Texting Etiquette with your favs
New York
Do any of your favs text you to know if you are free to visit the club or just free to hang out? My current favs are very formal. I contact them up to know if they are working that day. I miss a past fav who used to text to hang out on the weekends.
Anyways, she hit me up this past weekend to see what day this week would be best for her to come to the club. We agreed on Tuesday and met up. Long story short, we both got too drunk to drive, so she had her friend (also a dancer) give us both a ride back to her apartment (about an hour further away from my house). I ended up spending the night there before taking a $100 uber back to my car in the morning.
When I got home, and went to take a shower, I noticed bite marks and claw marks all over my neck, shoulders, back and chest, and a pretty good cut on my lower lip. I really wish I had been sober enough to remember the details.
By the time she's reached ATF, chances are we text more socially each week. I've had a couple of ATFs where we text almost daily. It's a fun diversion from real life