So as we close in on the end of 2018

Anywhere in the USA on any given day
How many of us can say this was a good year? ( for me the best word to describe it is odd)
What are you going to do different if anything? ( thinking of cutting back on SA and going back to the clubs and the pro's)
Did you learn anything new? ( It's finally starting to dawn on me I'm not immortal-only took 60 plus years) I learned a few other things as well but the immortal thing is the prevailing one.
I already know at some point I'm headed to Vegas, Orlando, LA, and NYC for business trips besides my normal visits to Cleveland, Columbus, and Pittsburgh.
Reviews forthcoming --good, bad, and ugly.
Happy and Prosperous New Year to the ladies and the gents...................( not that they can read it over here but sunshine to the trolls)
last commentIn the clubs it was a good year.
Good year overall, in and out of the strip club. I made more money. My side gig is going in a good and more lucrative direction.
I might go more towards SA. Strip clubs in RI are now under increasing scrutiny from law enforcement.
I'd say it was a good year. There were some challenges, but I'm happy with the progress I made personally and professionally.
The only thing I'll do different next year is to get more sleep, and hit more clubs.
I learned that you can store extra staples under the rubber base of your stapler. Check it out for yourself. Mind blown.
Didn't think it would last, but have the same sexy, blonde, college student (from SA) since August. She stood me up on the meet@greet, but she's completely reliable now. We do 3x overnight dates per month and go out to dinner occasionally. I still go out to three of our low-contact, high-quality, clubs about once a month. More for spontaneous fun and not looking for extras.
I find that getting older involves the gradual decay and destruction of my joints, not so much muscle-mass. I'll probably try for more swimming and light-weights and less cycling in 2019.
Next year is going to wild politically with the Meuller report wrapping up, the Dems taking control of the House, and the stock market gyrating all over the place. With luck, maybe the government will reopen in January.
Good year for me business wise, ok year for my personal life, I’ve got my health, thank god as I close in on 65, in the first half of 2019, no regrets or complaints. Looking forward to the future optimistically.
Not a bad year but I’ve reduced the mongering and will reduce it more in the coming year. I have other things I would rather do with my time and money. I’m not retiring ny any means—just cutting back.
I plan to hit the gym harder than ever, make more money and catch more fish.
Had some headwinds in 2018 but overall it wasn't a bad year and I'm thankful for the good things - reduced my SCing by a decent amount as I've had a "been there done that" feeling w.r.t. SCing.
Most of my 2018 SCing seemed more out of habit than PL-zeal.
For 2019 would like to reduce my SCing and use that $$$ to take some non-SC vacation trips and see areas I never have.
This is the year I discovered SA. What an app. And in the clubs the big thing story for me was the ATF and the CF that replaced both worked at the same club. Lot of drama there, but the ATF ended up getting pregnant, so the CF won out. Overall was fun, would do it again. Personal life, I just spend hours in the gym this year, especially on the weekends. Never in beter shape.
2018 was a roller coaster ride:
Hospitalized, had surgery, and 3 months recovery Discovered Extras, ITC experiences Discovered TJ Discovered TUSCL
In 2019, I plan to:
Visit Thailand Spend my fun money more freely Less strip clubbing, more night clubbing Visit TJ less often but longer visits
It was a lousy year for me on the clubbing scene. Dancer quality at my favorite club took a nose dive and an influx of non English speaking Cubans made it worse. 4 other clubs in the area got shut down and now the city is going after my favorite club. So things are not looking better for 2019. Might be making some road trips.
I had a great 2018 in the clubs. I hope 2019 will be just as good.
What exactly is the deal with all the annexation around the Atlanta metro? Is it to consolidate resources to keep the city of Atlanta from expanding? Next year's not an election year, so maybe things will just blow over in the club closure department?
The talent does matter, though. Baltimore still has it's places to pick and choose from the secret menu. Many fewer places, though not a total loss. Same with Seattle. But the pickin's are slim. Really slim these past couple of years.
In Atlanta tame clubs are the norm, Follies was a big outlier - the recent ATL crackdown is actually inline with the view of strip clubs in the area.
Atlanta used to be one of the better club towns in the country. I had lots of fun in clubs there, but it took a turn around the same time Seattle did. I get the recent trend, but was asking what the deal was with rezoning. Strip Clubs have taken a hit as they've been going on, but it seems a little extreme to go through all that just to force a few clubs out.
I would assume strip clubs are being taken out bc of rezoning, not that they are rezoning in order to take out strip clubs - again I assume
It's been a strange year, a surgery, a broken bone, a job change and an opportunity to take a promotion and move. The fact that I can't seem to find a significant other so strip clubs are where I get my time with others. Hope 2019 is smooth
It honestly seems to me as today's generation just doesn't care for Strip Clubs. Everything is slowly declining. That said, I still enjoyed going out this year.
Business wise, it was a really good year. My main business had a record year, and some other investments started to pay off very well.
Monger-wise, a fantastic year. I discovered Tijuana. Liked it so much, I went back two other times. Then took a fun trip to Detroit.
I'm thinking about trying SA.
A very good year. Still healthy and horny in my mid 60s and with occasional access to the high mileage clubs in Metro Detroit.
Goals for next year-- Other than Tijuana (which was great), I'd like to visit another venue where prostitution is legal and safe, such as I've never an FKK club or Thailand.
For those venturing to Bangkok, check out bangkok112 on YouTube. He does these amazing video blogs of the nightlife with some great advice provided by capitioning. After discovering these last year, Thailand is on my bucket list.
It was a very good year in the clubs and in civilian life. I keep meaning to write up some of my SC adventures of the past year but life keeps getting in the way. Not to mention the nonsense posts flooded this site. I don't have that excuse any more. Thank you founder.
noteworthy for this past year
dancer I hang out with set me up with her sister when she was in need of money. Their mom was at the apartment when I dropped the sister off one day. Fine looking woman. She thinks I am a coworker helping out the younger daughter with rides to work while she saves to replace her car. That is sort of true. Mom asked them to set me up with her.
Women 1/3 my age have been adults for a few years.
Goals for 2019 - add at least one new state and one country to my list of places I've been. It would be cool to add a strip club from each to my list.
2018 was a good year! Met some interesting people, expanded business. Hectic as hell but good
2018 had its ups and downs. It was an okay year. I made my second largest annual income, only falling about $2k short of beating my best annual income.
I am planning on doing less strip clubbing in 2019. I also have a "been there done that" attitude and do not get really get the thrill I used to get. I have even considered retiring from TUSCL. I have found a few new hobbies over the last couple years to spend my money on, and I have been dating an Instagram model the last couple months.