and decided to leave earlier than expected for Ensenada. Fortunately the ABC buses run very frequently, so I was on my way before 8am. The bus was nice and 3/4 empty. No traffic and the ride only took about an hour and a half. Most of the ride was right along the coast, so you can see the ocean, cliffs, waves breaking, etc. almost the entire time. I'm not a big fan of bus travel, but this was actually very pleasant. Photo added to my profile of the view.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Thanks for the info and pics
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    So, arrived in Ensenada before 9am and very tired, but in good spirits after an enjoyable night before in Cascadas. Hotel check in wasn't until 3 pm, but I got very lucky and they let me into my room several hours early. I went to breakfast and explored downtown for a while, before returning to my room and crashing hard for two hours. Rested and recharged to go eat tostadas and more soon.
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    De nada Papi Chulo. First, I really like Ensenada. My first trip here was about 10 years ago, for only an hour or so and I was seasick from a cruise, so I didn't enjoy it. This time I have a whole different perspective. Ensenada is a resort town, but has a laid back, small town feel to it imo. After spending a lot of time in Tijuana, Ensenada feels like Disneyland. Feels very safe and chill to me, at least during the day. The main street is called 1st or Calle Primera. It's also called Adolfo Lopez Mateos. It runs for a long stretch through centro or downtown and is filled with bars, shops, restaurants, hotels, etc. 1st street takes on 3 distinct different personalities in my opinion, depending on which part you are on. The part closest to the cruise ships is very nice. It has high end shops and trendy little restaurants and reminds me a little of Quinta Avenida in Playa del Carmen. The next section is a lot like Avenida Revolucion in Tijuana with a lot of stores selling souvenirs and a lot of pharmacies too. One guy asked if I wanted a beer. When I said no, he offered me pain killers. When I said no, he offered me blow. Okay, so it's not exaaactly like Disneyland! Keep walking and the last stretch of 1st St. is where all the bars like Papas and Beer are. I have a feeling that area will be lively at night, especially if there is a cruise ship docked nearby. Paris de la Noche, which I believe is the best strip club here, is only one block off this main drag, so it's in a pretty safe area. Will try to stop in there tonight for a bit. A lot of spring breakers and tourists from the cruise ship were walking around 1st St. today when I was there.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @oldgringo Ymwow, you don't mess around, I don't think you pressed enter on your post and you are already in Ensenada. Thanks for the info and the pics.
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    So, Cristobal, I think this would be a great location for a short getaway with your bargirl friend. It's pretty close to TJ and even the bus ride is pleasant, so unless she's a total diva (which it sounds like she isn't), she shouldn't mind taking the bus. To do the fun stuff that Shadowcat mentioned, you would probably need a car though. Although you could use Uber or book a one day tour or something too. I wouldn't use a taxi to get to the blowhole though. They quoted me $40 for the fare and I'm sure Uber is probably much less. However, if you are just here for a night or two, there's plenty of fun to be had downtown, with all of the bars, shops, restaurants, etc. imo. For lodging, I saw many nice Airbnb rentals for $50 and under. I might consider an Airbnb for future trips. I wound up booking the San Nicolas Hotel and Casino, which I'm happy with. It's a little older, but clean. It has a nice pool and jacuzzi outside, along with a nice restaurant overlooking the pool area. There is a nice Caliente casino with a small sports book connected to it. It's about a 1/2 mile or so from all the action, so if you want to be closer to everything, you might want somewhere else. I got it for under $60 per night, but it's more expensive on weekends. If you wanted to spend a little more Hotel Cortez is more centrally located, new and modern looking, and I believe that also has a pool. That might be closer to $80 a night weekdays and $100 plus a night for weekends, but not sure. Many other hotel options too. Trip Advisor should cover all of the hotel options. Okay, signing off to go eat tostadas and explore some more. Will try to check in later tonight before bed.
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    De nada Cristobal.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, suppose you were to plan a longer encounter with this girl, what sort of an event would you plan? How much bedroom time versus how much out and about time? SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Muchasima gracias Oldgringo. That's great information and suggestions. A great TUSCL review of Ensenada. You answered all of my questions. OK, based on very little downside, if she brings it up again, I'm going to go for it: Ensenada, 2 days max, seems like plenty to do.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @san_jose_guy I'm not going to plan more than two days, it was her initial suggestion for two days so I would respect that time frame. It would be first vacation with a women in almost five years, so two days is perfect. I've been more concerned if I want to, the downside, the logistics to even think about bedroom time. To be honest, I'm not concerned about bedroom time, I just want to have a nice time.
