It seems like it to me. If I grew up in the 40’s the girl I asked to prom was the girl I married. Not saying that was a necessarily good thing. It seems like we’ve been moving farther and farther away from that. Now with stuff like dating apps and SA, girls can really see all their options. Why would a super hot girl want to settle down so early. She can bring in a 2 grand a night stripping/fucking with SA.
I’m not saying I even want to get hitched. It’s fun being single. But unless I wanted to marry a fatty, girls got so many options now, It might be hard to find a girl who was even interested. It could be the places I frequent SCs. But to me this is something I’ve noticed in the last decade or so. Girls don’t want relationships/serious shit as much. They want to keep that shit open. It’s different. 2005 they might have like 2 or 3 guys in their back pocket while they are talking to you, 2018 they probably got 10-20 if they are really hustling. Have y’all noticed this.
You're over estimating women's potential. First off, looks fade.... a hoeing lifestyle eventually catches up with them, its not the healthiest lifestyle. Second, almost every woman I know wants to settle down and have a family. If the right man comes along they'll do it. Truth is even hoes are loyal to their men. I don't know what demographic you're used to though
Women have more options these days - 50-years ago a woman needed a man to provide for her, these days many go to college and get good-jobs, thus women today can be more-picky or even choose to forgo marriage/family for a career - but I think most women wanna marry and have kids it's just today they can afford to wait and be more picky
The problem with current times is that the ho lifestyle is glorified. The access to hot women willing to put morals aside (and I'm not talking about sex workers but just the typical female) is much greater than before with a lower stigma attached. There is still a stigma attached to women who admit to being cum dumpsters, but they are doing it on the down low so much more frequently than in days past and they are putting their sexual selves out there so much more than in days past. With this proverbial freedom comes a detachment of any sense of settling - practically every female out there who feels a sexual power thinks that they can coast through life getting what they want and throwing any sense of a traditional life until they find the perfect situation with the perfect man. Then they reach their 30's and realize they are running out of time - and realize that upping their game won't work because they are now competing with a pool of younger (and hotter) women who are willing to do anything to get access to high value dick or a lifestyle that the world now tells them they must have.
The young hot girls think they can earn so much from doing wrong way (SA). They dont invest in education. They try working as strippers when they are in college ,couple years later they turn to SA or escorting or dominatrix. Any of these does not provide long term job prospects. I tried to help one dancer that I can teach her some IT skills.i tried to help another dancer that I can help her how to invest in stocks. Both of them denied my help.
Phatboy posted: (1) Second, almost every woman I know wants to settle down and have a family.; (2) DC, the problem isnt women its you and your brother.
Pretty much sums it up. For some reason, it is very common for guys who struggle with women to blame those women for their own deficiencies. They don't want to believe that the problem is their own social awkwardness, or their looks, or other off putting behaviors or characteristics. Nope, it has to be because the women in question don't recognize the value that they bring, or are more interested in something shallow than they are in good guys. or don't seem to want relationships anymore, or...etc.,etc.
One thing I've noticed is more couples getting married and deciding nit to have children - not saying it's a huge # but seems I've noticed it more in the last few years
It is just different, it is a sign of the times and changes in social groups. Part of reason to be in a couple is in human evolution and hunting past. Men became the hunters, and women food gatherers. Men had to cooperate to hunt large animals and get enough food. They had to have some assurance that his woman would be there when he came back and each man and woman would have his or her own partner to avoid conflict and competition between them. This of course is an oversimplification and a far from perfect system, we know as time went by societies and cultures have had all kinds of arrangements, polygamy, promiscuity, etc etc. because of the size of the group became to big so the number of people to select from became larger. At the beginning of human groups the alpha male and alpha female would be a couple that everyone would recognize and accept. The Beta would be with the Beta etc. when societies developed a new kind of “Alpha” was created the rich and powerful, no necessarily the strongest and smartest. In today’s overwhelming number of options is every man and woman for himself or herself. In America we all want everything we believe we deserve everything we were raised to believe we are special unique, number one. Guess what we are just regular human beings with multiple flaws and many good attributes, but we men and woman would have to lear to have realistic expectations, ther is not a Prince for every woman that believes she is a princess. Yes it is more difficult to settle down because there are more options and obstacles and just going thru the options takes longer. Even finding an ATF is more complicated, but we at TUSCL accept the challenge, and want a DS as our ATF. Don’t quote me on anything is just my opinion.
I want to add, guys who think they're good guys and no one sees their value usually aren't all that great. No matter what anyone says, what it all comes down to is how you make a woman feel. If you can bring out the best qualities in a woman and make her associate the way she feels about you with the experiences you share with her, you'll get her.
And pretty much every woman is open to love and relationships. The ones who do choose to wait for whatever reason, end up desperate in their 30s...
I don't know about the Millenials. That's a fucked up generation.
But with the previous generation there seemed to be a difference among races.
White women, for the most part, have been putting marriage off until later in life for quite a while to establish a career first. Because of careers they had put off having kids until later too or in many cases completely. One thing that has remained a constant... They don't want to settle down with losers.
