
Imperfect Women?

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 3:36 PM
I think strip-clubbing, and internet porn, have essentially "ruined" most women for me. I view non-ideal body-types as something "wrong" or "maladaptive" about any female I meet in the civilian world. In fact, I sometimes have that attitude toward strippers whom I see, too, if I think their bodies are disproportionate some way. This is not a desire for a single body-type among all women. In fact, I don't mean to indicate that the bodies of which I approve, have to be of a particular ONE single stereotype. Rather, I mean, that there are indeed a lot of types of which I would approve, but aside from those, when I see a type of which I disapprove, I REALLY strenuously disapprove. This is also not a defense of my disapproval. I am not saying that I OUGHT to disapprove, I'm just saying, I have an instantaneous, rather visceral, almost hard-wired reaction, when I see the people. It's something having to do with my desire to avoid disease; it feels like the same kind of disgust that I feel when I see someone with open sores on their face, for example. I don't "blame" the person suffering from the open sores, but I do feel like, "Well, there's someone whom I should not get very close to." I might even wish them well -- if it's Christmas time, you know, that kind of thing, I want to offer alms to those less fortunate than I am -- and hope that their disease is getting better. But I have that same response, to a lesser degree, when I see women whose bodies are disproportionate. I've been thinking about this, and have categorized some types of shapes of people that get my disapproval. One is simply, someone who needs to work out. Fatness bugs me. But it doesn't but me half as much as some of the other types. Another type is, the woman who was born with small-socketed tits. I know, this seems like a strange thing to say, so here's a quick explanation -- for me, the CONNECTION ZONE of her tits is something important. I don't actually examine her connection-zone proportions when I look at her, and it's not a conscious decision, but I notice that my responses do reject women whose breasts' skin at the point where the breast connects to the chest is small, especially if it's smaller than the skin which defines the diameter of the breast. So, small connection-zone size really really bugs me. It REALLY overwhelmingly bugs me if the connection zone is small AND the ass is large, and it's even WORSE if you get all three of (1) large ass, (2) small connection zone, (3) long dangly tits. I know, these are silly judgments. I feel like there's absolutely no good reason for me to have these judgments. I feel like I "ought" to be able to think about what a nice person the human being is, whether or not she's kind to small animals, whether she ever had drug addictions, does she have daddy-issues, etc. etc.. But I don't. I see her ass-tits-connection-zone ratios and AUTOMATICALLY, I start judging her. "That chick is a fat lazy slag who never bathes, fucks horses, and doesn't mind eating regurgitated baby-food" is the sort of (probably extremely wrong) unreasonable judgment that it feels like my body is having, about the woman. Then, when I see Ariana Marie, or another porn-starlet whose body is IN proportion, I instinctively make the opposite (probably again extremely wrong) judgment, that she is a sweet kind person and that her hygiene is good, her knowledge of higher math would excite me, and her sneezes don't include virus-laden human-mucus effluent. What's wrong with me? I would very much like to be able to see strippers whose bodies are not of my preferred type, and think to myself, "well, that woman is not the shape of woman with whom I wish to spend time, but I bet there are other men who like that type of body." Instead, what I think to myself, inherently, automatically, is usually, "well, that woman is not the shape of woman with whom I wish to spend time, and furthermore, WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS, GETTING NAKED IN FRONT OF US AND RUINING OUR DAY!!??" That's what goes through my brain. Can't really help it. I do try to turn it off, and be more open-minded, but my first instincts usually overtake me. So, are these women who are un-approved by me a threat to me? Of course not. I can just say, "No thanks," and not get a dance. I can look at the TV screen. But I do wonder, why does the human species do such a bad job of making sexy ladies? We have so few of them who are fuck-worthy, so little a ratio of awesome hotness to absolutely useless slags. There are slags everywhere! What happened? This does not seem very genetically pro-adaptive to me. I am amazed at how the human genome can continue to pass along, generation after generation, some really really undesirable female characteristics. Given that one must assume that males are essentially idiots when it comes to making choices for longer-term partners (heterosexual males trying to create a permanent pair-bond with a heterosexual female want a woman with hot looks; that is pretty much the end of it) wouldn't it make sense that we had breeded out of our gene pool all these fat-assed slags? I simply don't understand the phenomenon, and would wish (though I know this is an irrational and probably un-fulfill-able wish) that the women that are disproportionate would disappear (and I also know, that there are of course a lot of other good reasons for a person to exist, other than whether or not she has a body which visually pleases me).


  • BigPoppa99
    6 years ago
    I totally agree.. Clubs can perpetuate a certain type of woman on us.. Leading us to be bias and superficial..
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    Another thing, though, I always thought my civilian options were inadequate. I'd get with a girl, and soon, no matter at what age I and she were, I'd be thinking, "Wow, she's really lame at sex." And the "lame" meant, (1) total absolute lack of skills or willingness; and (2) not very visually appealing, therefore because of (2) she had no excuse for being so lazy as to allow (1) to happen. And yet sometimes these were relatively hot women. I just thought, not hot ENOUGH. I wonder, how did the human genetic pool create so many un-fuckables?