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Okay, one last update and then I'll quit boring everyone with the details of my trip. Posted some new photos to my profile. Bavarian, muchas gracias. That tostada stand is great. I had a delicious shrimp tostada and it was full of really fresh shrimp. Photo uploaded. The woman owner who has been on tv was there supervising. After that walked to the fish market and marina and had an awesome fried shrimp taco for only 20 pesos. Also fresh from the ocean and cooked in clean oil, so it tasted great. After that, walked around and did some window shopping. Finally, it was time to do what most of you TUSCLers are really interested in. Visit a strip club. So, off to Paris de Noche I went. It was about dinner time, but they were open. The club isn't huge like Hong Kong, but it's nice inside. There were about 10 girls working and only 2 other customers at the time. I was quickly approached by a few of them, but wasn't interested. Honestly, I was in HK and Cascadas last night, so this was more of a scouting trip than anything. So, I pulled a waiter aside and asked him about the club. Basically, fichas cost $8 to $12 depending on the time of day. Guy's beers cost $2 to $4 depending on time of day. My memory is a little cloudy after what happened next, but I believe there was a small stage with a stripper pole. They have private rooms in the club that you can rent for 30 minutes for $16. Girls will go to the room with you for whatever you negotiate with her. The waiter told me for $100 to $120 you can get the whole enchilada. So, I got all the info I needed and was ready to leave, but did a quick circle of the club before exiting. The girls were okay, but not great, but it was also really early. I have a feeling you can find some really good talent here at night. So, I'm one foot out the door and I notice one pretty petite chica sitting down. I had to do an about face and at least say hi to her. She looks even better up from. Solid 8 or 8.5 HK quality all natural spinner. We say our holas, she gets out of her chair, and my interest in her and her interest in the pesos inside my wallet are increasing rapidly. I'm not in the mood for a privado at the moment. I haven't showered and could use a bathroom. However, it can't hurt to give her a small tip (pesos, not my little amigo's). I don't have anything smaller than 50 pesos, so she gets a decent tip. First I caress her tiny natural chi chis and feel her perfect little spinner bottom. She's pretty and has a nice smile. After a minute or two, I feel I've exhausted my small propina and I should stop touching her and leave. Well, she was having none of that. The next 5 or more minutes consisted of me trying to leave and her trying to get me to stay. I was literally trying to leave and she had me in a strong bear hug for several minutes that I couldn't break free of, without getting overly aggressive with her. So, I rolled with it and kept telling her I needed to leave, while caressing her boobs and butt. I told her I thought she was really pretty and would be back to see her, but not right now. First she quoted me 2,300 pesos, but quickly came down to 2,000 when I said I had to leave. I think $100 or 1,800 pesos is probably close to the base rate for this club, but not sure. She said why are you leaving and where are you going. I told her back to my hotel and then she kept begging me to take her with me to the hotel. If I hadn't been in Cascadas last night, she would have won this tug of war. Finally, I escaped and she was annoyed with me, but I have a feeling she'll be happy to see me if I return. Or, anyone with a wallet full of pesos or dollars. Anyway, in conclusion, I'll now be splitting time between Tijuana and Ensenada going forward. If Trump builds the wall and I get stuck down here, I think I'll survive just fine.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So Cristobal, sometimes it helps if you can formulate what it is that you want. Otherwise women can just wrap you around their fingers. They are well equipped for that. SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @oldgringo A true monger, nice Intel gathering session... Lol
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Thoroughly enjoyed your review, OG. So that’s what fresh shrimp looks like. I don’t think I’ve ever had fresh shrimp. I can’t wait to try those tostadas. An image of a Venus flytrap came to my mind with your description of the pretty chica not letting you get away, lol. Man, that’s the beauty of Baja. You find an attractive chica and you know the whole enchilada is available for a reasonable price. Here in the States, all you can get from an attractive dancer are lap dances and a case of blue balls. I don’t even bother to ask because you never know how she might react. I’ve even had dancers come to me and point out guys that asked them for sex or blow jobs. I don’t want to be that guy.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    @ old gringo why would you go to mexico when you can stay in the us and cum in your pants
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    Jusy kidding good review viva mexico!
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    good reporting old gringo!
