
RIP VIP Room....

I put your ATF on a winning team
Other than the same repetitive topics ad nauseum and random people posting the creepiest cringiest shit ever, the VIP room seems dead...


  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    The super bowl is today
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Its been dead for a while, I mean in general not just today
  • founder
    6 years ago
    I created this room so we can share information not crawlable by google
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    Thank god the vip room is dc approved now
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Icey if you hate it so much why do you keep coming here posting in nearly every topic and starting new ones?
    Nobody is forcing you to be here except yourself.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I am not surprised that the traffic is light today. Many on here no doubt had Superbowl plans.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Its not just today, its in general. And the topics are repetitive. How many threads about bartering with hookers over the price of a fuck or about cumming in your pants can you post in? How many times does someone have to ask when someone goes to a club or why? And then there's the odd weird ass creep posting shit about underage porn, the need to talk about dancers' races in the reviews or secretly filming in clubs....
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Icey posted: "How many threads about bartering with hookers over the price of a fuck or about cumming in your pants can you post in?"

    You do realize that this is a strip club site, right? If you don't like club related topics coming up over and over, then go someplace else. Simple.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @Icey posted: "How many threads about bartering with hookers over the price of a fuck or about cumming in your pants can you post in?"

    Well, quite a few.
    There are many different strategies in negotiation and nuances to an enjoyable inside-the-pants splooge.
  • _Constantine_
    6 years ago
    This section is fine and a good idea. Thanks Founder
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    The theory that IceyLoco is actually an SJG's sock puppet profile seems more plausible as time goes on. Likely... who knows? But certainly plausible.

    I don't know about others, but I've noticed that IceyLoco's early street thug persona has almost entirely been discarded. That's fine. I never bought into it from the start.

    Also, I don't put it past SJG to create his own allies to support his daily diatribes.

    But ultimately, who knows. Just a theory.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "I don't know about others, but I've noticed that IceyLoco's early street thug persona has almost entirely been discarded."

    Yes I noticed it and there were a few times that I considered mentioning it but in the end it wasn't worth my effort. I'm only commenting now to let it be known that others are aware of the charade.
  • _Constantine_
    6 years ago
    This was the same guy who was unrepentant when he gave me an unsolicited faq on how to get baby strippers on drugs to fulfill my fantasies but called me a pedofile for being into the teen porn genre.

    A week later he asks me for dirt on Founder in PM.

    He seems a little crazy but upon examination this guy isn’t someone I take very serious
  • _Constantine_
    6 years ago
    Just a fun fact I have messages from him from months ago putting up the street thug act advising me on drugging and abusing manipulating baby strippers.

    I didn’t even remember this guy as I smoke an 8th of medical pot a day but when I made a backhanded joke in a public thread about Founder doxing me Icey had the balls to message me asking for details and dirt on Founder. This was days after he accused me of being a pedofile for enjoying legal teen porn and college girls.

    He totally pretended we never had these previous convos in private and than proceeds to pretend he didn’t call me a pedofile days before while acting buddy buddy.

    Whoever it is it’s a troll and shouldn’t be taken to seriously.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    And people are just now realizing this?

  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Sadly this "been there, done that" attitude is not limited to our troll Icey. We have a few more seasoned tusclers who also trot that shit out from time to time. They club predominantly in places like Miami and Detroit and seem to believe that because they can get their dicks sucked pretty much on demand, they've got everything all figured out. The fact that many of us club in less permissive places with a lot more variability in our experiences, much of which can be good discussion fodder, is lost on them.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Constantine, I told you to ask them to smoke weed with you, not to drug them.

    I messaged you asking if he really doxed you coz someone else mentioned it as well.

    Anyways, quite some accusations coming from you. Either you're absolutely fucked up or a troll.

    And yeah you do come off as a pedophile in that thread.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    You people are the reason the VIP room is on its way out
  • ButterMan
    6 years ago
    The VIP room is alive and well baby!!!!!
  • Pyroxl
    6 years ago
    What was the issue with being crawlable by google?
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    ^^ you might post something personal and it will then show up in Google searches for eternity. The VIP section is not "crawable" which is a great feature.
  • Lurker_X
    6 years ago
    Anyone who posts for a long time can leave a trail of details that leads to becoming identifiable. Someone who is very privacy conscious might never post in the general discussions.

    Google is very thorough!
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "The VIP section is not "crawable" which is a great feature."

    I always thought an egotistical self perceived Einstein like you would be able to spell crawlable but it's understandable that you can't, dipshit.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Adding VIP was a smart move. It is a place to avoid most of the trolls and sock puppets. All that crazy crap is still available, for those who like it.
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