Thats more americans dead in one year than in all of the vietnam war. Im not opposed to executions. They just found two guys in nj with 20 kilos of fentanyl at a rest stop. Hang em high and people will think twice about trafficking. Carfentinal is even more dangerous and is basically a WMD in the wrong hands.
I agree the war on drugs has been a total failure and im in favor of legalizing weed but its essentially legalized opioids that are responsible for the current crisis. Legalized, over-prescribed opiates created a demand for shit like carfentinal that wasnt there ten years ago. You cant just legalize fentanyl - 70,000 will be 150000 next year. Then itll be 50000 then none after the herd eventuay thins itself but i dont think thats the way to go. Lets just bringback executions lol
Fentanyl is incredibly inexpensive, so shady dealers everywhere are cutting it into their drugs to increase profits without telling their customers.
The Mexican cartels are doing this and also shipping large cuantities of fentanyl across the border. There have been a lot of fentanyl seizures at the border by border patrol over the past year.
Pot legalization has definitely decreased the price of pot and increased access. hard drugs are a big problem with no easy answers. Signaling a desire to attack the opiod crisis is one of Trump's best moves, but I hope we see some strong follow through and results.
Would it be fair to say that people often overlook the regulation wide of legalization, helping to reduce overdoses? If drugs were legal all drugs sold had to pass quality controls and you could buy clean needles and drugs simultaneously i how that would reduce accidental overdoses. I really dont think if heroin were legal more people would do it , definitely not in significant numbers anyway. If anything it would just be safer for the junkies who already use and would be using anyway,
Would it be fair to say that people often overlook the regulation wide of legalization, helping to reduce overdoses? If drugs were legal all drugs sold had to pass quality controls and you could buy clean needles and drugs simultaneously i how that would reduce accidental overdoses. I really dont think if heroin were legal more people would do it , definitely not in significant numbers anyway. If anything it would just be safer for the junkies who already use and would be using anyway,
Not an issue in my world. The single biggest waste of taxpayer money is the addiciton scam and treatment. Useless waste of money and resoiurces. Spend money to give people free drugs? No thanks, let them exercise their right to ruin their lives, on their own dime.
@elvis2 I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, I couldn’t imagine what you’re going through, one of my best friends lost a daughter the same way to meth, it was a horrible time for them, they are now raising a grand daughter in their late seventies. This is a tragedy for our times, it’s such a difficult problem and the solution is nowhere near, young people should think about this differently but that’s a large reason for this pandemic, young folks think they’re invulnerable.
James you are out of your mind when you say legal marijuana has lowered the cost of weed. It raised the cost through the roof here. A half ounce of kosher kush, bought legally in massachusetts cost me $200, plus $40 tax. Today I will buy an ounce of Ghost Train Haze from my regular guy for $240.00.
last commentFentanyl is incredibly inexpensive, so shady dealers everywhere are cutting it into their drugs to increase profits without telling their customers.
The Mexican cartels are doing this and also shipping large cuantities of fentanyl across the border. There have been a lot of fentanyl seizures at the border by border patrol over the past year.
It certainly not going to stop people from overdosing.
"Almost nobody willing goes for fentanyl. That's just fucking stupid."
But willingly using Heroin, Crack, Loser Leaf, Opiates, Nicotine, Alcohol, and other drugs isn't stupid?
This is a tragedy for our times, it’s such a difficult problem and the solution is nowhere near, young people should think about this differently but that’s a large reason for this pandemic, young folks think they’re invulnerable.
Then I guess we could sue Mexico for allowing their cartels to bring contraband across the border.