
Bro Code / Running into someone at the SC

Off again on again PL
So have you guys ever run into a random acquaintance at the SC? I have been thinking through what to do in that situation. I would expect that the bro code would be in effect as in you could trust some other guy to not out you to your wife/gf. But I don't think it would be a good idea to hang out with someone in my home club as a lot of the dancers/waitresses know me and it would be obvious that I am a hardcore regular which looks bad.

It seems like the best strategy might be to have a quick conversation. Say you are leaving and then say something like "It was nice seeing you but we never saw each other".

The good news is the PLs don't really look at each other so the chances of even spotting someone are low.


  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I ran into one of my coworkers at the SC once. We acknowledged each other quickly, and we never said a word about it to each other.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I ran into my lawyer at Follies one day, we hung out for a couple hours each of us held down our table while the other fucked a whore in the VIP
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Several months ago at my former club I ran into a contractor that I work with a lot. As I was leaving we had a conversation and swore a pinky truce that all of it was confidential and would not get discussed at work. He was fine with all of it and work is business as usual.
  • daddyfatsack
    6 years ago
    Bumped into a coworker once. Didn't acknowledge each other and never spoke of it at work either. I'm not one to make friends at work so this was the optimal result.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I think you are right in that most guys in clubs don't pay any attention to the other guys in the club. Unless someone is doing something stupid or occupying a girl that I want, I don't really look at the other patrons in a club.

    BUT to your point. Yes, I think the Bro code should be in place. I"m not telling your wife as long as you don't tell mine. I would acknowledge them, probably even shake their hand and say How ya doing . Then wink and say "we didn't see each other, right ? "

    The good news for me is that I do all my mongering on business trips so the chancing of me running into someone I know are very slim.
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    I met a co-worker once at the club. He came and sat with me and said something about how he just came for a drink and left after about 10 minutes.

    I texted him later and said "I'm assuming where we met stays between us" and he replied "yes, top secret."

    On another occasion I saw someone I know from work, not well, but enough to know we work for the same company. He didn't see me, I had just parked and I saw him walking out. I not gonna say shit to nobody.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I was with my ATF(TUSCL gridget) early one evening. She had a full time job as an EMT in a town 65 miles away where she lived. When I returned from the men's room she told me that the group of guys next to us was a bachelor party and she had spoken to the groom who also happened to be an EMT for the same company. He said "I didn't see you here, you didn't see me here and I'm not going to ask you for a dance". So I asked her if she trusted him to keep his mouth shut and she said "Yes because I know his fiancee".
  • Studme53
    6 years ago
    I ran into my girlfriend's sister's husband at a SC (more like a dive go-go bar as we called it in the 80's) I had stopped in for a drink after work before going over my gf's place. I talked to him briefly - didn't even think I needed to give him the man-code talk. He was married so I thought he'd want to keep it on the DL. I left him there and in the short time between my leaving the bar and getting to my gf's, she knew I had been there. And this was before cellphones! Total fucking rat. And his dipshit wife believed his story that he was there for work - he was some kind of half ass juvenile probation/ parole officer. Bottom line - have the man code talk - don't trust every guy - there's a lot of big mouth a'holes out there.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    Depends on both your situations, and how well you know him. Some will need to be explicitly told, others a nod will suffice.
  • aham5
    6 years ago
    Got recognized at a club 2 hours from home.... by my wife’s ex’s cousin.
    She ( customer, not a dancer) yells out — “hey I know you!”
    After a brief small talk, i was convinced that she wasn’t going to say anything.... never heard of it, so I think I’m still safe.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Well I feel a lot better after hearing everyone else's stories.
  • clubdude
    6 years ago
    Saw a guy from my work (large place) recognized me. He sent over a dancer Who told me "that guy paid for a lapdance for you". I appreciated the dance, and sent him one in return. Don't ever recall seeing him at work after that though.
    6 years ago
    If you both have SOs it son both bros interest not to mention it
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    First strip club I went to was with coworkers. Who knows if it didnt happen I would have never entered this hobby and be happily married to a 250 lb woman with 2 kids I couldnt wait to kick out the house.
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    I got a dance from a girl who acted like she knew me. I figured it was SS. Now I’m constantly wondering if I actually do know her. Of course neither of us would be able to bring it up in a public setting. Plus, at this point I don’t really remember what she looks like
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    I've run into coworkers occasionally. No "code"....just common sense and it's understood that what happens in the club stays in the club.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @lopaw - "Common sense" and silent "understanding that what happens in the club stays in the club" is what I would sort of define as the bro code.

    So one of the things that got me thinking about this was a thread on the pink forum where an ex dancer tried to contact a current dancer to check up on what her bf/husband did at the club. I was surprised at how all of the dancers were not willing to break the bro code: https://www.stripperweb.com/forum/showth…
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    When I worked at my previous job location, I would occasionally run into one of my coworkers at the various SC's we went to. We generally kept quiet about it at work.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Does one of my son’s former girlfriends count as an “acquaintance”?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    To Lowpaw’s point - I think common sense isn’t very common any more. To take it a bit farther - there is probably much less common sense in strip clubs.

    But, I agree, you utilize basic common sense if you see someone you know in a club. If the other guy doesn’t recognize you, it’s best to not say anything.

    After you’ve seen each other in the club, and you bump into each other outside, it’s best to not mention it. Don’t try to high five the other dude - or slap him on the back and say “Hello Playa! Let me smell those fingers!”

    It’s really easy and basic.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    ^plus snelling another guy’s fingers would be creepy.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It has happened a few times. Depends on the acquaintance and context. Sometimes we just don't acknowledge each other. Sometimes there's a brief chat. On two occasions when the encounter would have been very awkward and I saw him before he saw me, I just left the club.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    ^ true - and the bar for creepy is set very low on this site! Lol!
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    @lopaw - "Common sense" and silent "understanding that what happens in the club stays in the club" is what I would sort of define as the bro code.

    Since I'm not a "bro", it's just "code". And even then I still feel it should be a given that you keep your mouth shut and never share things that were never meant to be shared.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Thankfully no. In the old days, it went without saying that men would keep it to themselves when this happened. But nowadays we have a new breed of men who are way too eager to please and seek approval by gossiping about others. There are only two men in this world who I trust to keep their mouths shut and occasionally club with, but they are both from a prior generation of men who understand the concept of a man code. Too many guys in their 40s and younger now are emotional pussies and just cannot be trusted.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    The way the Bro Code was explained to me when I turned 18 by another girl's father (since I didn't have one) was men have urges from time to time, and we satisfy them in order to get work done. We can't tell it to my mom or sister because they won't ever understand -- in fact it would cause them emotional pain to know the truth (-- and for what?). These white lies are the bro code.

    A liar breaks promises, trust, and hurts women's feelings and makes her question everything she knows. I think some men (like me) read too much into it at one time, and thought the bro code would somehow turn me into: serial impregnator , wife beater, liar, cheater, and all-round dirtbag. Well actually the last 2 might or might not be true but the first three DEFINITELY aren't.
  • BigPoppa99
    6 years ago
    ;)) Everyone knows about me clubbing.. Doctor, money manager, and friends.
    Ain’t no shame, in my game! lol
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I think it boils down to minding your own business, and being a judgmental prick, most men that I know don’t really care unless there is something in it for them, then they seem to develop a case Schadenfreude.
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