
Dumbassed monger forum

I entered the dragon and was never the same
This is the place where all idiots can talk about cumming in their pants while i fuck my chicas


  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    I get it. Ldk is stupid but in some areas thats the best they can do. I dont think not going to the sc/not ldk'ing is going to change anything and not everyone has the luxury of going to tj just for pussy. Of course some ldk'ers are just to cheap to pay a hoe anything more than they would spend on a ldk but i think most do it because they cant do any better.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Front room DFKing still sometimes can happen in clubs with no back room. Of course, great for setting up OTC.

    In clubs with mid mileage levels, best is to DATY dancers in the booths. They are very responsive and they love it. Excellent to prime the girl for OTC, and she will instinctively note that your load has been saved for her.

    Otherwise, find other clubs, find ways to get other kinds of clubs opened.

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @chessmaster i know u.s laws are bullshit they arrested girls at a strip club in louisville for prostitution! I hate the us and their laws! Good place to work good medical care thats about it! Our government and alot of it's laws are embarrassing! These bullshit prostitution laws have to go! People call mexico a thirld world country? They have it right all of our racism and bulldhit laws and they wonder why some people wont stand and salute the national anthem at nfl games? Damn i wonder why? It is not what people have died for this country or our founding fathers would have wanted
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    There have long been two sides to the issue here on TUSCL. But with persons like yourself going to TJ Countryman, the intensity of the division has been raised. Some guys are clearly really angry.

    My position has always been pro-DFKing, and in the front room where it can be a totally unstructured interaction, and then against the idea of dances and against ejaculation services.

    You pick the girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with.

    Lap dancing used to mean lap sitting. Dances was an idea invented when the Mafia followed by Deja Vu came into San Francisco. And this only happened because Jim and Artie Mitchell had established the legality of lap dancing by going through a felony jury trial.

    Highly recommended by anyone with any interest in strip clubs or civil liberties:

  • SanchoRG
    6 years ago
    I’d rather LDK with a 10 than fuck a 7
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Why? And why even use that 1 - 10 scale. Find a girl you actually like. Find one you want to be waking up in the mornings with.

  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    "I’d rather LDK with a 10 than fuck a 7"

    Really??? I mean a 7 aint bad to me. Now i would rather ldk a 7 than fuck a 3 or 4(shouldn't be dancing in that case). Also no such thing as 10s.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Identify the girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with, then approach her. If in a strip club, be generous. Chat her up, come onto her. The sooner DFKing can ensue the better.

  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    ^^The same politicians who sexually harass, grope and fondle women and secretly pay for sex on the side, cheating on their wives while espousing holier-than-thou pious, self-righteous bullshit.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I wish the people that hated this country would just shut the fuck up and leave. Nothing worse than a whiny male bitch.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I try not to tell people that they're having fun wrong. There's exceptions, but if it's not hurting anyone then... (shrug).
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Skibum609 nothing worse than the inbred shit hole called Massachusetts you couldn't pay me to live there everyone there is the result of over years of puritan inbreeding! You can take tske your state and shove it up your ass!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Skibum 609 i hate this country's laws and stupud fuckheads like you who think our bullshit president our our laws are ok! We have a racist scumbag president and you think it's ok and i should leave this country fuck you! I have paid taxes all my life and vote in every election! I have the right to bitch all i want to and there is nothing you can do about it! Freedom of speech is one of the very few rights are country hasn't taken away
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Countryman and anyone who has been making out with strippers, front room, back room, or OTC, any evidence that they find it 'disgusting'?

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @sjg not at all been to tj 2 and have six numbers and they all text me! The power of the front room makeout session is unparelled
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So what would you say about a strip club chain which runs of the premise that they are grossed out by the idea of making out with customers?

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Yes, prevent it from happening by convincing some of the women that this is in their interest.

    "It's the women's rule" about no touching and certainly no kissing in the front room. Spoken to me by a beautiful very tall and stunning painted up hottie in DV San Francisco.

    Now true, she would be demonstrably reversing her "I don't kiss" position not too much further along, and after getting DATYed. And were it today, I would quickly proceed to OTC. But DV is still making it really hard. And the whole experience did end up costing more money than I had ever imagined possible.

    These places are the modern versions of clip joints. I would never set foot in a DV club if there is a better option available. But today in San Francisco they control most everything. And it was under their ownership that the most off-the-hook club closed down.

    San Francisco did not used to be like that.

  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    I wish the closet pedophiles who fuck their dogs in the ass with their 3-inch dicks like @skibunghole would leave our country.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    You took what you learned in TJ and brought it back home to KY. It was in how you approached and engaged with her, how you talked to her and what you talked to her about, and how you gave priority to free form front room fraternizing, over 'dances".




    Don McLean - American Pie
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
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