Human trafficking is a code word for deporting the illegals
New Jersey
i'm open to be wrong about this and will dial back my mo of being hyperaggressive on this website since i want to hear what people have to say. it seems to me that human trafficking sounds a lot like state rights.
don't get me wrong slavery is one of the most evil things humans have come up with and should be stopped as much as possible. but notice that slavery is not the word being used. human trafficking just means moving people which sounds a lot like immigration. its not a news flash that many first generation immigrants have poor living conditions. often the reason they moved here was because they had poor living conditions in the old country.
don't get me wrong slavery is one of the most evil things humans have come up with and should be stopped as much as possible. but notice that slavery is not the word being used. human trafficking just means moving people which sounds a lot like immigration. its not a news flash that many first generation immigrants have poor living conditions. often the reason they moved here was because they had poor living conditions in the old country.
Being arrested doesn't help anyone. And many women like sex work and are not "trafficked".
But, yes, to your point, it has been used especially harshly on immigrants of all kinds, including illegals. Note the lack of crackdown on real victims, those working in sweatshops, or as maids in hotels or for rich people, farm laborers, etc. Funny how all they are worried about are sex workers.
Being arrested doesn't help anyone. And many women like sex work and are not "trafficked".
But, yes, to your point, it has been used especially harshly on immigrants of all kinds, including illegals. Note the lack of crackdown on real victims, those working in sweatshops, or as maids in hotels or for rich people, farm laborers, etc. Funny how all they are worried about are sex workers.
Real trafficking--of illegals or American citizens--is reprehensible. But in many cases, such as raids on strip clubs, no trafficking is found.
the movement of vehicles, ships, persons, etc., in an area, along a street, through an air lane, over a water route, etc.:
the heavy traffic on Main Street.
the vehicles, persons, etc., moving in an area, along a street, etc.
verb (used without object), traf·ficked, traf·fick·ing.
to carry on traffic, trade, or commercial dealings.
to trade or deal in a specific commodity or service, often of an illegal nature (usually followed by in):
to traffic in opium.
verb (used with object), traf·ficked, traf·fick·ing.
(of vehicles or persons) to move over or through (a place):
It's a heavily trafficked bridge.
to trade or deal in (a commodity or service):…
You got punked willygayboy
My hunch is that most AMP workers are victims. Easy enough to to just stay away as my own personal policy.
What this does is muddy the waters, skews statistics and takes away from real victims.
As far as AMPs go, I think anything dealing with the Chinese or Vietnamese "business" community is sketchy.