@muddy, This remodeled club in NJ called Exit 11. I just went through my periodic "Trying out new clubs" phase last week and probably wont check this place out until summer time. The girls who dance there all look a year away from becoming a single mother which is just how i like my dancers. Shame I couldnt make a honest woman out of one of them.
@flag I find dancers are actually respected by thier families if they come from a latin household. Especially in families who immigrate from areas where sex work is the main way a young female may make a living (E.g. dominican republic, Brazil). These girls make more money grinding on your lap for 10 minutes than they would at home keeping a tourist happy for the night.
@icey Its time to move out from under the rock you live under. In many countries its not only the way a woman makes a living,but the way her family makes a living. See documentary below.
The video is titled underage victims of sex tourism.... yeah that makes it sound very appealing and honorable. Like I said, its tolerated out of desperation and extreme poverty, and the men who partake are rightfully held accountable by laws in their home countries.
@icey, there are underage victims, but dont be stupid to not think that women over 18 arent offering thier services as well. I didnt say it was honorable, but I used it to refute your statement "Sex work is never the main way women make a living". If you take some time out of the bubble we have in USA where we can spend the day outraged at minor things and venture to other countries you wil be rudely awakened.
@cash thats exit 11 in orange. It new and is located in the same location as the defunct rah rahs. There are some reviews on TUSCL about it. Sounds like a nice option for those in the area. While the quality of a clubs instagram page doesnt always correlate to the experience in the club, it does show management is putting thier best foot forward.
There is no society where the majority of women are hookers or where people actually like or respect the profession. But yes, there are extremely poor women whose predicament forces them to sell themselves to Western sex tourists.
1st Actually visit a club in america and post a review on TUSCL. I have no idea if you have actually visited a club when reviewing your profile. 2) Your last statement shows you havent traveled much. Take sometime away from your computer and get a passport. My first recommendation would be Sosua, Dominican Republic where most of the women are involved. They are not poor or in a "predicament". They just have a constant supply of men coming in every weekend looking to get drunk and enjoy the company of beautiful women.
1- That makes you sound mentally challenged. One doesn't have to write a review on this site to prove they have ever been to a strip club. 2- You keep repeating what I said. Yeah I know child sex tourism thrives in very poor places. Does the thought of fucking a drunk third world teenager for under $100 turn you on?
Its not a great thing, but it helps a lot of women pay the bills. If you want to be such a white knight why dont you move down there and open a non profit to help women find another line of work.
last commentWords tattooed on her thighs 0/10
@JamesSD, if your user handle means you’re in San Diego, the club is Pacers in San Diego and the girl’s state name is Lydia
Have to talk to her some, get to know her, then make it happen with her.
She's good.
And the pose is common for strip clubs, though maybe more so in no touching bikini clubs, as that's about the most they can do.
"And the pose is common for strip clubs"
How do you know?
one of the best "stage tipping gimmicks" ever
6 for the girl
Also, sex work is never the main way women make a living, in any country.
@cash thats exit 11 in orange. It new and is located in the same location as the defunct rah rahs. There are some reviews on TUSCL about it. Sounds like a nice option for those in the area. While the quality of a clubs instagram page doesnt always correlate to the experience in the club, it does show management is putting thier best foot forward.
1st Actually visit a club in america and post a review on TUSCL. I have no idea if you have actually visited a club when reviewing your profile.
2) Your last statement shows you havent traveled much. Take sometime away from your computer and get a passport. My first recommendation would be Sosua, Dominican Republic where most of the women are involved. They are not poor or in a "predicament". They just have a constant supply of men coming in every weekend looking to get drunk and enjoy the company of beautiful women.
1- That makes you sound mentally challenged. One doesn't have to write a review on this site to prove they have ever been to a strip club.
2- You keep repeating what I said. Yeah I know child sex tourism thrives in very poor places. Does the thought of fucking a drunk third world teenager for under $100 turn you on?
2) You dont understand my comments and are throwing out troll comments. Go to a fucking strip club and return with a review
If she wants to do that for me, that would be just fine. Don't understand why others don't like her.
REP. NANETTE BARRAGÁN (D) CA, questioning Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, calling her a liar.
Stones, Gimme Shelter, Atlantic City 1989, early Lisa Fischer
Wicked Lady
I thought it was by the Edison museum - a few blocks away. But I must be confusing it with the old Lookers.