On Balding
Fuck it, it’s gone. When the dancers start bitching about it, I gotta take a hint. My problem with bald guys is I never really liked them. They are always the bad guys in movies. Now I’m one. Too young for shit. Rogaine didn’t work for me, Propencia is said to kill your libido (so FUCK THAT), I’m just gonna have to wait for a medical breakthrough or accept it. Just when this mongering shit gets easier, it gets harder.
How your hair holding up?
How your hair holding up?
I've been plucking my pubes when they get long enough and saving them for a few years now. When I have enough I'm going to take them to a wig maker and get one made. It will look like I had a perm.
I understand people are bigger problems than this. Not looking for sympathy. Just saying I’m gonna miss it.
And lol @25, that was funny.
I don't think there's much reason to stress about it, aside from adjusting to the change.
I have rock star hair and I don’t believe it helps me much, considering most girls overlook me unless I’m paying them.
I usually have at least 2 girls come to greet me soon after I walk in.
That's the best argument I've heard so far to shave my ball sack.