Escorts vs strip clubs

avatar for Skippy10
What goes around comes around
What are your thoughts on one vs the other. Do you visit both to have a little fun? If seeing escorts what are your do's and don'ts in your selection. At least at the clubs you see what you're interested in. Costs vs one or the other?


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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Use The System (tm). Meet your women f2f first. Always better. So find what you want at strip clubs.

avatar for s275ironman
6 years ago
I’ve done both. They both have their pros and cons. I prefer strippers over escorts. IME, strippers are usually hotter than escorts. Plus, it is much easier to find a hot stripper than it is to find a hot escort.

Escorts usually are the cheaper option since you only typically pay them for services, but they will only see you for the scheduled amount of time you booked them for.

If you’re meeting strippers OTC, you may pay more, but they typically don’t watch the clock and therefore, you do get your money’s worth. For the record, I’ve never seen a stripper OTC, I am just stating what many have said in previous discussions on this same topic.

If you’re meeting strippers in the club, you do have other costs in addition to what the stripper may charge for services, and since they have to give a portion of the money to the club, costs usually are higher than what an escort charges.

With escorts, there is always the possibility that the girl posts an ad with old pics from when she was younger/hotter, or worse yet, it ends up being a bait and switch when you go to meet her. With strippers, you get the advantage of seeing what they look like in person while you shop around. Plus, meeting strippers in the club allows you to find one you click with before making it into a business transaction.

So, in theory, shopping for escorts is like shopping through an online retailer (Amazon, etc) while shopping for strippers is like physically walking into a brick and mortar retailer (Walmart, Target, etc). For me personally, I prefer to see the merchandise in person as opposed to pictures on a web page.
avatar for bang69
6 years ago
Go for the stripper
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Do not enjoy escorts. Love strippers and strip clubs.

Escorts vs Stripper OTC: Strippers are hotter, OTC costs far FAR less for time spent, I've already met the stripper ITC and know I'm crazy about her -- seeing how close an escort looks to her pics is always a surprise (not in a good way), and strippers are far less professional (in a very good way) in their interactions, OTC far more fun with drinking, partying, SCing, and other carrying on. There's exactly one advantage of an escort: she'll be there at your appointment time, with the stripper you never know if she'll show.

There's no real comparison of escorts vs stripper ITC: the two experiences are miles apart. I just happen to love being in a strip club, I like that I can (and do) make it a social event and SC with my buddies, etc.

avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 years ago
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avatar for Skippy10
6 years ago
I agree. Seeing what your getting first is the best scenario. Strippers I've seen OTC always cost more as usually a hotel was required and the sweet ladies weren't cheap either. But time wasn't watched. Escorts, seen some regularly and cost wise were less but they had their own room usually.

But when out of town being able to find a strip club with extras most the time fails. Escorts can fill the gap.
avatar for Skippy10
6 years ago
But these days finding a escort who is what they say, and won't rip you off is hard too
avatar for anthony6613
6 years ago
I have done both. In Detroit, going to a strip club usually guarantees sex. Quick and spur of the moment. No planing involved. An escort will usually need to screen you first, and then you have to go her location which probably is not as convenient as a strip club. I have had good experiences with both. For more relaxing sex, I prefer an escort. In Detroit, there is always the remote chance, DPD will raid the club and you end up going to jail. Use both to fulfil your needs.
avatar for -me
6 years ago
Troll Bot!!! Lol
avatar for Skippy10
6 years ago
Yeah, I stay out of Detroit clubs.
avatar for 1Chanman
6 years ago
I recently switched back to escorts due to the ridiculous amount strippers here want for takeout. Just not the same...strippers I can see f2f. So far all the escorts I've seen, none hotter than a 7 and none with a performance above 7. The airbrushed pics fooled me badly.
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
Not sure how easy it is to generalize in this manner. Are we comparing ALL strippers to ALL escorts? Not all strippers engage in OTC p4p, whereas p4p is the primary function of an escort. So, if we are maximally inclusive when discussing these two categories, it then becomes "maybe sex" vs. "guaranteed sex." Of course, with that comes other pros and cons, like "you get to see her first" vs. "you only get to see pics of her first."

Ultimately, I think strippers are less business-minded and more carefree; part-way between girl-next-door civvie chick and professional courtesan.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
I haven't tried an escort yet because I worry about the possibility of being scammed, robbed, etc.

I definitely prefer the face to face experience at the SC.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I'm not one to enjoy getting to sex right away and with someone IDK - I usually don't go to SCs specifically seeking extras - when I get SC-extras it's usually after getting some good dances and I'm feeling that particular girl.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
Strippers, escorts, AMPs.
All different and all offer their own pro's and con's.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
A "stripper" who you pay to have sex with outside the club is just a hooker who uses the club to get tricks.

An actual stripper is just a chick who works in a strip club and....strips for a living.

I wouldn't pay for sex or ever approach a woman with the intent to solicit prostitution. That said, most chicks I've dated have been strippers and I love dating them. Prefer it to dating other types of girls.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Ive dated hoes before too but it gets complicated after a while
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”
~ Heraclitus

“No two people's life experiences are the same.. "

Yes I have visited both types, to have different types of fun.
You will find many opinions examples etc on this site as why OTC sex with a stripper is the "caviar of the sex industry".
From seeing and talking to them in person (no bait and switch) and establishing a relationship ITC, the “trill of the hunt”, convincing them to do OTC, Spending more time for less money, dinner some times, going out, overnights sometimes, closer to a GFE encounter.
I agree with that because I have experinced some of that.

