
Nevada brothels

I entered the dragon and was never the same
I am curious dont want to go because i love latinas but i am curious. Has anyone ever been to a nevada brothel? If so how much do they charge? Would it even be worth it for the experience?


  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Never been but I hear they are expensive. I think most of them have websites with prices on their sites.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    If the old HBO Cathouse series was any indication, expensive doesn’t even *begin* to cover it. $500-1,000 per hour quotes were not uncommon. That was in the 90s I think, so they might be more now.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I took a tour of The Mustang Ranch a long time ago. Got a souvenir t shirt too. I saw older or at least beat looking white women. It was like $500 an hour for regular sex back then, so probably around $700 now. There's a reason illegal prostitution is so popular in NV...
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I have never been to one, but I have read that they're expensive and not much fun. From their pictures the women don't seem that hot. Try a German FKK club instead.
  • lotsoffun201
    6 years ago
    Wickedly expensive but there is room for negotiation. Very clinical, everything covered usually, no DFK, dick check beforehand, but very safe and no worry about stings, set ups, upcharging or ROB’s.

    On the other hand there is a move lately to outlaw them in Nevada.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I dont need a german fkk there is a escort service in my area that has gorgeous gfe white chics. I can fuck all the white chics i want. I have zero interest in a fkk in germany. I love latinas no way i would go all the way to germany when i can just go to tj and be in paradise.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I dont worry bout stings in tj lol
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    1000 an hour roflmao! I can get 10 hk chicas or 20 sg for less than that! If when it is legal us fucks it up! Viva mexico!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Even when it is legal us fucks it up
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    One of the major reasons it’s so outrageously priced in Nevada is because that’s the only place in the US where it *is* legal. There’s no competition. That, along with novelty if legal prostitution, keeps prices high.

    Legal everywhere would bring prices down.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Not legal as in brothels but decriminalized escorts massage parlors. Or zones like tj thst way you keep it awat from neighborhoods churchs schools
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    There are good escorts and escort services that are safe to hard for leo to bust if they screen. Fake leo ads will never have 10 plus reviews or screens. As far as mp i wouldnt touch one with a ten foot pole after the robert kraft thing
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Viva mexico! Cant wait till april
  • Lurker_X
    6 years ago
    Back when the web was young and alt.sex.strip-clubs was still a thing (1996) there was some discussion of the Nevada cat houses. $300-$400 was typical then. That sounded like so much money at the time, I never considered it. Although I did pull into the parking lot of the Mustang just to say that I'd seen it.
  • pensionking
    6 years ago
    Been there -- done that.

    Got in and out for 250-300, but I was a shrewd negotiator. Have to be willing to walk away -- they assume if you drive that far from the strip that you are an easy mark. Not very satisfying, in the end. Much prefer casino girls any more -- easier to chat them up and more reasonable price value without considerable fear of LE. No major reputable casino/hotel would ever allow a sting on premises in their casino -- bad for business. Be wary picking up a SW on the sidewalks, however.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    There are stings in the casinos all the time. I've seen police vans fill up with hoes from the MGM Grand, Bellagio, Wynn...They have vice detectives walking the floors.....their main thing is going after the pimps. Also, most hoes in Vegas are about ripping and running, tricks have to be careful.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    For the strip clubs to the brothel, Vegas seems to be such an overrated place to visit.

    When I've visited Vegas it was for business or family, not mongering.

    Much better value in LA, COI, TJ, and even Phoenix.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    Totally not worth it, though I've only been once. The minimum charge is $200 and the brothel takes half of whatever you agree upon. The girls are generally awful and really have no incentive to take care of their looks. Everything is covered and every single thing you'd ever want to do or that you'd take for granted in a strip club comes with some sort of 3-digit cost. The one time I went, I got to finger a fat chick for 15 minutes for $400.

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Got to finger a fat chic for 400 roflma! Stop please i am laughing so hard it hurts
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    LMAO... Finger a fat chick for $400, sounds like the punchline to a bad stripper joke.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Never been - seems the kinda place experienced mongers steer-away from and the kinda place inexperienced mongers get financially-raped
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    @Countryman5434 this is power of TUSCL at work, sharing important mongering information to help the brethren avoid visiting bad clubs, bars, or even cities.

    Go to Vegas for the casinos, shows, even to watch the Raiders, but not to monger.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ cristobal i was just curious tj is my paradise just wish it wa closer vegas to far from louisville if 8m going to go thst far ill just go to tj
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @Liwet: “The one time I went, I got to finger a fat chick for 15 minutes for $400.”

    I’m genuinely curious here. Was this the result of having already sunk 400 unrefundable dollars and she still hadn’t allowed what you wanted and so you settled? A ROB who promised and then didn’t deliver? Something else?

    I cannot imagine any set of circumstances that would lead me to pay $400 to finger *any* girl, much less a fat one. Doesn’t mean there aren’t any, of course, just that I can’t think of any.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    legal brothels are as much a rip off as legal loser leaf
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Read my article from many years ago.

  • pistola
    6 years ago
    If you like Latinas COI Synn and Paradise is worth a trip. Forget the NV brothels. And the good part about COI is there is a shitton to do around the general area.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No one posts good things about those houses. And none of the legalization or decriminalization advocates want the NV model.

    We have had many threads about this and I have talked first hand to NV patrons.

    No Front Room Friendliness. This is what destroys it. Should be you can fraternize, like in a strip club, and get a front room makeout session going.

    Sounds like DV tried to do this at Pahrump, but they found themselves tangled up in screwy NV laws. So they finally just gave up and turned their attention to TJ.


    Ocasio-Cortez hopes to 'break this fourth wall' by responding to 'bad-faith attacks'
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No one posts good things about those houses. And none of the legalization or decriminalization advocates want the NV model.

    We have had many threads about this and I have talked first hand to NV patrons.

    No Front Room Friendliness. This is what destroys it. Should be you can fraternize, like in a strip club, and get a front room makeout session going.

    Sounds like DV tried to do this at Pahrump, but they found themselves tangled up in screwy NV laws. So they finally just gave up and turned their attention to TJ.


    Ocasio-Cortez hopes to 'break this fourth wall' by responding to 'bad-faith attacks'
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