There's been a huge turnover of people in this administration since its beginning - one can argue that it's all good as long as they end up with the right people, but it's concerning and seems it may continue to be the norm going forward.
Some of the resignations are concerning, others expected. Depends on the reason as others have said. But yes there have been quite a bit more tgan usual. Strange because POTUS seems so easy to work with.
It depends on who else is running. It also depends on her reasons for resigning. The timing is interesting - but I believe she wanted to step down months ago.
Skibum, Nikki Haley, according to OnTheIssues(dot)org:
+ Has a “Hard-on-Drugs” stance
+ Agrees with the statement “Marijuana is a gateway drug”.
Does this cause issues for you to support her for POTUS? Or does the legality of drugs not matter to you in your admitted recreation consumption of marijuana? Or does it matter, it’s just drug use is so far does the list of your priorities that you overlook that about her? (As I do with her Pro-Life stance)
Click here for the full quote on Drugs OR background on Drugs.
+ Rated C- by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
Strongly Favors topic 19:
Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-5 points on Social scale)
+ Rated C- by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance: Strongly Favors topic 19
+ STRONGLY SUPPORT means you believe: Drug use is immoral and drugs poison our youth and our society. We should fight the Drug War using all reasonable means - Just Say No!
+ SUPPORT means you believe: The Drug War is winnable if we invest enough resources. We should do whatever we have to do: More police, more border patrols, more intervention abroad, more prison terms, more prisons.
+ OPPOSE means you believe: We should have regulated decriminalization. Medical marijuana might be legalized, for example, as might clean hypodermic needles. Our drug policy should be reformed, with less criminal penalties and more drug abuse clinics.
+ STRONGLY OPPOSE means you believe: The Drug War should be ended. It has failed, condemning a 'Lost Generation' of blacks and Hispanics to prison and criminal records. End it now like we ended alcohol Prohibition, and organized crime and drug-related crime will decrease like it did when Prohibition ended. (source:… )
Domonic -- Unless I run for office I have no chance of voting for someone who believes as I do on every issue. I am a 1970's stoner, but I don't care if Marijuana is legal or not. I enjoyed the novelty of legally buying it on my 60th birthday, but the last time I didn't have my own weed to smoke was 1989. I am going to get high when I deem it appropriate, whether its legal or not. I have been smoking since it was a felony so its obvious I have never cared. Marijuana is a gateway drug, but to be fair, kids drink alcohol before weed, so that too is a gateway drug. The first gateway people pass through is cigarettes. I find the description of strongly opposed to be beyond fucking idiotic which is why I have always opposed norml. I don't let any candidate's view of abortion be part of the equation. I am in the middle: legal the first trimester; illegal except to save the life or physical well-being in the last trimester and I'd also split the middle trimester in half if we got enough people to agree on a demarcation line between fetus and child.
@flagooner she will stay on till the end of the year as they said just to sell that story, in reality she was likely pushed out by Bolton and Pompeo who iare unhappy with her views on civility, NATO, Russia, and countless other opinions that run counter to theirs.
Personally, for a long time I let my feeling of obligation to every since women who helped raise (feed, clothe, house, educate, try to provide advantages for) said that women's rights were of the utmost importance to them. I registered Republican from day one, even writing reports going back to middle school in support of Republican candidates -- Then George Voinovich for Ohio Governor. I was one of 2 out of 24 to support him over the Democrat candidate, also similar to GHWB over Michael Dukakis in '88). I admit to getting swept up into the identity politics debate after the Iraq War II.
For me it was the example that with the sole exception of my grandfather who passed when I was 5, none of my male figures in my ever measured up, not once ever. I don't even know who my father was (his name is not on my birth certificate) -- but I assure you I was born in the US and not in Kenya, ha! -- and from what I gather he was charming, very good looking, a womanizer and a serial impregnator. So I likely felt some form of Knighting or being sucked into the victimization stories being told. I admit my mistake. It is probably why I am such a sucker for the woman's narrative.
What I see is there used to be two parties. One stood for whites, male supremacy, and being conservative. The other stood for whites, male supremacy, and being liberal. At some point the latter party was hijacked by global corporate influences out side of the U.S., and won't rest until the U.S. along with much of the world resembles a third world country, where whites are a minority, and we have democracy, thereby allowing this new majority to rule over us, use the First Amendment to control the press and stop opposing critical thought, as they push all sorts of progressive policies. The first party is really the only party left to support Constitution, rule of law, etc. Sort of like how Israel can either have a state for Jewish people or a democracy but not both.
The Democratic party is sort of an interesting party after its recent transformation. I used to think it was the workers party or the working man party that supported labor. Not any more. I don't think their economic policies can help me or what is important to me or people who matter to me. It is definitely not helping structural poverty that I can see.
I thought I would have been successful by now. Or at least better off financially. Perhaps I should focus on that instead. Let's remove regulations so that I can compete. Fuck Uncle Sam.
Like Nikki Haley. She like Rubio more worried about their careers. Utter opportunist. Every job isn't about serving the country. It's about setting themselves up for their next job. Entrenched folks is right. Term limits won't fix this. They'll just job hop.
I would consider it. Im not completely opposed to Republicans since i do agree with some of their policies. It just seems like their base chooses the most despicable people. Trump, bush, McCain even though he didnt win...
I'm sorry but the idea that John McCain and George Bush are despicable and Keith Ellison, the Clintons, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi aren't, is why I am so anti- progressive that I won't support them even on things I agree with. I found the Obamas to be worse than the Trumps simply because they are no different, except for their veneer of civility. No one in history has abused the office of the Presidency more than Barrack O'bama. I voted for him the same amount of times I voted for Trump.