However, I wrote an article about my ATF Woman:

Wher I explained why my encounter with an high end Russian escort in Beverly Hills was the best sexual human experience in my life. Part of it was that she was beatiful a 10+ in my opinion, nice and sexy to me and seemed to enjoy sex (orgasmed and squirted). It was the best the experience of my life.
Just remember you can't win the game if you don't even play it, be prepared and aware of the rules, prepare for the worst case scenario and hope for the best.

With respect to escorts be prepared to bail at any point or moment when your gut feeling (spidy sense) is telling to do so.

0. Contact her by text, be professional, corteus and friendly, see how she responds, if you decide to take one for the team just be aware of the rules of the game.

1. If she is not the girl on the pictures, or you don't find her attractive enough when you meet her, turn around and leave immediately, no need to deal with liers and cheats.

2. If she is OK and you enter her place make sure you feel comfortable, ask to take a shower even before giving her any money. If she is not okey with that again leave.

3 if it is a possible set up to rob you and there are others in the room, size the situation if you can run or walk away do so if not hand out the money and leave without getting beaten or worst, you just paid for a lesson in life that is all.

4 if it is a police sting, just keep your mouth close and ask to talk to an attorney. Another lesson on life.

But if you are able to take a shower relax and come out and she is ready, put the money on the dresser where she can see it and make sure all is there and enjoy.

Be nice to her and she will probably be nice to you in return.

Good luck having all kinds of fun.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
I started with strip clubs, then escorts, and now back to strip clubs. I have yet to get a stripper OTC, but when I do, I'm probably going to prefer strippers over escorts. Got robbed too many times with escorts.
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
As others have said, you don't have the risk on not getting what you asked for in looks, and you typically find a lot more hot strippers than escorts. Escorts where I live with similar looks to the strippers I like right now charge anywhere from $300 to $600 an hour, and usually booked very tightly. Last two strippers I saw both wanted $200 for an OTC meeting for as long as we felt like.

Typically we would meet either before her shift or after. Time is also a lot longer, and not rushed because they typically see only one or two guys, often at least an hour and a half. My most recent OTC gal would use the first twenty or so minutes to try out new outfits for me and try out new stripper moves, before we would get to the real fun. Then she would stay until about an hour before her shift started.

Now for some negatives. Strippers are often not as punctual, I occasionally had to wait two hours from when she said she would be there. I have also had a lot more cancellations.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Have any of you used street walkers or hoes that work hotel or touristy bars/clubs? I think that would be a better deal than an "escort".

What have your dealings with agencies been like? I know in Vegas, a lot of them are fronts for the Russian mob. In California, there are gang ties. Especially in northern California.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"Escorts where I live with similar looks to the strippers I like right now charge anywhere from $300 to $600 an hour, and usually booked very tightly. Last two strippers I saw both wanted $200 for an OTC meeting for as long as we felt like."

You've made some points that fit my experience as well.

While it's true that it's possible to pay less for a meh-escort vs a hot stripper (say, $200 vs $350-$500+room), escorts that are stripper hot are charging $600-$1000 in this area. So, it is not true, at least in my area, that for similarly hot women, escorts are cheaper than strippers absolutely. And when you factor in time -- 1 hour strictly timed (often MINUS shower time) for an escort, vs typical 4 hours to overnight for the stripper -- it's not even in the same ballpark when judged as cost per hour

So, depending on the area, and assuming you want similar hotness in the stripper and the escort, OTC is more fun and less expensive, often absolutely, and always cost/hour. The only advantage the escort has in price, is if you are willing to go down a couple notches in looks ... then, there are definitely lower-cost escort options.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Wow. Didnt know people were so passionate about women playing with their dicks that u guys spend so much time talking about this .....................
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Nicole, try it!
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
@Nicole, don't you enjoy having your penis fondled?
avatar for April9424
6 years ago
As a monger, I think OTC from a stripper seems like the most enjoyable option because there’s a better chance it won’t be awkward or bad chemistry plus you can hang out and flirt for a bit without the clock ticking and that can build up suspense and excitement that you might not get with an escort
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
When you were fucking me Nicole, you were passionate about playing with my dick...hahah
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
$200 otc in California w/ it's high cost of living? Wtf? I've been paid that to have lunch b4 I went to the club...
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Not in Florida you won't.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
This is interesting though. I always wondered why guys keep going to clubs for hookers instead of internet (b4 Fosta sesta whatever it is).. thanks for answering that. It makes sense and I guess if I were a dude looking for a hooker fuck yeah i want her to look decent and know what she looks like b4 agreeing to anything. Looking nothing like the photo is just not ok at all...
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think for a lot of men, finding a prostitute at a strip club gives them a very false sense of security. They think that since she's working at a real business, is very pleasant while working at the club, pays attention to them, etc.... although that's her job, she's basically a geisha sort of or a courtesan. .... That she's somehow safe or legit.

Truth is, its never really the hottest girls who do OTC, coz they don't have to. Then you get ones who are put to work in the club by their pimps, and they just use the club to find tricks. These girls have underlying problems that led them into prostitution... That's why these girls tend to be so problematic....lie, steal, manipulate etc. But most men don't see the reality behind the scenes.

I don't know. Its sad. I recently had a girl breakdown coz she doesn't to do it anymore. She stopped going to work, stopped caring. It takes a toll on a person.

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