Describe your Perfect 10 Dancer

avatar for rogertex
The one-to-ten rating we all use are purely by physical looks.
But I really liked how a TUSCLer rated his Perfect 10 - one point at a time.
And quite balanced might I add.
Full Article is here:…

Summary of the article is below.
Describe what your Perfect 10 experience would be like. And What's your plan to get it?

======= Excerpt from TUSCLer cdm7669 Aug 9, 2012 =================================

1. Petite. I'm a small guy, about 5'7". So, the tall women just don't do it for me. 5'2" is about tops for me, but the shorter the better. I don't have a problem at all with at 4'10" girl, as long as her body matches her height.

2. Brunette. I've seen several hot blondes and even a handful of redheads, but it's the brunettes that always end up catching my eye the most. Also on the subject of hair is length. I am not a short hair guy. I've seen so many great looking women just ruin their looks by getting one of those "bob" haircuts. Yes, I know some of you think they are hot. I just can't stand them. I grew up in the 80's where hair was big and long. I don't care much for the big part now, but I do still like it long.

3. Dark complexion. I think this is why I like Latinas a lot. But, I can't really say my Perfect 10 is a Latina. I just like the darker look as compared to pasty white skin. I think this is why redheads usually don't do it for me.

4. Bubbly personality. I just really like girls who smile and look happy. The ability to carry on a decent conversation usually comes along with that. It's nice to enjoy talking to a girl while enjoying her smile at the same time.

5. The ability to look nasty when it counts. The bubbly personality is great most of the time, but when it's time to get naughty, I want to see that "fuck me" look in her eyes.

6. Small natural boobs. Yes, you read that right. I like small boobs. Since most of the women I find attractive are petite, they usually have small boobs. Sure, plenty of them can buy some big ones but I don't really care for that. I'll take small real ones over big fake ones any day.

7. Natural beauty. There are some things you just can't describe on paper (or a computer screen). Some girls are just born naturally beautiful. When you add makeup and hairstyle, they become stunningly gorgeous.

8. Lifestyle. I'm not a smoker or a drinker and I don't do drugs. I tried it all as a younger man, and didn't care for any of it. My Perfect 10 lives a lifestyle that matches that.

9. No Tats. Tattoos are pretty much a turn off for me. I don't mind the small one here or there, but I'd prefer none at all. To me, it just detracts and distracts from their natural beauty.

10. Smarts. I'm an educated professional, so I like a girl with some sense in her head.



last comment
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
I"m not sure she would be my perfect 10, but I would fuck the girl he is describing.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
ha ha - I would too.
What would be your perfect 10?
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
My perfect 10:

- She has to have more than just sense. She needs to be very smart. I want a girl that will challenge me intellectually as well as physically. I'm thinking I want a girl with an IQ of at least 120.

- I chased the cheerleaders when I was young so I like the athletic types. Not body builders, but fitness girls. Flat stomach, toned legged, abs, tight ass. I don't want anything jiggling.

- Nice tits. At least a c-cup. I don't mind if they are fake as long as the job is good and they are preportioned to her body. If she is 105 lbs with DD's then that is too big. I want to see cleavage when she is in a nice dress.

- She can be a bitch as long as she is not a bitch to me. In fact, I want her to pay attention to me and to me alone. I probably want her to be a bitch to others.

- No tattoos or piercings. Or at least nothing that is visible in public.

- No smoking or drugs. But she has to want to get drunk with me.

- Under 5-7, under 120 lbs. Perfect size would be 5-3, 110.

- Don't care about skin hair color, or skin complexion.

- Smile that lights up the room as soon as she sees me.

- She's got to have lot of energy.

- And even though she's a 10, she has to realize that I am the Alpha.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Stupid/Smart (can’t figure out what I like there I like both sometimes) Slutty, Busty, Beautiful face. Nipples pierced, tattoos could go either way on that one. More into darker complexion than lighter one. Also probably why I gravitate towards Latinas. Also more into brunettes. I never really even notice height unless she’s taller than me. Usually taller/bigger girls are just harder to have to sex with. Maybe like 5’0 to 5’8. I’d prefer her not to be into any drugs but are you kidding me, you did say dancer, I’ve found this to be absolutely impossible. And then to be crazy about ME. Too many girls and their life feel like they got better options. I’m sick of that shit (although they might just be right lmfao)

