A classmate’s contribution about the nature of friendship.
Sitting in class today and discussing the types of friendships. It’s based off of book 9 of Nicomachean Ethics.
Types of friendships:
- Instrumental (useful)
- Loved for itself (pleasant)
- Both. Complete friendship.
...And a classmate out of nowhere brought up befriending strippers. And how with strippers, it’s only possible to have the first type of friendship. #2 and #3 are only possible if one gets married to a stripper.
...Do I want to recruit another troll to this board? Except I’m not interested in befriending this person, lmao.
last commentIs this for real? Fuck kinda moron is this? (Lmfao my phone tried to autocorrect this to mormon)
Young guy with a beard, glasses, and wearing a flannel shirt.
This isn’t the first time he’s said total nonsense in class lmao.
^Yes but a Mormon might come in handy
Is no. 1 really even friendship?
^ that was off blahblahs comment
Pray, tell me why I'd need a Mormon??
Nice spice u obviously need to slap some sense into him duh.
Ever hit electronics items hard until they start to work correctly again? This is how men are as well. I think they call it percussive maintenance or some shit like that
The instructor smiled, nodded, and diverted the conversation away from his point.
That's because they would get fired for slapping some sense into a student because America is slightly too civilized
@blahblah sister wives , duh-oh
Tell him if you want, but then you are kind of outing yourself. You might not want that.
We should not though be trying to limit who can be posting on this forum.
Interesting that he talks about strippers in the college class.
I also feel that some, like non-stripper women, could object to that kind of a characterization.
Joe Bonamassa - "Sloe Gin" - Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvvgZMGp5Uo
Midnight Blues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z74lr3txUk
Guitar Harmonics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_harmonic
Beth and Joe - Black Coffee ( a Steve Marriott song, quite a vocal legend to try and imitate ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NooMzmbE0xc
Beth and Joe - I'd Rather Go Blind ( Live Amsterdam ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEHwO_UEp7A
What a maroon!
The teacher was right to figuratively call him an idiot.
The fuck is a sister wife? That doesn't even sound natural.
Mormons are into polygamy;)
The discussion itself seems like nonsense. What kind of college course is this? Did you discuss the difference between friends and acquaintances? I have played in a poker league for 12 years. I golf with some of them. I play fantasy baseball and football with them. They are acquaintances. My friends would be someone I have hung out with between 20 and 300 days a year since 1974. Friendship is complex so when I hear people call someone they have known for 8 months their Bff, or someone they have never met in person a Bff, I find it amazing. To me a friend is like my friend C who took me in when I was voluntarily living in my car across the street from my apartment.
That's just bizarre terminology. These mormon ppl r weird man
Suppose a guy in class started saying the same things about street hookers?
I think people would get pissed.
Forget Aristotle’s categories and have a platonic friendship with a stripper.
Funny stuff
So why doesn't anyone object in the class, to how this guy is stigmatizing women?
I will dump a load in that hipsters basement
That is what he sounds like, a 'hipster'. I think he could do with a load, a big one.
^^^ Hell yea. You get it
Mormon people are weird? Mormon's don't do drugs and alcohol; have the second lowest crime rate in America next to Jews; are well educated; work hard; don't drink, and pay taxes. Opposed to drinking, doing drugs and selling sex that is weird? The more progressive one is the bigger the bigot they are.
Mormon people are weird? Mormon's don't do drugs and alcohol; have the second lowest crime rate in America next to Jews; are well educated; work hard; don't drink, and pay taxes. Opposed to drinking, doing drugs and selling sex that is weird? The more progressive one is the bigger the bigot they are.
They also wear magic underwear and believe in a supreme being who, out of the 7 billion people on Earth, only cares about them.
What would be weird about that?
I just was astonished how horribly these mormons drive. Still #1 worst drivers anywhere I've been anyway...
Amish are worse drivers than Mormons.
^Yeah and what the fucks up with them letting their horses shit all over the road.
Ok you guys might be right. I never really encountered Amish people, but a friend lives out in the boonies somewhere in the midwest... tells me she gets stuck behind them in her car and they are on a horse drawn carriage and shit. I'm like wat even.
I agree that the part of the lecture I mentioned is shallow. Aristotle also goes further into saying that it’s a certain kind of person who is able to develop a “complete friendship”.
