Signs and signals

avatar for BoringLoser
^ You are an ass hole
I’m sure many of us have had a girl use their manager as an excuse to get away from you. It has happened to me when I was on the fence about getting dances and let the conversation go on a little long.

It makes me wonder how much nonverbal communication goes on between the dancers and other staff when they’re working a PL.

Of course the manager example is most likely just an easy way to tell the PL it’s now or never,
but I bet they have some signals. I’m thinking things like “you’re up next,” “you need to push for drink sales,” or “ditch this loser, your whale just walked in”

Anyone ever pick up on any?


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avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
Yes, a dancer mentioned to me once that the bouncer had given her a hand sign that she needed to change positions more often.

Remaining in one position too long is a "Simulated Sex Act" under North Carolina codes.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^ Probably one of those things that are barely enforced, but thanks to either LE or the managers/bouncers wanting an excuse to come after her, is an issue at that particular time.
For the most part, management doesn’t do much in most clubs in my area. (For better or for worse)
avatar for Tiburon
6 years ago
I have never had that. You HAVE to be the ultimate loser....or just mega boring for a whore to use an excuse not to take your money.
avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
In this instance I believe her - I later did VIPs with her in the early evening (when the bouncers were busy setting up the club and only walked past instead of sitting in the corner observing everyone.) Her dances were better. Other girls also mentioned the management being generally strict.
avatar for RTP
6 years ago
This type of communication actually worked to my advantage once. I was getting dances from a dancer I knew (In North Carolina). Apparently, she was in one position too long and the manager gave her some type of signal and it really angered the dancer. She told me what happened and followed with you are going to get a great dance now. I am going to push the limit on every rule. As a matter of fact, it was a few great dances.....
avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
^^ haha I had a similar experience at a different club. The dancer said she did not like all the "bullshit rules" like keep one foot on the floor. She gave me some good straddling dances + kissing. Even she admitted there was no point taking a guy to VIP just to give the same dance on a couch that he gets in a chair.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Sounds like she pulled whatever she could out of her ass as an excuse to walk away from you. ;)
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Usually the dancer pushes hard for a dance and then walks away if the answer is no, sometimes with the old "I'll check up on you later" which only happens if it's dead and she hasn't made house.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ YOu can and should start feeding her front room money as soon as the interaction ensues. That way you've got a chance of talking to her and getting to know her, and getting a front room makeout session going, and then of waking up with her in the morning.

No, none of this is cheap. But if you play it that way you will not be needed to go to strip clubs very often, as the women you meet will be keeping you busy.

avatar for BoringLoser
6 years ago
Thank you, that was exactly on topic
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Yeah, management basically wants girls to constantly be working or appearing like they're working. Namely coz other customers and girls notice if a girl is with you and not doing anything. But management really just cares about drinks and VIP getting pushed coz they profit from it.
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