Black women seem to want to settle down with a man. It is the man who would rather just have kids with multiple baby mommas and then be absent in their lives.
Maybe that is changing with the Millenial generation.
I can't even think about marriage until I've graduated college. I don't know what career I want to go into permanently yet and I don't even know where I want to live yet. If I get into UM then I will be flying back and forth from my home state to Miami half the year. I can't have a boyfriend while I'm living in two separate states.
Dating or finding a girlfriend has been something I’ve struggled with post-divorce. If there’s anything that might cause it to be increasingly difficult I’d guess it’s increasing social isolation. Finding a girlfriend isn’t really something you can do easily by yourself. You need a social life with friends and family. As I’m getting older it’s harder to keep an active social life. That’s why I started going to strip clubs, they’re a place I feel comfortable going to alone and people there will still talk to me.
DC9428 why would a girl let you get her drunk after she rejects you??? Women don't do anything they don't want to do. What you mean to say is that women don't like you hitting on them and act like it pushes their boundaries and act like you're being creepy and pushing them into it. The problem is you and your approach, not the women.
You yourself admit to having a mental illness, maybe work on that more. Spend money on treatment, hit the gym, lift weights, do something to make yourself more attractive to women. No one is telling you anything bad on here, its advice you're lucky to get when you're still young enough to get good use out of it.
Being socially retarded and refusing to do anything about it doesn't make you a good person. Neither does putting bitches on a pedestal and thinking they're untouchable and pristine and you have to bow down to them. You know what the chicks telling you you're a nice guy and that you'll get chicks when you're older etc, are doing????? They're fucking guys who aren't like you.
That was also an era where women had severely limited career opportunities. Don't hearken for an era of "better days" only because it would be better for you, but restrictive for others.
There's a lot if data that supports women marry when they plateau economically. Among the poor that's still young. Among educated elites, it's often "I'll finish my residency/make partner, then get married and have kids." I've seen plenty of women with degrees like clockwork reach a reasonable career level in their late 20s, get married and immediately start popping out kids.
Womens dating value peaks at 23, for men it is 28. The decline is somewhat slow, but steady.
last commentPretty much sums it up. For some reason, it is very common for guys who struggle with women to blame those women for their own deficiencies. They don't want to believe that the problem is their own social awkwardness, or their looks, or other off putting behaviors or characteristics. Nope, it has to be because the women in question don't recognize the value that they bring, or are more interested in something shallow than they are in good guys. or don't seem to want relationships anymore, or...etc.,etc.
Men became the hunters, and women food gatherers. Men had to cooperate to hunt large animals and get enough food. They had to have some assurance that his woman would be there when he came back and each man and woman would have his or her own partner to avoid conflict and competition between them. This of course is an oversimplification and a far from perfect system, we know as time went by societies and cultures have had all kinds of arrangements, polygamy, promiscuity, etc etc. because of the size of the group became to big so the number of people to select from became larger.
At the beginning of human groups the alpha male and alpha female would be a couple that everyone would recognize and accept. The Beta would be with the Beta etc. when societies developed a new kind of “Alpha” was created the rich and powerful, no necessarily the strongest and smartest.
In today’s overwhelming number of options is every man and woman for himself or herself.
In America we all want everything we believe we deserve everything we were raised to believe we are special unique, number one.
Guess what we are just regular human beings with multiple flaws and many good attributes, but we men and woman would have to lear to have realistic expectations, ther is not a Prince for every woman that believes she is a princess.
Yes it is more difficult to settle down because there are more options and obstacles and just going thru the options takes longer.
Even finding an ATF is more complicated, but we at TUSCL accept the challenge, and want a DS as our ATF.
Don’t quote me on anything is just my opinion.
And pretty much every woman is open to love and relationships. The ones who do choose to wait for whatever reason, end up desperate in their 30s...
But with the previous generation there seemed to be a difference among races.
White women, for the most part, have been putting marriage off until later in life for quite a while to establish a career first. Because of careers they had put off having kids until later too or in many cases completely. One thing that has remained a constant... They don't want to settle down with losers.
Black women seem to want to settle down with a man. It is the man who would rather just have kids with multiple baby mommas and then be absent in their lives.
Maybe that is changing with the Millenial generation.
You yourself admit to having a mental illness, maybe work on that more. Spend money on treatment, hit the gym, lift weights, do something to make yourself more attractive to women. No one is telling you anything bad on here, its advice you're lucky to get when you're still young enough to get good use out of it.
Being socially retarded and refusing to do anything about it doesn't make you a good person. Neither does putting bitches on a pedestal and thinking they're untouchable and pristine and you have to bow down to them. You know what the chicks telling you you're a nice guy and that you'll get chicks when you're older etc, are doing????? They're fucking guys who aren't like you.
Womens dating value peaks at 23, for men it is 28. The decline is somewhat slow, but steady.
after 35 years of it i ain’t in no rush to get back into that situation.
(unless she’s HOT and loves me!)