A while back I was at a local library - at the table next to me was an older-lady who is a retired school-teacher and now tutors kids - a few minutes later her student shows-up - a very cute 7 or 8 y/o little-girl.
Tutor: "So how have you been doing in school"
Little Girl: "I didn't do too-well in my test, I got a 56"
Tutor: "What do you think happened?"
Little Girl: "I think it was because I got the answers wrong"
I just had to audibly LOL when I heard her say that :)
She can't be a stripper when she grows up. She realizes that when she does something wrong there are consequences and she didn't blame her problem on someone else.
Oh god! This reminds me of when I was a little girl and I blurted out around my extended family something like "why does it feel good when I rub against my pillow?"
Please don't insult my intelligence, jerk has been posting the same drivel since this past summer, hasn't written a single review, c'mon boy, you should know better.
last commentIt’s why I like to smoke meth and troll the board. ;)