Tips and advice on TJ?

Going solo to HK and Adelitas soon and could use some advice while I’m out there!
Do’s and donts etc, how to carry your money and should I bring my wallet or nah?
I’m probably gonna bring around $400, since I live in SD. Thanks guys
last commentHere's my #1 tip. Do NOT under any circumstances do what some pendejo on my floor in Cascadas did last night. If you do this, you will be mocked and possibly beaten up in the middle of the night. It may even be against the law in Mexico and you could find yourself in a Tijuana prison for at least a week waiting to see a Mexican lawyer and judge.
Here is what this idiot did. Before his trip, he prepared a short playlist of love songs, featuring Air Supply's Making Love out of Nothing at All, which he BLASTED on loop for at least an hour when he took some chica arriba. There's a high likelihood that he may have a vagina.
If you follow this one tip, all else should go smoothly.
Lol definitely not planning to do that
#1: Don’t get drunk. Tipsy is fine but stumbling drunk will guarantee trouble.
#2: Stay close to Hong Kong. Do not wander the side streets.
#3: Don’t act like an asshole.
#4: Don’t flash your cash.
Going to TJ should be OK.
As long as you have your ducks in a row you should be able to go in and out without any problem.
0 Have a valid current passport and visa in your possession at all times the moment you decide to leave our country and enter another country.
1 you should get your visa in advance, is free if you are going to be there for a few days only (7 days) if you plan to be there longer you will have to pay a nominal fee depending on the length of stay. You can get the visa process with the help of any reputable travel agency.
2 you are going to another country and should behave as a good neighbor visiting another place/house/country respect their laws and rules and have your papers/documents/in your possession all the time, if any police officer or public servant ask for them you can show you are legal and you will be fine as long as you don’t overstay your visa time.
3 Do not drink, you are in unknown territory and need to be stone cold sober to deal with any situation and enjoy and remember all the nice things you will have access to; the weather is nice, the food is fresh and affordable (fantastic lobster fish steak shrimp etc) the girls are beautiful and nice. If you have time during the day there are a lot of nice places to visit and see, depending on the kind of activities you enjoy.
4 You teach people how to treat you, be courteous, discreet, friendly kind and act as gentleman and you will be treated as a gentleman.
Please let me know about your trip when you come back.
CJKent thanks man! Will do.
I’m planning to just go and get the free visa same day, don’t they give one to you for free when you’re crossing..? I’m walking in
Wait...we need Visas to enter Mexico now?! When did that start?
If you live in SD this can't be your first TJ.
Google says:
“Before You Go to Tijuana. U. S. citizens can visit Mexico for 72 hours or less without visas, but they need proof of citizenship when they return, A passport or government-issued photo ID and birth certificate are most common.”
If you are going to visit for more than just 3 days is best to get a visa, they are fee if you only stay for 7 days after that there is a nominal fee.
Better safe than sorry.
The document is called a Mexican “Tourist Card” (FMM Card) or tourist “visa” although is not officially a visa.
“The Mexican government has unveiled an online application to obtain a tourist card (FMM) before crossing into Mexico by land or air. After filling out the application and making your payment, the tourist card (FMM) may be printed out from the convenience of your home or office. The printed tourist card (FMM) will need to be officially stamped by an INM official at the border to be valid.
Click to view the online tourist card (FMM) application
Online tourist card (FMM) facts:
Requires a valid passport or passport card
The FMM is free if your trip is 7 days or less and you are traveling by land.
Online fee: $533 pesos - approximately U.S. $24 per person
The fee may be paid by Visa or Mastercard only (credit or debit card)
Print out the FMM form in minutes
The FMM must be validated/stamped at an INM office at the border in these states: Baja California (Norte), Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas
The stamped online FMM is valid for land travel throughout Mexico.
After printing your FMM form, it must be stamped by INM within 30 days to be valid.
May be issued for up to 180 days”
No one could stay in TJ's zona for more than 3 days. Even Superman would have his limits.
Better to be based in SD or someplace else in the TJ area. Need to pull back and recuperate. TLN does not get you much actual sleep.
Thanks for that info about the FMM card.
Don't drink too much
Don't let the waiters bring you a girl
You choose the girl, don't let the girl choose you
Use the ficha to find out if you really want to be with her, don't just feel her up
Find out when she started her shift, you may want to pass on a girl who has been working all day
If you are not feeling good about the girl, don't be afraid or hesitant to send her away and move on
Don't negotiate too much, some girls don't provide as good a service if they don't get their full fee
^^^^^^ Never been there, not yet, but what Cristobal is saying makes perfect sense to me. It just comes down to understanding that these are still ordinary girls. They can be most anything to you, but you have to decide for yourself and then make it happen. You shouldn't just take things at face value.
I won't be drinking at all, and I'll be gently trying to steer girls to no alcohol drinks. Better for staying up late, and talking, between loads of course.
:) :) :)
I would say that you want to let her know who you are, why you are there, how often you intend to be there, and provide her with your business card, right there in the front room, as you and she are letting your makeout session develop.