One thing that’s not a 10 are all those models on magazine covers. Waaaay to skinny. I don’t get it at all. I would probably walk right past them at a club
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Stupid/Smart (can’t figure out what I like there I like both sometimes) Slutty, Busty, Beautiful face. Nipples pierced, tattoos could go either way on that one. More into darker complexion than lighter one. Also probably why I gravitate towards Latinas. Also more into brunettes. I never really even notice height unless she’s taller than me. Usually taller/bigger girls are just harder to have to sex with. Maybe like 5’0 to 5’8. I’d prefer her not to be into any drugs but are you kidding me, you did say dancer, I’ve found this to be absolutely impossible. And then to be crazy about ME. Too many girls and their life feel like they got better options. I’m sick of that shit (although they might just be right lmfao)

One thing that’s not a 10 are all those models on magazine covers. Waaaay to skinny. I don’t get it at all. I would probably walk right past them at a club
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
My phone fucking sucks
avatar for chessmaster
6 years ago
Kim Kardashian 5-10 years ago...
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
I have to admit for me, physical attributes are important, but frankly, once she hits the Dushku Limit, it's all about personality and behavior.

Physically, I like petite, slim dancer's body with a beautiful heart-shaped projecting ass, pretty face, as few tats as possible. Amp this up until she hits the dushku limit, and that's all I need for an ATF.

Personality-wise, fun, interesting, sexy, charming, wild, sometimes impulsive (but not self-destructively so), likes drinking, gives me YMMV in the back and knows how to break the rules without getting caught, honors the sacred covenant of the appointment.

My ATATF is all of the above, along with being incredibly gorgeous...
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
A perfect 10 is sort of like porn. It's hard to define, but I know it when I see it.
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
what subraman said in his first sentence very much applies to me. anyway, she would look exactly like the girl in my profile, except she'd be a little thicker with breasts a bit bigger and an ass a bit larger
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
1. Busty (D cups, enhanced OK)
2. Blonde
3. Beautiful face
4. No morals
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
"Dushku Limit"

lol... I'm going to use that.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
" Dushku Limit: the point at which a woman is so hot that it doesn't matter that women hotter than her exist."

I had heard this before but had forgotten what it meant. It's not everyday that strip clubbing and cosmology join forces.…
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
5’4” to 5’6”
Plush lips
Perky, puffy nippled tits (big,small .. don’t care so long as natural, perky and puffy nipples)
Intelligent enough to have conversation and make me laugh.
Bubble butt.
Tiny waist (20 inches)
Hourglass figure
Touchy feely
120 to 160 lb
Stunning light blue or grey eyes
Dark complexion (love the Mediterranean look).
Toned body
Long hair
Yep, that is about it.
avatar for nofuglies
6 years ago
beautiful face
perky tits
small areola
5'5" or shorter
115 lbs or less
long straight hair
smooth skin
no extra lbs anywhere
void of tattoos
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

Since you said "...I really liked how a TUSCLer rated his Perfect 10 - one point at a time.
And quite balanced might I add.", I figured I follow his outline and expand that on how my ATF stacked up.

1. Petite. A typical Asian body, but not to thin. She has to look healthy. I don't care as much for the ones who "enhance", and to much for my taste is a no no. My ATF was enhanced but not overly so. Also, she needs to be fit and toned. A few hours in a gym can make a big difference and make up for some other weak points.

2. As is seen on many Asian women, LONG straight silky jet black hair. Check mark for my ATF. Short hair is a deal breaker as is any hair other than black.

3. Not pale, but a light complexion. Some minimal tanning would be fine. One thing that will turn me off with a dancer is little or no contrast between her skin and nipples.

4. Personality can be anything. I don't much care how she interacts with others, only me. Afterall, she is MY 10! She can not be fake with me!

5. Much like #4, I only care how she interacts with me. Of course it would be a requirement that she thinks I almost walk on water.

6. Boobs were covered in #1 under Asian body type. And yes, I'll take smaller real ones over big fake ones every time.

7. Her being Asian, she would have the look I consider beautiful. That said, I don't care for Asian women whose Asian traits are extreme. She would never be a 10 if makeup were used to the extreme.

8. Her lifestyle only matters when she is with me, but I wouldn't tolerate drugs or smoking. Neither can be disguised.

9. I dislike tattoos, but they have become so mainstream I've come to except some. My ATF was in overkill and that alone left her no higher than a 9. So a 10 can not have tats. My ATF's gym workouts and her fitness also gained her back lost points from the tattoos.

