
Reading the reviews

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twentyfiveLiving well and enjoying my retirement

Lately when reading reviews of clubs I go to or stopped going to I find myself scrolling down to the comments rather than reading the reviews first, I get more informed intel from many of the comments than I usually get from most reviews anyone else feel this way.


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Avatar for Muddy

No the comments never describe the bathroom layout. I need to know that exact amount urinals. I just fucking need to man.

Avatar for twentyfive

Why is that where you take swimming lessons? ;))

Avatar for Muddy

On a serious usually. Sometimes it turns into a discussion about the club and that’s always interesting. Many review are kinda repetitive anyway.

Avatar for Warrior15

When I go to the Daily Reviews, I don't take the time to read every Review. I scan thru them. I look for places I have been, or places I would like to go to. I will read Reviews of TUSCLers that I follow. And then I will also read the Reviews that have a lot of comments. I'll read the Review, but reason I stopped at that Review was the comments.

Avatar for TFP

^^^^what SJG said.

Avatar for Cristobal

I read reviews from clubs in LA, COI, and TJ plus those written by people I know write good reviews (TFP, etc).

When I see a review with a few comments, I read those too.

Avatar for Lurker_X

Comments will sometimes make me curious what the discussion is about. Some of the very actively reviewed clubs like Follies and HKC are almost discussion forums of their own.

Avatar for TFP

Twentyfive, I was saying that Flag's post (There are reviews?) would be something SJG would say. Stupid little joke, but whatever.

On topic, I scroll the reviews everyday and the ones I read first are clubs I've visited, or are extremely popular (Follies, Diamond Dolls PB etc). Also any reviews written by a well known participator in the discussion forums, I take a look at those. There are quite a few people who's reviews I always enjoy and read, no matter what club they're reviewing. Folks like Reverendhornibastard, tahoecruz, Eastcoaster, Pizza, Cristobal, and a few others. If a review has a ton of comments then I take a look to see what all the fuss is about. Or if the title is interesting or funny then it's also worth a peek.

Avatar for Nidan111

You should all read my reviews for spot in accuracy in the Midwest small town / college towns \ Toto Land \ fucking Dive Bar Clubs (aka brothels). Lol. I am loving this shit. One of the two best websites on this planet for my secret hobby!

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