I'm headed there in late January, my third trip in less than two years.
Good advice here, particularly from Cristobal. I would add read every review on here that you have time to read, starting from the most recent and working your way back.
Also, don't engage with anyone on the street. They'll try to talk to you or sell you something or ask if you need anything, just shake your head no and keep walking. Try to keep a low profile. You don't want to stand out in a crowd here.
Read all the reviews.
Don’t get out of control. Police presence was higher than normal my last two trips. Which is good, unless you’re drunk or acting like a fool and make yourself a target of thier attention.
Take your time. Although you may be shocked the first time you realize that this beautiful woman just asked YOU to fuck HER she’s not unique. They all will. Don’t let your little head make the important decisions.
Oh, and understand that you are going down during what is traditionally the slowest time of year. Good for your bargaining power, poorer for selection. That being said the Zona is still better than anyplace state side.
Keep in mind the following for which hotels girls will go to.
Chicago Club
La Malquerida
I’ve heard that Adelita’s girls will go to Ibiza also, but I have not confirmed that. There are also a lot of other smaller hotels attached to some of the other bars, but I would hold off on those for your first visit. Oh. And with street girls it’s a crap shoot. Some will go to your hotel, others won’t, some can’t if they’ve had problems at a given hotel in the past.
Have small bills for taxi and tipping when you cross the border. You can take the Zona Shuttle which is free and a nice ride, but you should still tip the guy. Even if taking a taxi $5 will cover you.
Dblednmike you need to copy paste your last post in the comments section of the HK reviews page. A lot of people don't know which girls can go to which hotels. I remember Cristobal saying that only HK girls can go into Cascadas and I knew that wasn't true.
-->@CJKent: "Do not drink, you are in unknown territory and need to be stone cold sober to deal with any situation and enjoy and remember all the nice things you will have access to."
To each their own of course, but for me clubbing and an alcohol buzz go together. Best to not get shitfaced, Mexico or elsewhere, but to me drinking makes clubbing makes more fun and is why I don't typically hit FN clubs in USA in states where FN is juice only unless I have some drinks before entry
any advice i have is tip the mesero one dollar per drink. one dollar to the robe guy. one dollar to the front desk guy. one dollar to the cum boy.
i have not been to tj in like forever. (two weeks away feels like forever.) maybe i’ll go there this monday and tuesday nites.
Consider the time of sunset, if you want to engage with street girls. Day shift girls might not be ready for TLN. But I would not want to be scoping girls out after dark. So summer time.
Just an idea.
“I think the best sex you have is sex when you are sober...If you have to take a drug to have better sex, then you should probably find a new partner or learn your body a little better.” ~ Joanna Angel
I just agree with Joanna and practice safe, sober, sex.
It is up to the individual, my advice is the same prepare for the worst possible situation and hope for the best.
You don’t want to have beer googles when choosing your sex partner. Once you are inside the club you might have to order something to drink, but you can just nurse your drink, to not make the girls that like to drink to lower their inhibitions uncomfortable.
I always explain kiddingly that “I am the designated driver” and let the rest of the people at the club enjoy themselves.
Like others have recommended, take your time getting used to the place, feeling comfortable, confident, remember there is always next time, and use your funds wisely. But more than anything, like the Hustlet Hollywood Store motto says “Relax is Just Sex”.
I hope you have a good time, enjoy the experience, learn from it and have a great story to tell us when you come back.
Have a nice, safe, fun trip.
@LustAddict; probably you have read this article:
If you have time read it again is dedicated to “beginners” and is very long but good.
And remember nothing is going to be like you imagined, or how anyone told you, you will have unique experience in your own.
Relax, be safe, and be open to the possibilities.
Good luck.
I agree with Joanna Angel too. Thanks for letting me know about her.
Joe Jackson Night and Day
TJ Street
Baker Gurvitz Army - Vinyl Album High Quality
For your cash, I would buy a wallet with a money clip/bar. I bought a inexpensive one off Amazon and it works well for holding my room key and cash and credit card when I go out for dinner.
The bar can only so much cash so it works for holding my $5 and $10 bills, useful when buy drinks at Hong Kong. For my $1 I use those Black Binder clips you find around an office. I know it may not look the classiest, but they hold on to bills very well. I have 2 clips of twenty-five $1 bills in different pockets, when I am at the club. If you need to grab a dollar from your pocket it easy to pull a single dollar out of the clip if you fold them correctly. Keeps your stack hidden from people seeing it. Also very useful for budgeting, I tell myself I will spend 1-2 clips of $1 per day at the clubs.
I had a time where one of the ladies came up to me and felt me up and asked for a dollar, she did a great job so I deiced to tip her. That is back when I didn't use the clips and I pulled out some unorganized cash from my pocket and she saw a five and she playfully grabbed it. Lesson learned is to never show more cash than what you are paying for, or at least be okay with accepting that you might get hustled for the difference.