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Porn stars are far from perfect, I'd say most are below average and strippers are just average girls for the most part. But I guess it depends on what part of the country you live in or are familiar with
  • CJKent (Banned)
    6 years ago
    Book Guy; You might have to wear beer goggles: From a Seinfeld episode: JERRY: Elaine, what percentage of people would you say are good looking? ELAINE: Twenty-five percent. JERRY: Twenty-five percent, you say? No way! It's like 4 to 6 percent. It's a twenty to one shot. ELAINE: You're way off. JERRY: Way off? Have you been to the motor vehicle bureau? It's like a leper colony down there. ELAINE: So what you are saying is that 90 to 95 percent of the population is undateable? JERRY: UNDATEABLE! ELAINE: Then how are all these people getting together? JERRY: Alcohol. Book Guy; You might have unrealistic expectations in life and a superiority complex as well as a sense of entitlement as result of having being raised in our modern culture of “we are number one” we have been raised to continue to expect special treatment just because … well, just because we are us and it is because is what we deserve.  Naturally. Our parents and societies constantly tell us that “we’re unique”, “we’re special”, and “we’re number one” Well here’s the thing … we all are not so unique, special, we all can’t be number one. We have to learn that we are not so special, and other people don’t merely exist to serve our needs and wants. We often times impose unrealistic demands on our friends, acquaintances, lovers, the world around us. It’s important to remember that we all suffer from personality flaws, nobody is perfect. We need to accept life as it is without imposing our beliefs, ideals or unrealistic expectations on others and life.  This includes practicing forgiveness and allowing people to be the way they are naturally. Concentrate on developing compassion and empathy.  Asking “how does she feel right now, is she OK?”, “how would I feel if I was her?” helps to broaden the mind, and open it to new, and beneficial, ways of thinking. I always recommend people to give others the benefit of the doubt, and listen to common sense. As Dirty Harry said: “A man’s got to know his limitations.” Serenity and patience to accept the things he can’t change. Strength to change the things he can change. Wisdom to know the difference. Woman are as you said are imperfect, of course men are imperfect too. Nobody is Perfect.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    I've seen so many flawless (or at least appear to be) women in a variety of different mediums that I realized I was becoming too quick to notice the flaws in most women. So I've just added the caveat of: would/wouldn't fuck and I think it's brought me way back down to Earth.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    "You might have unrealistic expectations in life and a superiority complex as well as a sense of entitlement as result of having being raised in our modern culture of “we are number one” we have been raised to continue to expect special treatment just because … well, just because we are us and it is because is what we deserve. Naturally. Our parents and societies constantly tell us that “we’re unique”, “we’re special”, and “we’re number one” Well here’s the thing … we all are not so unique, special, we all can’t be number one. We have to learn that we are not so special, and other people don’t merely exist to serve our needs and wants. We often times impose unrealistic demands on our friends, acquaintances, lovers, the world around us. It’s important to remember that we all suffer from personality flaws, nobody is perfect. We need to accept life as it is without imposing our beliefs, ideals or unrealistic expectations on others and life. This includes practicing forgiveness and allowing people to be the way they are naturally." This.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    if she ain't a hoe, get up out my traphouse!
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    We live in superficial world that has trained people to believe good looking skinny people are better than ugly and fat people, rich people are better than poor people, white people are better than minorities, heterosexuals are better than gays and lesbians. People claim everyone isnt shallow but very few people actually aren't shallow. Hating ugly people is the last socially acceptable form of hate. I mean even "fat shaming" is becoming unacceptable. But trust me, however you feel about fat people the feeling is mutual. Eventually those shunned and slighted by society become radicalized and possibly violent. Look at the incels and antifa. Extreme examples but once you lose all hope what else have they got to lose. Other people dont exist solely to please you. If you dont like me fuck you. Its probably why i hate everyone. Lol. They dont care that you "dont approve".
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    The only way that SCing has tainted me is that I now look at every woman on the street as a potential stripper.
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    Yeah well you guys go agree that you're not special and unique with one another, I'm gonna stay over here where the superior people are, OK? :)
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    When you SC enough, particularly at clubs where there are an abundance of attractive dancer (8+, subjective) or you see enough porn (or cams on porn sites, really) where you watch a very hot bodied young woman and then you're finished with that there are numerous tangential options the site recommends based on what you just watched with other very hot bodied girls and it just seems to never end after that, it can have an effect on your generalization of how common very attractive women really are. Sometimes it does seem to boggle my mind that these damn near perfect women (again, subjective) would get into this type of work (porn, cams, stripping), and it seems like the adult industry is getting even more saturated as the money available is diminishing. [view link]
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    Hey nice link, thanks for that theDirkDiggler. Same concept / thread idea.
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    PS -- what do you think about this theory: guys who are porn-photographers / porn-cameramen, and also men who are fashion photographers, also look at a LOT of beautiful, near-to-perfect women who are naked and semi-naked for extended periods of time. You think those guys get "ruined" too?
  • FatHead304
    6 years ago
    I'm a pimply man and I'm completely ruined when it comes to women. I can't fuck enough to satisfy me anymore and I refuse to jack off unless its to asian porn. That's why I now am seeking out BigDickSammy's hard throbbing cock to satisfy me instead.
  • BoytoyOfNicespice
    6 years ago
    ^You little cumslut, come join txtittyfag and I in our trailer home, we're having an orgy and BigDickSammy and you are both invited!
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