For those who think front room make out sessions are king try getting a girl to give you a light HJ at the bar. Not hard enough for release, but enough to keep it chubby for 10 minutes. My favs like to do this while having conversation with me at the bar. Nothing hotter than a girl with her hand on your joystick while she jokes with the passing tip parade
You make a good point. It’s more subtle, so you can relax and just enjoy her stroking you slowly.
I’ve never tried for that type of experience, but your description makes it seem like a very good way to enjoy a front room/bar side time.
I don’t want other pl’s noticing my interaction with the dancers, and if the dancer knows how to handle it, it can be an edging experience too. Then you can move to the back room once you desire a full release.
@48 Ive had a few of those, but can't say its hard to do that without attracting attention. In NJ that tends to happen at the urban bars where gawkers tend to stand behind you as well. I like getting it at a typically low mileage club where your ATF knows how to bend the rules
chillds play..while sitting at a high top table try being 2 knuckles deep in Vajaja #1 and have #2 stroking junior up your shorts leg all while half hidden by a table cloth.. lol Or 2 knuckles deep in her ass while talking to her.. and no one the wiser.. life is good.
When i have a front room makeout session her tongue is down my throat and her hand is on my joystick! Hand on your joystick just means she wants your hand on your wallet
I find it kind of hilarious how much this board talks about front room makeout sessions lol. I've never seen that happen though if I'm being honest. Since y'all have an acronym for everything else, why not make one for a front room makeout session and one for back room makeout sessions?
@cutie - I read it as subtle mockery of one particular member insanely obsessed with it (SJG). If TUSCL could post memes there would be some good ones on this subject beaten like a dead horse.
As an experienced NJ monger - I’m sure NJBalla has fucked a dancer at the bar - in an Irvington club. It can be a very enjoyable experience. I’ve not been there in a few years, and I’ve heard things may be changing?
I hate when they try to touch my dick at the bar, its like they think you're desperate and will go off getting dances with them just coz they touch it. i don't like that kind of fake posturing.
Front room makeout session is how you get your selected girl completely off script. That way when you bang her in the back room and at home, it will be mind blowing for both parties. You want your girl to just let it happen, not to perform a service upon you. FS, especially with a new guy, is a big big deal for women. So select the one you want and make it happen.
@cashman yeah FS at the bar is a rarity at that place in irvington. I stopped in after the renovation. I think I left a review of my last visit. I actually had a good time, paid a girl for 2 pops. She performed like a pro for 20 minutes and I left the stall with a light sweat and limping in a good way. Im not a fan of FS and the girls there have too many miles for me to return.
last commentI’ve never tried for that type of experience, but your description makes it seem like a very good way to enjoy a front room/bar side time.
I don’t want other pl’s noticing my interaction with the dancers, and if the dancer knows how to handle it, it can be an edging experience too. Then you can move to the back room once you desire a full release.
Agreed, but I do prefer the full fledged HJ to completion at the bar. That isn't rare at my favorite club, all for just a tip after the fact.
2 knuckles deep in her ass while talking to her.. and no one the wiser.. life is good.
FRMs and BRMs?
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