10. Smarts. Can't be an airhead and has to have some goals in life other than dancing till she can no longer do so. As an example, my ATF got her pilot's and real estate license while working. After I broke off the club relationship with my AFF, I still saw har a few times in civilian encounters. Owning a condo on the beach, a nice Porsche showed me she had her ducks in a row for many years. I know she socked away a lot of cash while she was dancing and I'd heard she made some good real estate investments. :)
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
Clubber - that's some ATF !
On your rating scale - non-asians have disadvantage.
Only means they need to make up for it elsewhere.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
@nofuglies - all Physical looks for you? Interesting that some TUSCLers specifcially like large and distinct areolas on breasts.

@nidan111 - Ha Ha - Horny is a really special special turn on. A lot of girls (dancers or not) try to hide it from guys.

@jackslash and @Subraman - thanks for introducing a very useful indicator to us PLs - the Dushku Limit. I like it. Instead of panning the entire lineup of dancers at a club - a PL can stop and pick that dancer that is hot enough for him. By the way Eliza Dushku still looks hot at 38 - and had her birthday couple days ago.

@jackslash - "no morals" LOL

@govikings - your profile has an Asian hottie straight out of Tomb Raider
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
@Warrior15 - "Smile that lights up the room as soon as she sees me."

True that - can melt many a PL

@Muddy9 - On drugs, although lots of dancers do drugs - still can find ones who stop at blunts. Yeah the mag cover models don't get much love from everyday people.

@chessmaster - I never liked Kim K personality and game. Looks were good 5-10 years ago.

@CMI - "A perfect 10 is sort of like porn. It's hard to define, but I know it when I see it."

I hear you!
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

Yes, a non-Asian will always fall behind. I will overlook a lot more on an Asian. My issue is, in South Florida they are as rare as hen's teeth.

Those that know me, here, understand the depth of my yellow fever. I really have no idea where it originated. I would think there might be something in my early life that triggered it, but I have no idea what it might be.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
You were Indiana Jones in your previous life - adventures in the remote parts of Asia. Beautiful women kept you sane and alive
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Candy at the Hiliter, before she got gobbles up by some rich whale monopolizing her services.

At least he has saved me thousands of $$. I quit going because of that.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i’ve got a range that i like...
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
DC I like your list. Point # 2 is a turn on because it is paradoxical. So you came close to meeting a perfect 10 - 6 full points, 3 half points and that one where she lost a point - not too much meat on the bones !!!

@Meat72 - no reason to quit visiting because hottie got monopolized. A newer hottie always emerges.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
The looks part is easy.... someone along these lines. Its an attainable type, just what I go for.……………………………

Personality wise, that's the hard part...I look for

Unconditional love
A real ride or die bitch
Down for anything
Tell me off in private but always stand by me in public
Passive with me, assertive with everyone else
Can hustle
smokes ....weed
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
My perfect ten is:
Fit with proportional breasts, a firm ass and body, long well maintained hair, no tattoos or piercings.
Height is not that important as long as she is built proportionally.

Here are a few good examples…………

After that it, good hygiene. Can't stand dancers who smell down there.
Friendly, and can actually hold a good conversation, with lots of flirting.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Huge natural tits, light eyes, fair skin.

Alexandra Daddario or Kate Upton
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Rl27 the first girl you posted is hot af
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Which is why I posted her first. In fact she looks a lot like one of the dancers I used to get dances from three years ago, except her hair was slightly darker. Not one of my favorites, because her dance was just slightly above average, but on nights when only a few of my favorites were in, she would often get quite a few dances, just because she was the hottest there.
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
I agree that first pic that RL posted is really hot, the others, eh. These perfect 10 discussions seem to pop up every few months but IMO 9s aren't common and 10s are extremely rare but none are perfect.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
@TheeOSU - you are probs thinking about physical attributes for 9 or 10 ratings. No doubt those are rare.

There is a certain combo in a dancer that drains your wallet and you are happy about it. You want to spend more.
I will admit for some guys there ain't a perfect 10. Ever. For others - if there was one (or two) - it would be even more rare.

cdm7669 spent over a grand on that dancer (described in OP). And was happy about it.
I have seen that dancer. She was good. Very good. But not a 10 in my book.
It is certainly a personal liking thing - and that makes love/lust all the more fascinating.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago

I like your personality list. Especially these ones

Tell me off in private but always stand by me in public
Passive with me, assertive with everyone else
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
@JamesSD - Girls gasp all the time, but gasoed takes a James.

@rl27 - ... and the opposite is also true - average looking dancer can give sizzling dances.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Iceyloco has good taste
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Rogertex. And don't I know it. It's always a balance act between dancer looks and lap dance quality.
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