Racism in America
Everything written by this member is a fact.
I'm not saying there isn't racism here. There is, and most of it is subtle. But...
Have you ever noticed that the incidents that the mass media glom onto and trot out as despicable usually get debunked.
2 recent examples.
Have you ever noticed that the incidents that the mass media glom onto and trot out as despicable usually get debunked.
2 recent examples.
-Scottsboro Boys
There have been many other recent leftwing hoaxes.
If your reaction is “but they shouted racism when he first made his claims” tell me you immediately were skeptical. Sadly, his claims of gay or racial abuse were not all that spectacular. The fake noose and bleach now look to be telltale signs of a fraud but early on less likely to be suspect.
His claims were wholeheartedly covered and pushed by the media, no questions asked which elevate his claims and their coverage of them to a hoax.
At this point they really don't even need to bother with whittling their field of fuckhead nominees down or bother debating Trump for 2020. They're handing him the reelection on a big ol' fat platter and they're too fucking retarded to even realize it lol
Now where’s the rest of that list of things left/right/moderates will never agree on? I think the one thing all groups can agree on is that they alone speak the truth and everyone else are hypocrites.
I'm not claiming it's one-way or that racism doesn't exist.
My point is that the media is so desperate to stoke the fires that they jump at every opportunity without first doing the due dilligence.
The majority of actual racist incidents are not the "sexy" stories. By leaping at these high profile fake cases, the legitimate cases get even further diminished due to the perceived lack of credibility.
Think the boy who cried wolf.
Not at all. I'm saying that before the media jumps all over something they need to verify the story or they end up hurting their own cause.
Just because the boy cried wolf doesn't mean their isn't a wolf out there, but it becomes less believable.
All I'm saying is that the media is being irresponsible.
Racism certainly exists, but not in the way that the media tries hard to portray.
Every time a hate crime occurs, whether fake or real, the media labels the perpetrators as Trump supporters, implying that every Trump supporter is racist. That is fake news. It is also one reason that Trump’s supporters are so loyal to him and trust nothing the media says.
I'm more concerned about institutional racism than some inbred dumbfucks being racist assholes.
And as James stated the real problem is institutional racism.
The Trump phenomenon shows that there are people who are completely alienated and misinformed. This will never work.
Guess what people, if there were only two people on this earth, they would disagree about something. Such is life, so get over it!
Every time a hate crime occurs, whether fake or real, the media labels the perpetrators as Trump supporters, implying that every Trump supporter is racist. That is fake news. It is also one reason that Trump’s supporters are so loyal to him and trust nothing the media says.”
If Trump doesn’t want his supporters connected with neo-nazis and they are such a small group, why does he dance around it so much? Why not outright denounce them?
- I don’t know who David Duke is. (He does.)
-He’s the leader of the KKK. Do you denounce him and his support?
-I don’t know who he is.
Charlottesville - there are very fine people on both sides.
Goddamn Baby Boomers
Don’t blame me. I was just responding to that libtard Mark94.
Because historically, TUSCL threads stay rigidly on-topic...
Quite a bit of time has passed, but since you brought it up let's look back to Charlottesville. This is what NPR, hardly a bastion of conservatism, reported that President Trump said. The quotes that drew all the attention.
1) "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides," Trump said.
OK, do you think "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence: is one sided? If you do, you are a part of the problem!
2) "Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said.
OK, do you think " criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups" are one sided? If you do, you are a part of the problem!
3) "You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides," Trump said.
OK, Do you think that of everyone, on one side there, included no "very fine people"? If you do, you are a part of the problem!
Personally I don't think you are the above, rather just caught up in the often times out of control rhetoric from many sources.