I think the instructor tries to lead good discussions. But the people who tend to speak up the most are not exactly insightful contributors.
I swear, people in upper level political science classes (that I’ve observed so far), fall into either being really smart and articulate (whether or not I agree with them) or being the exact opposite. The difference is even more stark than business students.
@Nice - I think your observation is pretty spot on regarding the folks taking high level poly-sci classes. The difference between the groups can probably be attributed to what the person plans to do after they get their degree. If asked, I would venture to guess the articulate ones lean towards going into law and/or politics where they need to be able to convey their message to their audience, hence they have fostered their public speaking. The balance are either taking that class for an elective or have no idea what they plan to do in the future, but mom/dad are paying for them to get a degree and they know they would be cut off if they opted for a "really challenging" degree is gender studies or pan-African culture. : )
I majored in poli sci. There are always pretentious douches who don't know shit. Many of them have raggedy beards. I would have contested his outlandish claim and calmly killed his argument until the professor changed topics. I would not have minded telling the entire class in the process that I am a stripper, either.
^haha i'd keep my mouth shut. dont wanna publicize my job to randoms
I suppose I could have. But:
Too bad Nicole doesn’t like me anymore. I wonder if she would think he was cute.
Ugh I totally hate the participation part of your grade in some college/high school classes. It means you gotta show up for classes that you ace all the tests anyway and get nothing out of showing up other than a huge waste of time. Sorry I am just kinda removed and disenchanted with the system/don't really care etc etc.
^ i only think participation is necessary like if you gotta do labs or whatever. or it's a more difficult class or some other reason you get something out of actually showing up that it isn't a waste of time really
I never participated in class until after I started dancing. Dancing forced me to be assertive, so it actually helped me a lot in life in general. Before dancing I was in the back row being silent all the time. After starting to dance, I was in the first or second row of classes and one of the biggest participants.
The thing about participation is that it can be the difference in a grade. If a professor sees a student at the end of the semester with an 89.5%, but the student didn't participate the prof barely remembers that student, than that student will most likely end up with a B+ that was a midterm question away from an A-. But if the prof sees the 89.5% and remembers that the student was very active in participation, well, that student might just get that A- instead of the B+.
i agree DC
Yep I also completely agree with DC on that, too.
For my last test, during part of the night and the morning of, I read though all of the Republic in one sitting because I was even more behind on the the readings than I am now. The instructor told us the class before the test that those of us who weren’t keeping up were screwed.
Challenge accepted. Made an 89%.
But I agree. College is lame and as far as I’m concerned, a place infested with welfare queens. A ridiculous amount of tuition goes back into administrative nonsense.
^ i agree with that too
DC, I had to take a theater class in college that "forced" us to go see the plays the theater department would put on. I think we still had to pay like 10 or 20 bucks for tickets. I tried arguing with the teacher that the only reason her class has any attendance is because it's a required "core curriculum" and the only reason the plays have any attendance is because its required to pass her class, thus without the college requirement that students take her course, the theater department and all they plays wouldn't have enough attendance to exist and shes be out of a job. She countered with "well, that's your opinion" so I guess check make goes to the teacher on that one.
I hated everything that didn't pertain to my major, and even once I graduated basically nothing that pertained to my major was useful in real life. So basically a lot of money for a piece of paper that says I'm better than someone that doesn't have a piece of paper. Oh well, I say it made me the man I am today, that's what I tell myself every once in a while.
In class today, another dudebro (different guy than mr stripper friend) wanted to rant about how having a proper one-on-one debate (about any subject) was impossible these days. People are too emotional and care about coming to a consensus rather than a true back-and-forth.
The reason? Because of the #Metoo movement.
I need to get back to not listening to wtf other people are saying.
That's ridiculous that a class would force student to attend (and pay for) plays put on by the theater dept. I mean, for extra credit, sure, but that shouldn't be mandatory.
I took women's studies class for fun and the professor was really cool... she even offered us extra credit for going and getting tested, or getting pap smears, etc. She wouldn't look at our actual results lol, but if we showed her proof that we went she would give us a one-time extra credit. I thought that was kind of cool, it related to the curriculum and encouraged people to keep up with their reproductive health. Win/win