
Texting Etiquette with your favs

New York
Do any of your favs text you to know if you are free to visit the club or just free to hang out? My current favs are very formal. I contact them up to know if they are working that day. I miss a past fav who used to text to hang out on the weekends.


  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Never had a dancer text me to just hang out. But I have received numerous text messages that say " hey baby when are you coming to see me". The first time I got that message, I thought it was a personal message to me. Then I realized it was basic stripper marketing. That's why they want you number. So they can text you when business is slow.
  • Titus23
    6 years ago
    My ATF and I text pretty much every day. Just sorta bullshit about whatever. Or if she's dealing with some drama, she'll vent to me. She's started travel dancing recently, which actually helps me. Now, she travels to a club that's an hour from me, rather than me driving two hours to see her. Saves on hotel costs for me.

    Anyways, she hit me up this past weekend to see what day this week would be best for her to come to the club. We agreed on Tuesday and met up. Long story short, we both got too drunk to drive, so she had her friend (also a dancer) give us both a ride back to her apartment (about an hour further away from my house). I ended up spending the night there before taking a $100 uber back to my car in the morning.

    When I got home, and went to take a shower, I noticed bite marks and claw marks all over my neck, shoulders, back and chest, and a pretty good cut on my lower lip. I really wish I had been sober enough to remember the details.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    I send one word per text. This seems to be the most annoying.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    I wish my fav would text me more often, but she has a bad habit of taking too long to respond. She doesn't really respond if it isn't urgent. She says she prefers real world conversation and that she only uses texting as a convenience. I am alright with that because I am busy most of time out anyways.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Never believed in communism, ate an animal that was still alive, or texted with a dancer.
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    Usually only answer business related texts, such as making appointment to see her. Any general chatting usually goes unanswered.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Mostly just appointments with girls I'm just getting to know.

    By the time she's reached ATF, chances are we text more socially each week. I've had a couple of ATFs where we text almost daily. It's a fun diversion from real life
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    My ATF and I have a loose agreement that I don't text her non-buisness stuff and in return she texts back instantly.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I keep it business. I don’t want texts to bs or vent about her crap. I also won’t text her to say I’m having a bad day.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    No. I don't have faves nor exchange numbers. The dancers are largely IMO interchangeable with one another. I know they can be found inside the clubs Fri/Sat night when the mood strikes me, which is all I need.
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