Txtwat don’t be giving me no breaks I agree wholeheartedly with Skibum, and the rest of the board, that you are a cunt and a complete waste of oxygen, if you were on fire I wouldn’t even waste good urine on you to put the fire out, even if I needed to take a piss. you stupid cunt
There’s an interesting article on the about Haley. It claims this is all part of a master plan for her to be President in 2024.
First, she got her foreign policy creds at the U.N. while making nice with the MAGA crowd. Now, she spends 5 years making money and schmoozing with big money donors ( the Bush and Wall Street crowd ), who buy her future influence.
Finally, she has all pieces in place to make the run.
I had a professor who told us that we should change jobs every 2-7 years. Anything less than 2 and you look like an opportunist. After 7, it looks like you are unpromoteable.
I'd like to see your professor try that in my career field. there are less than 2,000 in it working for a dozen companies. I retired after 42 years and 3 promotions. The last 15 of which I was a manager.
mark94 posted "After 7, it looks like you are unpromoteable."
I thought in your other post that everyone has a job who wants one has one. But this makes it sound like someone could set themselves up to be unpromoteable if not unemployable. I like to think I'm in the boat of I want a job but can't seem to get one.
But I would absolutely LOVE if on trumps last day of his 2nd term he "identified" as a 100% black female. Obama was only half black, so Trump would be the first 100% black president, and first ceiling shattered. And first trans president, so whatever barrier breaks there. Liberals would lose their shit, because if they don't support him, they are anti lbgtqfsxynjk, or whatever it's called now.
Nikki Haley has more real world experience than many who have run for president namely our previous prez. I'd consider supporting her if she chose to run.
Some of the resignations are concerning, others expected. Depends on the reason as others have said. But yes there have been quite a bit more tgan usual. Strange because POTUS seems so easy to work with.
+ Has a “Hard-on-Drugs” stance
+ Agrees with the statement “Marijuana is a gateway drug”.
Does this cause issues for you to support her for POTUS? Or does the legality of drugs not matter to you in your admitted recreation consumption of marijuana? Or does it matter, it’s just drug use is so far does the list of your priorities that you overlook that about her? (As I do with her Pro-Life stance)
Click here for the full quote on Drugs OR background on Drugs.
+ Rated C- by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
Strongly Favors topic 19:
Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-5 points on Social scale)
+ Rated C- by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance: Strongly Favors topic 19
Marijuana is a gateway drug
+ STRONGLY SUPPORT means you believe: Drug use is immoral and drugs poison our youth and our society. We should fight the Drug War using all reasonable means - Just Say No!
+ SUPPORT means you believe: The Drug War is winnable if we invest enough resources. We should do whatever we have to do: More police, more border patrols, more intervention abroad, more prison terms, more prisons.
+ OPPOSE means you believe: We should have regulated decriminalization. Medical marijuana might be legalized, for example, as might clean hypodermic needles. Our drug policy should be reformed, with less criminal penalties and more drug abuse clinics.
+ STRONGLY OPPOSE means you believe: The Drug War should be ended. It has failed, condemning a 'Lost Generation' of blacks and Hispanics to prison and criminal records. End it now like we ended alcohol Prohibition, and organized crime and drug-related crime will decrease like it did when Prohibition ended. (source:… )
For me it was the example that with the sole exception of my grandfather who passed when I was 5, none of my male figures in my ever measured up, not once ever. I don't even know who my father was (his name is not on my birth certificate) -- but I assure you I was born in the US and not in Kenya, ha! -- and from what I gather he was charming, very good looking, a womanizer and a serial impregnator. So I likely felt some form of Knighting or being sucked into the victimization stories being told. I admit my mistake. It is probably why I am such a sucker for the woman's narrative.
What I see is there used to be two parties. One stood for whites, male supremacy, and being conservative. The other stood for whites, male supremacy, and being liberal. At some point the latter party was hijacked by global corporate influences out side of the U.S., and won't rest until the U.S. along with much of the world resembles a third world country, where whites are a minority, and we have democracy, thereby allowing this new majority to rule over us, use the First Amendment to control the press and stop opposing critical thought, as they push all sorts of progressive policies. The first party is really the only party left to support Constitution, rule of law, etc. Sort of like how Israel can either have a state for Jewish people or a democracy but not both.
The Democratic party is sort of an interesting party after its recent transformation. I used to think it was the workers party or the working man party that supported labor. Not any more. I don't think their economic policies can help me or what is important to me or people who matter to me. It is definitely not helping structural poverty that I can see.
I thought I would have been successful by now. Or at least better off financially. Perhaps I should focus on that instead. Let's remove regulations so that I can compete. Fuck Uncle Sam.
First, she got her foreign policy creds at the U.N. while making nice with the MAGA crowd. Now, she spends 5 years making money and schmoozing with big money donors ( the Bush and Wall Street crowd ), who buy her future influence.
Finally, she has all pieces in place to make the run.
I thought in your other post that everyone has a job who wants one has one. But this makes it sound like someone could set themselves up to be unpromoteable if not unemployable. I like to think I'm in the boat of I want a job but can't seem to get one.
...since Pence is hated by everyone on left and right.
But I would absolutely LOVE if on trumps last day of his 2nd term he "identified" as a 100% black female. Obama was only half black, so Trump would be the first 100% black president, and first ceiling shattered. And first trans president, so whatever barrier breaks there. Liberals would lose their shit, because if they don't support him, they are anti lbgtqfsxynjk, or whatever it's called now.