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @Bavarian COI SCs are fun and I never worry about being that guy until after the FS session is over.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @san_jose_guy That's the fun part, when they wrap you around their fingers.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Well, speaking as one who ended up being expected to do an unreasonable amount of Car Keys and Wallet Dating, and then ended up stuck in that Roach Motel known as marriage, you have to start looking out for numero uno. Consider this, suppose tomorrow you go about your business and you meet an attractive young woman and you start getting along with her very well. Are you going to start dating her? Are you going to take her on a two day trip? If your answer is to be no, then I ask, why not? If your answer is to be yes, then I ask, are you actively looking around for such a young woman? Maybe you need to start figuring out what it is that you want, and then get it so that the women deliver within your own parameters. SJG John Mayer - Ain't No Sunshine - Live at the Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010 [view link] Gary Clark Jr. - Bright Lights [view link]
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @san_jose_guy I only look out for me, myself, and I. I enjoy the company of all lovely ladies, civvies, dancers, bargirls, coffee girls, import models, gogo dancers (did I leave anyone out?). So many women, so little time.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Well, if you start thinking in terms of what you want, then you can steer it to go that way, instead of letting the women lead it. SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @san_jose_guy I'm completely fine allowing a woman to lead, if she is happy it can make me very happy. So in this case, she suggested the vacation, I'm good with whatever she wants and just paying for it. It's a fantasy vacation, if I have a lousy time, I chalk it up as a learning experience.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Would you like to invite any girls on such trips, or to some other kinds of outings? If you don't mind my asking, have you ever been married, and did you ever get roped into any stuff you didn't really want to do? SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @san_jose_guy It wasn't my suggestion, it was a bargirl who I am very comfortable with who brought it up. I'm not interested in vacationing with just anybody, to spend a few days with someone who have to be comfortable with them. Dinner dates, concerts, movies, etc are very different for me than a weekend trip to Ensenada.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    :) SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Thinking more about this, I would tell the girl no to the trip. I would see her once in the HK - Cascadas. Then after that it would be photo modelling and TLN's, in one of the escort friendly hotels, outside of the zona. I would see her regularly and keep in touch with electronics. And I will take care of her well with money. I will have other business in TJ, which she will be invited to be involved in. But as to the trip, I would say no. Different people want different things. If she is my TJ Girlfriend, then we will be engaging in all kinds of talk and sharing of ideas and information, during the in-between times, and in the hot tub. SJG
  • OldGringo
    5 years ago
    Cristobal, hope you have a nice vacation with her. Let us know how it turns out. I wound up returning and had a good time with the chica I met from last week. After one visit, we exchanged numbers and we have plans to meet in my hotel for future visits. So, if you decide you want the vacation, but don't want to be with the chica 24/7 for two or three days straight, you could always meet another girl down here and just see her for part of the time. No need to bring sand to the beach, unless you want to. Just another idea I thought I'd throw out there. Either way have fun!
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @san_jose_guy You can plan whatever you like for when you go to TJ. I have to prepare for the reality of my vacation with my CF bargirl.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @oldgringo I figured you might return to Ensenada, nice move to strike while the match is hot. Personally, I will see how it goes with my CF before I start planning out more bargirl meets in Ensenada..lol
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    UPDATE: During my latest encounter with my CF bargirl, she brought up the vacation again and we decided to go in mid-April. In the meantime, I had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with her outside of the Zona Notre. We went to the Plaza Rio for lunch and some shopping, it was a pleasant experience but it reminded me how much I don't miss shopping with a women. The money spent was almost exactly what I wanted to spend, so the money aspect with her was fine (she didn't ask for money for her time). I notice that as we have become more familiar and comfortable with each other she is taking more liberties that I find strangely endearing. While she is my CF I have other bargirls I see regularly, sometimes I just like to find a new bargirl to add (found a new one yesterday), and occasionally I just want to see a bargirl that one time. Also, I still enjoy visiting COI extra clubs and still stay in touch with plenty of coffee girls (not P4P but more of FWB).
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    Getting involved with well educated women of integrity and class is bad enough, but getting involved with women lacking in scruples or of questionable integrity is usually a recipe for disaster. I once let a bar girl into my life (it was a long time ago). I never did it again. I learned my lesson. If you’ve got one or more good things going for you (such as charm, intelligence, youthful good looks, great gobs of money and/or a promising financial future, then I’m sure you can do much better than a bar girl. Yeah, yeah, I know ... someone who’s been watching too many fairly tales will ask “but what about Julia Roberts in ‘Pretty Woman?’” But what about Glenn Close in “Fatal Attraction?” Caveat emptor!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "reminded me how much I don't miss shopping with a women." AMEN! Being able to have FWB relations with Viet Coffee Girls is no small accomplishment. SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @reverendhornibastard I liked the "fatal attraction" reference. I feel like the well educated women of class and integrity are the ones to watch out for, because a dancer/bargirl will take your cash an educated women will take your half (or more) of your estate. What happened with your bargirl?
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @san_jose_guy FWB relationships with Vietnamese Coffee Girls is a pain-stakingly slow exercise in patience and usually has a low chance of payoff. However, it's worked out for me because I made friends with the right people, so I'm constantly in position to befriend coffee girls and occasionally it leads to FWB.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ I am duly impressed! Their culture is more conservative, and as I see it, materialistic, conformist, and parent pleasing. If you don't mind me asking, who would these right people be to make friends with? And I assume you are talking about Orange County. SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Yes, this is in Orange County. The right people are the owners, the managers, and the "right" coffee girls. You have to learn how to assimilate the culture as an outsider but once you're trusted, things can go well. For example, one of the owners will send me pictures of the new girls who apply and asks what do I think, I think he is looking for a non-Asians opinion. If she gets hired and she works while I'm visiting, the boss will introduce her to me, letting her know I'm a good custimer and to thank me for helping her get hired. Sometimes she does more than say thank you.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Wow! You are in tight with them. But I have never before heard of girls going outside the good girl role, not unless you have set up a dating relationship with them. SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    It's not dating, it's making friends then it turns into lunches, dinners, clubbing, parties, and occasionally FWB. As I mentioned earlier, it's a pain-stakingly slow method and usually has a low rate of return, since discovering COI strip clubs and TJ, coffee shops are an afterthought, I used to visit 3-5 times a week, now it's just once a week.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ I am impressed. SJG
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