Saw a front room make out session last night

avatar for NJBalla
I've been doing this for a while but front room make out sessions at the clubs I go to are very rare. The girls dance with so many guys every night that it never is hygienic for girls to kiss all thier customers. This seems to be reserved for high paying regulars. However, I did see a front room make out session last night. It was pretty "adorable" The girl was in her late 40s and never gets a lot of action from customers. The guy was 5'5" 280 lbs. They both seemed happy to be in each other's company. Were you in NJ yesterday San Jose Guy?


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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
No I was not in NJ, but it sounds awesome. I hope the guy took her into the back room for FS, and then home with him.

Maybe this marks the beginning of a change for NJ clubs.

:) :) :)

avatar for TFP
6 years ago
5'5 280 lb guy with a late 40's dancer who hardly ever gets action. Sounds about the only kind of circumstances for that to happen.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Im not 55 280 and i took a 28 year old latina hottie home with me. So front room makeout sessions are very common in tj and u s clubs! Most of you pl are to busy cumming in your pants to notice
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
Exactly, I felt a strange mix of happiness and disgust for them. Im glad none of my favs do front room make out sessions. Ruins the illusion
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Im not 55 280 and i took a 28 year old latina hottie home with me. So front room makeout sessions are very common in tj and u s clubs! Most of you pl are to busy cumming in your pants to notice
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@sjg the only way jersey clubs will change is when pl finally realize lapdances are for chumps! There has been alot of dialogue and reviews to prove this!
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Countryman just a few months ago you were complaining how lame KY clubs were and how there were no Latina women there. Then you have ONE front room make out session and all of a sudden they are very common in US clubs??? You had one experience and all of a sudden you can speak on front room makeout sessions being very common in the entire US strip club scene??

It would take a lot more than some random reviews on a strip club site to make me believe that they are the norm. Especially since I've been in plenty of different US clubs and at no time was there any front room makeout sessions going on.
avatar for nemesisk7
6 years ago
Forget about US clubs the latinas you find there will never ne as good as being in Mexico or Colombia .
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
When people finally realize lapdances are for chumps! There has been alot of dialogue and reviews to prove this!

Countryman tells it like it is.

In none of the clubs I have been in since the 90's are front room makeout sessions common. But they could be. And some makeout sessions do still exist.

In reviews, especially on Black Strip Clubs . Net, they describe the standard style as girl sits herself down on you lap and starts licking your neck and nibbling at your ear lobe. If that is not conducive to a front room makeout session, then I don't know what else could be.

And then TUSCLers have affirmed that in the mixed race dives across the country, all the girls do it that way.

Now I have not been in such places. But I believe that either they are still real, or they could be.

And we have had girls DFKing from the stage if someone puts $1 on the rail. Seemingly the issue was FS-ITC, as the back room mileage had recently skyrocketed. She wants results, not to be talking about it. And I am sure that she would have gone for a more extended front room makeout session, time to get to know her, if you just started feeding her money and got her onto your lap. Most of the off the hook, or underground dancers, and in a club slated for closure, what they really want are OTC partners.

No matter what the rules are, people don't always follow them. And if they are already doing back room FS, then really they have no concern about rules anyway. They are only concerned about what they can get away with. :) :) :)

I first learned about such off the hook outlaw girls in our underground circuit. Always hustling for OTC, and in one place doing front room FS.

Countryman took what he learned in TJ and brought it home to Kentucky.


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