


anyone feel conflicted about going to the sc? guilt about, finances, morals, relationships, etc...


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Avatar for sayonara

Sometimes, its easier if ur single

Avatar for twentyfive

I didn’t but I’m having second thoughts,

Thought about it

Nah I’m fine it was just gas.


Avatar for Musterd21

Yes I do! But then I like buying women drinks and don’t want a relationship.

Avatar for wellhungsac420

buyers remorse, like when you find out someone else got the same car for less

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Well, it depends on whether or not you know why you are there. If you want to imbibe a sexual aesthetic, or if you actually want to know dancers, should be fine. But also, you won't need to go very often.

But if you are there as an escape, or for sexual gratification, or cheating on and SO, then at a minimum you should feel conflicted.


Nicki Minaj


Avatar for skibum609

I feel wonderfully about going. If I didn't I would do something else.

Avatar for NJBalla

I used to but not for the reasons above. Sometimes my penis is just too tired from me jerking it off all day to go to the club. But then I say pull your shit together and give it a pep talk and then we go and have a good time. I just have to remember to not give it a pep talk at the bar. The women always act strange.


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I grew up in a conservative household where as a kid I went to church regularly - so conservative religious principles is what was ingrained in me and what I grew-up with - thus when I started SCing somewhat regularly in my early-30s I was morally conflicted about it and to a certain-level would beat myself up about it - but w/ time I came to accept that not going to strip-clubs didn't necessarily make my life better nor happier - w/ time I just accepted I enjoy strip-clubs.

The other guilt aspect is financial - I had a fair-amount of financial-insecurity growing-up where finances were often a strain on the family - thus that too affected my mindset w.r.t. $$$ growing-up and I do worry, and to some extent beat myself up, w.r.t. all the $$$ I spend/have-spent strip-clubbing - but for the most-part I have come to terms w/ it - i.e. I don't think I'd be any happier having more $$$ but not having experienced what I have experienced being a monger - there's a reason most of us SC, and that reason does not go away by not going to strip-clubs - i.e. taking strip-clubs out likely means one is just left w/ that void that initially led you to strip-clubs.

Avatar for Muddy

Yes it usually is financial. A lot of times it’s between the SC or SA. But I usually have great time at the club it’s all good. I’d do 2018 again although I saved very little

Avatar for Liwet

I only ever had bad feelings about going the first time. Sometimes I think about what others might think about me if they knew I went as often as I did. Personally, now, I don't have any negative feelings about strip clubs; I always look forward to going to just about any club and feel comfortable and at home inside them.

Avatar for Icey

I think the only thing a guy should feel conflicted about and disgusted by is if he goes to strip clubs trolling for hookers, or relies on strippers as the only contact they have with women and would rather pay than work on themselves.

Avatar for Icey

I think the only thing a guy should feel conflicted about and disgusted by is if he goes to strip clubs trolling for hookers, or relies on strippers as the only contact they have with women and would rather pay than work on themselves.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I've often been conflicted but my penis thinks otherwise

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